Remove unused Excel Import Configurations

If some Excel Import Configurations become disused or obsolete over time, they can be removed using the Repository Browser. Import configuration may be saved the global/repository scope or in the scope of some project. Deleting an Excel Import Configuration does not require administrator permissions, but the user performing the removal must have permissions to delete content from the repository in the relevant scope.

  1. Open Repository or a project.

  2. In Navigation, select Repository Browser.


    If Navigation is collapsed and the topic is not visible, click Expand to reveal it.

  3. In the Repository Browser page, navigate to directory .polarion/tracker/import_configurations/excel.

    The folder opens and the page displays and XML file for each saved import configuration.


    If the excel directory is not present, then there are no Excel Import Configurations saved in the current scope.

  4. Select the check box on the row of each import configuration you want to delete.

  5. Click the Delete selected elements icon.

  6. Enter a commit comment and click OK.


    There is no Undo available, so be sure you are deleting what you want deleted.

  7. The selected Excel Import Configurations are deleted from the repository.


By default, there are also repository folders containing import configurations for Microsoft Word (folder word) and Microsoft Project (folder msproject). Import configuration files in these folders can be deleted in the same way. However, it is recommended that you only delete user-created configuration files and keep the default ones so they can be reused as templates for any future custom import configurations.