UF_UDOBJ_owned_object_selection_e (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Also known as:
The default behavior is not to allow selection of owned objects. If you pick
an owned object, the UDO object is actually selected. If the owning UDO
object is not eligible to be selected, then the owned object can not be

The UDO can be changed to allow the selection of an owned object. In this
case picking of the owned object will select the owned object and activate
the up one level button, if the owning UDO is eligible for selection. Now
the owning UDO can be selected using this button. If the UDO is not eligible
for selection, picking of the owned object will select the owned object only.

The selection behavior of the UDO class can be changed by using the routine:

UDO's can own other UDO's. So you can have the chain:

UDO1 owns UDO2 owns UDO3 owns point1

For a detailed discussion, please see Selection of UDO's that own other UDO's

Interactively selecting owned objects for deletion is specifically disabled.
So even if the UDO class is set for UF_UDOBJ_ALLOW_SELECTION, owned objects
can not be interactively selected for delete through Edit->delete.

If the owned object is a solid, then the solid may still be selected through
modeling selection where a feature list is presented to the user. So for
example, it may be deleted through Edit->Feature->Delete Feature. This is
because ultimately modeling is in control of all solid bodies.

Data Members

Owned objects can not be selected.
Selection of the owned object results in
the UDO being selected. If the UDO is
not selectable, the owned object will not
be eligible for selection.

Owned objects can be selected. If the
UDO is selectable, then selecting the
owned object will select it and activate
the Up One Level button. If the UDO is
not selectable, then the owned object may
be selected.


UF_UDOBJ_query_class_id_e (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Also known as:

Data Members

The class id can not be found by the name.

Given the name of the class, the class id
can be found using UF_UDOBJ_ask_class_id_of_name