setRoute (Part, Container)



The method setRoute sends the Part/Container to its destination on the objects, which you enter into the first column of a table.

If the last object to be reached is not the destination object of the Part/Container, Plant Simulation automatically adds the destination object to the route.

When the Part/Container leaves the route specified on the table because an exit control moves the Part/Container onto another successor, automatic routing becomes effective again immediately afterwards.

The method setRoute also accepts material flow objects other than objects of type Track. When assigning a route, which contains such objects with setRoute, then the Part/Container passes these objects on its way to the destination. While automatically computing a route, Plant Simulation only takes Conveyors into consideration.


The parameter ObjectsToDestination of data type table designates the name of the table. The objects along the route are contained in the first column of data type object.

Instead the parameter ObjectsToDestination can also be an array of data type object that contains all objects along the route.



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Route to Destination
