Create New Project dialog box

The Create New Project dialog box presents several pages where you specify properties, template, and other details about a new project. These pages also appear when the dialog box is invoked in Administration to mark an existing repository folder as a project.

Basics page


Specify a unique identifier for your new project. Characters are restricted to: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, underscore, dash, and period. No spaces.


Specify the Repository folder to be the root of the new project. If this will be child of an existing folder, specify that folder. For example, to specify a new project folder under the existing Sandbox folder, you would enter Sandbox/MyNewProject/.

Icon: SVN Picker

Click to launch the SVN Picker dialog box to pick an existing repository folder as parent of your new project's folder. Folder name selected will be appended in the Location field.


Read-only field showing the full repository path to your new project's root folder. Field changes as you type in the Location field.

Tracker Prefix

Specify a short string to be used as a prefix to the IDs of new Work Items created in the project.


This prefix should be unique to your Polarion system. If it is duplicated, then citations of Work Item IDs in commit comments may cause the revision to be linked to the wrong item in the wrong project. For example, if two projects use the default prefix WI, there could be two Work Items in the system with WI-3 as the ID. Then if a developer references WI-3 in a commit message in an external SVN client, the revision will be linked to the first Work Item found by the system having that ID, which may or may not be the right one.

Template page

This page enables you to choose a project template on which to base the new project. Project templates may provide any or all of various system configurations, workflow, repository folder structure, Documents, Work Items, report Pages shortcuts, etc. — all customized to support a particular type of project.

Only templates enabled by your system configuration and supported by your license appear in the Create New Project dialog box. For a listing of the default project templates, see: Default Project Templates.

Summary page

This page displays a read-only summary the details you have specified for the new project up to this point. You have the opportunity to make changes before the project is created in the system. Click Previous to go back and make any changes. When you are satisfied with the details, click Next to begin creating the new project in the system.

Creation page

This page displays a progress indicator while the project is being created, and an alert when the operation is finished. If any error occurred, it is reported here. When the page reports Project created, click Next.

Details page


The name of the project that appears to all users in the Open Project or Project Group dialog box.


The project's ID. Read-only.


Name of the project leader. Default value for a new project is the current user, who is creating the project. You can select a different name from a list of users. If the user you want to specify is not listed, possibly the person does not have a Polarion user account, or their account does not have the necessary permissions. You can safely skip this and specify a project leader later on in the project Administration interface.


Flags whether or not this project is actively under development. Default for a new project is the selected state (true). If the new project will only be active later on, you can deselect this option and enable it later on in the project Administration interface.


The date on which work will begin, or work began, if you have marked an existing code base as a Polarion project. Default value for a new project is the current date. Click the calendar icon to pick a date. If not known, it is safe to skip and specify a date later on in the project Administration interface.


The date on which the project is scheduled to finish. Click the calendar icon to pick a date. If not known, it is safe to skip and specify a date later on in the project Administration interface.


The URL of the project's root in the repository. Read-only.


Enter free-form text describing the project. This can be helpful to new team members, managers, and other stakeholders.