Solid Edge Framework Type Library
ReviseToTeamCenter Method
Specifies the item-id of the item
Specifies the item-rev of the item
DataSetName of the file
Revision Rule of the file
Name of the folder where the new file supposed to save

Returns an array of following

1.Old ItemID and new ItemID
2.Old Revision and New Revision
3.Old Filename and New Filename

Create a new revision of a file
Visual Basic
Public Sub ReviseToTeamCenter( _
   ByVal bstrItemId As String, _
   ByVal bstrItemRev As String, _
   ByVal bstrDataSetFileName As String, _
   ByVal bstrRevisionRule As String, _
   ByVal bstrFolderName As String, _
   ByRef pvarListOldAndNewItemIDRevsFileNames As Variant _
Specifies the item-id of the item
Specifies the item-rev of the item
DataSetName of the file
Revision Rule of the file
Name of the folder where the new file supposed to save

Returns an array of following

1.Old ItemID and new ItemID
2.Old Revision and New Revision
3.Old Filename and New Filename

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim objApplication As SolidEdgeFramework.Application
    Dim objSolidEdgeTCE As SolidEdgeFramework.SolidEdgeTCE
    Dim objListFileNames as Object = Nothing
    Set objApplication = GetObject(, "SolidEdge.Application")
    Set objSolidEdgeTCE = objApplication.SolidEdgeTCE

    Dim FileItemID As String
    Dim FileItemRevID As String
    Dim FileDataSetName As String
    Dim FileRevisionRule As String
    Dim FolderName As String
    FileItemID = "020670"
    FileItemRevID = "A"
    FileDataSetName = "020670.par"
    FileRevisionRule = ""
    FolderName = ""
    Call objSolidEdgeTCE.ReviseToTeamCenter(FileItemID, FileItemRevID, FileDataSetName, FileRevisionRule, FolderName, objListFileNames)

    Set objSolidEdgeTCE = Nothing
    Set objApplication = Nothing
End Sub
See Also

SolidEdgeTCE Object  | SolidEdgeTCE Members  | Solid Edge ST - What's New