Introduction to Widgets


If you don't know how to Edit Pages, you should read up on that first before diving into Widgets.

Widgets are the building blocks of reports. You insert Widgets into Pages and set their parameters to make them show the information you want in the report. You can place Widgets into any region in a Page. Widgets, combined with the layout and rich text editing features of Pages, enable you to build useful and good-looking reports that users can print or export to PDF.

When you place a Widget into a page, you see some graphical rendering of it but no data. In order to make the Widget perform its intended function, you must edit its parameters in the Parameters sidebar. Each Widget has its own set of Parameters that work together to retrieve and render information. There are several commonly used Widgets that are best illustrated in an example of a simple table of project Work Items. Many of the parameters are applicable for charts as well.

There are three main categories of Widgets:

  • Chart Widgets retrieve and display project data as some type of chart.

  • Utility widgets provide data tables, object counts, and interactivity for report users.

  • Scripting widgets provide programmers the means to implement custom functionality in reports.

The Widgets sidebar is organized into several categories containing groups of related Widgets - scripting, for example. (The Categories can be customized by a developer.)


You can see a brief description of each of the available Widgets in the Widgets sidebar by hovering your pointer over each one.