Solid Edge Framework Type Library
SESP_GetItemAndRevisionNo Method
Specify existing Item Content Type as string. e.g "Part"
Specify existing Item Content Type as string. e.g "Part-Revision"
Returns generated Item ID.
Returns Item Revision as string.
This method will generate the Item ID and Revision ID with the inputs being Item Content Type and Item Revision Content Type.
Visual Basic
Public Sub SESP_GetItemAndRevisionNo( _
   ByVal bstrItemContentType As String, _
   ByVal bstrItemRevContentType As String, _
   ByRef bstrPartno As String, _
   ByRef bstrPartRevno As String _
Specify existing Item Content Type as string. e.g "Part"
Specify existing Item Content Type as string. e.g "Part-Revision"
Returns generated Item ID.
Returns Item Revision as string.
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Public Class Form1

    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim objSESP As SolidEdgeFramework.SolidEdgeInsightXT = Nothing     'Note the existence of the InsightXT nonenclature
        Dim objSEApp As SolidEdgeFramework.Application = Nothing

        'hook up the to SESP automation object
        objSEApp = GetObject(, "SolidEdge.Application")
        objSESP = objSEApp.SolidEdgeInsightXT

        'are we currenlty in SESP manged mode or not?
        Dim blnSESPMode As Boolean = False

            If blnSESPMode = True Then
                Dim strPartNumber As String = "PRT-00581"
                Dim strRevisionNumber As String = "A"
                Dim blnFileExists As Boolean = False
                Dim ListOfFileNamesInPartRevision As Object = Nothing

                Dim ListOfLinkedFileNames(0 To 1) As Object
                Dim intnumberofFiles As Integer = 0
                Dim dwDownloadOption As Integer = 0
                Dim bstrItemContentType As String
                Dim bstrItemRevContentType As String
                Dim bstrItemId As String = String.Empty
                Dim bstrItemRev As String = String.Empty

                objSESP.DoesInsightXTFileExists(strPartNumber, strRevisionNumber, blnFileExists)
                If blnFileExists = True Then
                    objSESP.GetListOfFilesFromInsightXTServer(strPartNumber, strRevisionNumber, ListOfFileNamesInPartRevision, intnumberofFiles)
                    If intnumberofFiles > 0 Then
                        'loop through the array to fine the SE document help in the part revision
                        Dim ii As Integer = 0
                        For ii = 1 To intnumberofFiles
                            Dim strFilename As String = ListOfFileNamesInPartRevision(ii - 1)
                            If oIsSolidEdgeAssemblylFile(strFilename) = True Then
                                objSESP.DownladDocumentsFromServerWithOptions(strPartNumber, strRevisionNumber, strFilename, "Latest", "", True, True, dwDownloadOption, ListOfLinkedFileNames)
                                'now open the file from the cache folder
                                Dim strCachePath As String = String.Empty
                                objSEApp.Documents.Open(strCachePath + "\" + ListOfFileNamesInPartRevision(ii - 1))
                                bstrItemContentType = "Part"
                                bstrItemRevContentType = "Part-Revision"
                                objSESP.SESP_GetItemAndRevisionNo(bstrItemContentType, bstrItemRevContentType, bstrItemId, bstrItemRev)                              
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        Next ii

                        Do While objSEApp.Documents.Count <> 0
                            objSEApp.ActiveDocument.close()  'close checks in the document.... if option is set!

                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub
End Class
See Also

SolidEdgeInsightXT Object  | SolidEdgeInsightXT Members