XDim (Container)



The attribute XDim sets the dimension of the net of coordinates along the x-axis on which the different stations on the loading space are located. The capacity of the Container is XDim times YDim times ZDim. The greatest allowed value is one million.

When you decrease the dimension of the Container, make sure that no MUs are located on the storage places that will be deleted by this action! Either delete these MUs or move them to another storage place on the smaller loading space.

Plant Simulation calculates the distance between the animation points as follows:

  • Distance in the x-direction (horizontal) is the length in pixels of the loaded object divided by the x-dimension.

  • Distance in the y-direction (vertical) is the width in pixels of the loaded object divided by the y-dimension.


For determining the size in pixels, compare the Scaling Factor.

If either the distance in the x-direction or in the y-direction is smaller than 4 pixels, Plant Simulation does not show any MUs at all but draws a pattern to signify that the object is not empty.

As long as the loading space is half empty, Plant Simulation shows a hatch pattern. If the loading space is more than half full, Plant Simulation shows a checker pattern.

Half empty loading space

More than half full loading space

Data Type of the Value You Can Assign

You can assign a value of data type integer.


.MUs.Container.XDim := 3

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