Distance control

Click this and select a Method object in the dialog Select Object. Enter the source code of the distance control. The Transporter, for which you entered the distance control, calls it when it gets closer to any other MU than the Distance you enter. Plant Simulationcalls the control when the distance becomes too small and when it becomes too great.

Instead, you can also right-click in the text box. Then, select Create Control on the context menu to create a control method, which is a user-defined attribute of data type method of this object:

  • Enter a meaningful name into the text box and select Create Control. Plant Simulation then inserts self.Name_you_entered_for_the_control, such as self.DistanceControl. Or

  • Select Create Control. Plant Simulation then inserts self.OnDistance.

    Enter the source code of this control into the Method that opens.

  • To delete this control, delete the user-defined attribute; deleting the name from the text box just deletes the name, but keeps the user-defined attribute.


    To open the dialog of the object, whose name you entered into the text box, press the F2 key.


The parameter distanceIsBelowLimit is true when the distance becomes too small. It is false when the distance becomes too great.

The standard distance control looks like this:

The anonymous identifier ? designates the part (MU) for which you entered the distance control and the distance. The anonymous identifier @ designates the part (MU) for which the distance became too great or too small. At the point in time at which the distance control is called @ is located in front of ? in the direction of motion of ?.

For tugger trains you have to enter the control into the tractor. When a tugger train falls below the Distance you entered, the distance control of the tractor will be triggered. Within the control method the anonymous identifier @ is the MU to which the distance is too small, while the anonymous identifier ? designates the tractor of the train.



Related Topic

Create and Work with a Distance Control


Enter the distance from which on the Transporter calls the Distance control to prevent the MUs from getting too close to each other or from moving away too far from each other. You can enter a value greater than 0.



Related Topic

Create and Work with a Distance Control