Copy a Diagram

If you want to copy an existing diagram to another Document, to another place in the same Document for subsequent modification, or to a Work Item, you should copy the diagram source code to your clipboard and paste it into a new diagram. Do not copy the diagram image, as it will not be editable in the new location.

Copy the Diagram's source code

  1. In the Diagram Editor menu, choose FileEdit Source to launch the source code editor dialog box.

  2. Select the entire source code in the dialog box, copy it to your clipboard, and click the Cancel button.

Create a copy of the Diagram

  1. Open the Document or Work Item in which you want to create a copy of the first diagram, and create a new diagram.

  2. In the new diagram, in the Diagram Editor menu, FileEdit Source to launch the source code editor dialog box.

  3. In the source code editor, paste the previously copied source code from your clipboard making sure you replace all the code that appears there when you open the source code editor dialog box.

  4. Make sure the Replace existing drawing option is selected in the dialog and click OK button.