The Absolute Path

The absolute path is formed by adding up all names beginning with the top-level folder and the Frame in the Class Library until it reaches the object of your choice.

The absolute path starts with a period—standing for the Class Library—followed by the name of the folder and top-level Frame. Then a period and a name alternate until you reach the desired object, which again is preceded by a period:


You might, for example, use the absolute path for a control method. This method might always execute certain actions before starting a simulation run, and which never change. Then it makes sense to add this method to the Class Library and reference it using its absolute path that never changes.

You also have to use the absolute path for MUs when you model a complex station, for example a receiving station of a plant with one or more Sources.

If, on the other hand, you want to use the same method, but with different source code, in instantiated Frames, you will use The Relative Path, to make sure that each Frame finds the method where you programmed actions specific to this Frame.

To insert the absolute path of the object into a text box with drag and drop, hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys.

Related Topics

The Relative Path

Object Reference