Animation Ribbon Tab

The Animation ribbon tab of the Icon Editor provides these commands.


Looks like this

Method or Attribute


Zoom In

Zoom Out

Add/Remove Animation Point



Add/Remove Animation Line



Add/Remove Animation Polyline



Move Animation Point


Delete All

Link Animation Point



Set Animation Events


Show Animation Numbers

Inherit Animation Structures

Apply Changes


The other tabs on the Ribbon Bar provide additional commands pertaining to the Icon Editor.

Proceed as follows to add animation points or animation structures to the objects in your simulation model:

  • To insert an animation point into the icon of a point-oriented object, click Add/Remove Animation Point .Then, click into the drawing area with the left mouse button at the location of your new animation point.

  • To insert a straight animation line into the icon of a length-oriented object, click Add/Remove Animation Line . Then, click into the drawing area with the left mouse button, hold the mouse button down to insert the beginning of the line, drag the mouse to the end point of the line and release the mouse button.

  • To insert a non-straight animation line into the icon of a length-oriented object, click Add/Remove Animation Polyline .Then,click once into the drawing area with the left mouse button to set the starting point of the line, drag the mouse to the location of the next anchor point and click again to insert it. Plant Simulation connects the anchor points to create the line. Continue this until the polygonal chain meets your needs.

  • To move an animation point or an animation line to a different location, click Move Animation Point .

    These colors represent the different states of an animation point:

  • Blue: Is the standard color for all objects, except for the Frame. For a Frame Plant Simulation shows that the animation point is linked to an object located within that Frame.

  • Light blue: Is the same as blue. In addition it shows that an animation point of a Frame is linked to this animation point.

  • Red: The animation point in a Frame is not linked to an object located within that Frame. For this reason Plant Simulation does not show an animation for this point.

Related Topics

Set and Link Animation Points and Animation Lines

Move Animation Point

Animation Ribbon Tab

Link Animation Point

Add/Remove Animation Point

Inherit Animation Structures

Add/Remove Animation Line

Show Animation Numbers

Add/Remove Animation Polyline