Solid Edge Constants Type Library
StandardOLEVerbConstants Enumeration
Predefined Values for Standard OLE Verbs
igOLEDiscardUndoState-6Used when the object is activated for editing to discard all record of changes that the object's application can undo.
igOLEHide-3For embedded objects, hides the application that created the object.
igOLEInPlaceActivate-5If the user moves the focus to the OLE container control, creates a window for the object and prepares the object to be edited. An error occurs if the object doesn't support activation on a single mouse click.
igOLEOpen-2Opens the object in a separate application window. If the application that created the object supports in-place activation, the object is activated in its own window.l
igOLEPrimary0The default action for the object.
igOLEShow-1Activates the object for editing. If the application that created the object supports in-place activation, the object is activated within the OLE container control.
igOLEUIActivate-4If the object supports in-place activation, activates the object and shows any user interface tools. Otherwise, the object doesn't activate and an error occurs