UF_UDOBJ_add_areas (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Adds area data to the convertible data area. Any number of doubles
can be added to the areas array. Each double represents a unit of
area. These calls are cumulative, if you make one call to add two
areas, and then a second call to add three areas, you will end up
with 5 areas on the UDO, and UF_UDOBJ_edit_areas would expect you
to pass in 5 elements.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_add_areas
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int num_areas,
double * areas
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag for the UDO
unsigned intnum_areasInputThe number of areas to add.
double *areasInputThe area data to add to the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_add_doubles (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Adds doubles to the free form data area of an UDO. Any number of
valid double elements can be added. These calls are cumulative, if you
make one call to add two doubles, and then a second call to add three
doubles, you will end up with 5 doubles on the UDO, and UF_UDOBJ_edit_doubles
would expect you to pass in 5 elements.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_add_doubles
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int num_doubles,
double * doubles
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag for the UDO
unsigned intnum_doublesInputThe number of doubles to add.
double *doublesInputThe doubles to add to the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_add_integers (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Adds integers to the free form data area of an UDO. Any number of
valid integer elements can be added. These calls are cumulative, if you
make one call to add two integers, and then a second call to add three
integers, you will end up with 5 integers on the UDO, and UF_UDOBJ_edit_integers
would expect you to pass in 5 elements.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_add_integers
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int num_ints,
int * ints
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag for the UDO
unsigned intnum_intsInputThe number of integers to add.
int *intsInputThe integers to add to the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_add_lengths (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Adds length data to the convertible data area. Any number of doubles
can be added to the lengths array. Each double represents a unit of
length. These calls are cumulative, if you make one call to add two
lengths, and then a second call to add three lengths, you will end up
with 5 lengths on the UDO, and UF_UDOBJ_edit_lengths would expect you
to pass in 5 elements.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_add_lengths
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int num_lengths,
double * lengths
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag for the UDO
unsigned intnum_lengthsInputThe number of lengths to add.
double *lengthsInputThe length data to add to the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_add_links (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Adds a link to the specified NX objects defined by the
link_defs[ ] array.
Links cannot be cyclical. Also, a type 2 link cannot be used to link
UDOs to features, solid faces, or solid edges. You can only link to
objects found in uf_object_types.h. These calls are cumulative, if
you make one call to add two links, and then a second call to add three
links, you will end up with 5 links on the UDO, and UF_UDOBJ_edit_links
would expect you to pass in 5 elements.

The order in which NX objects are passed into this routine is NOT preserved.
So, no assumptions should be made in this regard.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_add_links
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int num_links,
UF_UDOBJ_link_t link_defs [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag for the UDO
unsigned intnum_linksInputThe number of objects to link to the UDO.
UF_UDOBJ_link_tlink_defs [ ] InputThe link types and the associated NX objects to
link to.


UF_UDOBJ_add_owning_links (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Adds objects by owning links to a UDO. These calls are cumulative, if
you make one call to add two links, and then a second call to add three
links, you will end up with 5 links on the UDO.

If the udo_tag is a UDO Feature, then the array of input tags can not include
any solids, faces, edges, sheets or features. The array of tags should only
be wireframe data.

The order in which NX objects are passed into this routine is NOT preserved.
So, no assumptions should be made in this regard.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_add_owning_links
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int num_links,
tag_t ug_objs [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO to which to add owning links.
unsigned intnum_linksInputThe number of objects to link to the UDO by owning
tag_tug_objs [ ] InputAn array of tags of objects to link to the UDO by owning links.


UF_UDOBJ_add_strings (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Adds strings to the free form data area of an UDO. Any number of
valid null terminated string elements can be added. These calls are cumulative,
if you make one call to add two strings, and then a second call to add three
strings, you will end up with 5 strings on the UDO, and UF_UDOBJ_edit_strings
would expect you to pass in 5 elements.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_add_strings
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int num_strings,
char * strings [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag for the UDO
unsigned intnum_stringsInputThe number of strings to add.
char *strings [ ] InputThe strings to add to the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_add_volumes (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Adds volume data to the convertible data area. Any number of
doubles can be added to the volumes array. Each double represents a
unit of volume. These calls are cumulative, if you make one call to add two
volumes, and then a second call to add three volumes, you will end up
with 5 volumes on the UDO, and UF_UDOBJ_edit_areas would expect you
to pass in 5 elements.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_add_volumes
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int num_volumes,
double * volumes
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag for the UDO
unsigned intnum_volumesInputThe number of volumes to add.
double *volumesInputThe volume data to add to the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_ask_class_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Finds both the class name and the user friendly name for the specified
class identifier. The friendly_name appears in the class selection dialog
if it is enabled.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_class_data
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
char * * class_name,
char * * friendly_name
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created class.
char * *class_nameOutput to UF_*free*The name of the class of UDOs. Use UF_free to
deallocate memory when done.
char * *friendly_nameOutput to UF_*free*The user-friendly class name. Use UF_free to
deallocate memory when done.


UF_UDOBJ_ask_class_id_of_name (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Finds the class id associated with the given class name.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_class_id_of_name
const char * class_name,
UF_UDOBJ_class_t * class_id
const char *class_nameInputName of a udo class - NOTE: do not use the
"friendly" class name
UF_UDOBJ_class_t *class_idOutputClass id associated with the given class name


UF_UDOBJ_ask_owned_objects (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Queries the number of associated NX objects that have owning links
to the specified UDO.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_owned_objects
tag_t udo_tag,
int* num_owned_objects,
tag_t* * owned_objects
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO to query
int*num_owned_objectsOutputThe number of NX objects linked to the UDO
by owning links.
tag_t* *owned_objectsOutput to UF_*free*An array of tags of NX objects linked to the
UDO by owning links.


UF_UDOBJ_ask_owning_udo (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Queries if the specified NX object is linked to a UDO by an owning
link. Returns the tag of the UDO with the owning link. Returns
NULL_TAG if there is no UDO with an owning link to the specified
NX object.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_owning_udo
tag_t obj_tag,
tag_t* udo_tag
tag_tobj_tagInputThe tag of the NX object to query
tag_t*udo_tagOutputThe tag of the UDO which has an owning link
to the specified NX object.


UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_class_name (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Finds the class name associated with the UDO.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_class_name
tag_t udo_tag,
char * * udo_class_name
tag_tudo_tagInputTag for the UDO.
char * *udo_class_nameOutput to UF_*free*The class name assigned to the UDO. Ensure
the memory is freed using UF_free once the
information is no longer needed.


UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Finds all of the data associated with an UDO and returns it in the
data structure UF_UDOBJ_all_data_s. The order of the links returned by this
routine need not match with the order in which they are created through
UF_UDOBJ_add_links or UF_UDOBJ_add_owning_links. No assumptions should be made
in this regard.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data
tag_t udo_tag,
UF_UDOBJ_all_data_t * all_data
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag for the UDO
UF_UDOBJ_all_data_t *all_dataOutput to UF_*free*All of the data associated with the UDO. The
structure that this points to becomes fully
populated following this call. Certain structure
members must be freed when no longer needed.
This can be freed by calling


UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_feature_of_udo (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Inquires the UDO feature tag of the input UDO object. A UDO
object may have only one UDO feature associated to it.

Internal & External

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_feature_of_udo
tag_t udo_tag,
tag_t * udo_feature_tag
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO object whose
feature we are returning.
tag_t *udo_feature_tagOutputThe tag of the UDO feature of
the input object. NULL_TAG will
be returned if there is no UDO
feature for the input object.


UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_links_to_obj (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Finds all of the UDO links to a particular NX object.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_links_to_obj
tag_t ug_tag,
int * num_links,
UF_UDOBJ_link_t * * udo_links
tag_tug_tagInputThe tag of the NX object for which to retrieve
the UDO links.
int *num_linksOutputThe number of UDO links associated with the
NX object.
UF_UDOBJ_link_t * *udo_linksOutput to UF_*free*The links between UDOs and the NX object.
Note that the member element
udo_links[i].assoc_ug_tag will be the tag of
the i+1 UDO that links to this object.
When done, use UF_free to deallocate memory
for these links.


UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_of_udo_feature (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Inquires the tag of the UDO object that is associated to the input
UDO feature

Internal & External

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_of_udo_feature
tag_t udo_feature_tag,
tag_t * udo_tag
tag_tudo_feature_tagInputThe tag of the UDO feature whose
UDO object we are returning.
tag_t *udo_tagOutputThe tag of the UDO object of the
input object.


UF_UDOBJ_clear_link_status (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Clears the link status of a UDO.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_clear_link_status
tag_t udo_tag,
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_t link_to_clear
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose link's status is to be cleared.
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_tlink_to_clearInputThe link whose status is to be cleared.


UF_UDOBJ_clear_udo_status (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Clears the out-of-date indicator of an UDO.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_clear_udo_status
tag_t udo_tag
tag_tudo_tagInputTag for the UDO whose out-of-date indicator
is to be cleared.


UF_UDOBJ_create_class (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Creates the class, given a class name, and friendly name for a
particular type of UDO. Returns a class identifier which is used by
UF_UDOBJ_create_udo to create the UDO and return its tag.
UF_UI_add_to_class_sel can be used to enable the friendly name on the
class selection dialog.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_create_class
const char * class_name,
const char * friendly_name,
UF_UDOBJ_class_t * class_id
const char *class_nameInputThe class name for the particular type of User
Defined Object.
const char *friendly_nameInputA user-friendly name that appears in the class
selection dialog (if enabled) and in other
locations where a name is useful.
UF_UDOBJ_class_t *class_idOutputThe class identifier. This identifier is not
persistent across NX sessions nor is it stored in
NX part files.


UF_UDOBJ_create_udo (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Creates a UDO of the class specified by the input class identifier. This
creates a UDO "template" with a name and status. Note that creating a UDO
will not display the UDO. This is so that you can add data that your display
routines may need prior to the UDO being displayed. When the UDO has been
fully created, call UF_DISP_add_item_to_display to actually display the UDO.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_create_udo
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
tag_t * udo_tag
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
tag_t *udo_tagOutputThe tag for the UDO


UF_UDOBJ_create_udo_feature (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Creates both a UDO object and a UDO feature from an existing
class identifier. Note that UF_MODL_update() must be called to complete the
creation of the UDO feature and have it appear in the Model Navigation Tool.

Internal & External

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_create_udo_feature
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
tag_t * udo_tag,
tag_t * udo_feature_tag
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from
a previously created class
tag_t *udo_tagOutputThe tag for the UDO
tag_t *udo_feature_tagOutputThe tag for the UDO feature


UF_UDOBJ_create_udo_feature_from_udo (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Creates a UDO feature associated with a UDO object and returns
the tag of the newly created feature. This function returns an error if
you attempt to create a UDO feature for a UDO object which is
already associated to a UDO feature.

Internal & External

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_create_udo_feature_from_udo
tag_t udo_tag,
tag_t * udo_feature_tag
tag_tudo_tagInputThe UDO to create the UDO
feature from
tag_t *udo_feature_tagOutputThe newly created UDO feature


UF_UDOBJ_cycle_udos_by_class (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Cycles the UDOs in the part with the specified input tag. Input a
NULL_TAG to start the cycle. The cycle ends when a NULL_TAG
is returned.

Do not attempt to delete objects when cycling the database in a loop. Problems
can occur when trying to read the next object when the current object has been
deleted. To delete objects, save an array with the objects in it, and then
when you have completed cycling, use UF_OBJ_delete_array_of_objects to delete
the saved array of objects.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_cycle_udos_by_class
tag_t part_tag,
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
tag_t * udo_tag
tag_tpart_tagInputThe part in which to cycle UDOs.
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe UDO class to cycle.
tag_t *udo_tagInput / OutputThe UDO found. The cycle starts and ends with
a NULL_TAG. The tag from the previous cycle
should be input for the next cycle.


UF_UDOBJ_delete_areas (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Deletes the convertible areas area of a UDO starting at the
designated location and concluding with the specified numbers of
areas to delete.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_delete_areas
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int start_loc,
unsigned int num_to_delete
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose areas are to be
unsigned intstart_locInputThe location within the UDO area values to
start deleting from. Valid values are 1 through
the number of areas in the UDO.
unsigned intnum_to_deleteInputThe numbers of areas to delete.


UF_UDOBJ_delete_doubles (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Deletes the free form doubles area of a UDO starting at the
designated location and concluding with the specified numbers of
doubles to delete.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_delete_doubles
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int start_loc,
unsigned int num_to_delete
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose doubles are to be
unsigned intstart_locInputThe location within the UDO double area to
start deleting from. Valid values are 1 through
the number of doubles in the UDO.
unsigned intnum_to_deleteInputThe numbers of doubles to delete.


UF_UDOBJ_delete_integers (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Deletes the free form integer area of a UDO starting at the
designated location and concluding with the specified numbers of
integers to delete.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_delete_integers
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int start_loc,
unsigned int num_to_delete
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose integers are to be deleted.
unsigned intstart_locInputThe location within the UDO integer area to
start deleting from. Valid values are 1 through
the number of integers in the UDO.
unsigned intnum_to_deleteInputThe numbers of integers to delete.


UF_UDOBJ_delete_lengths (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Deletes the convertible lengths area of a UDO starting at the
designated location and concluding with the specified numbers of
lengths to delete.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_delete_lengths
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int start_loc,
unsigned int num_to_delete
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose lengths are to be
unsigned intstart_locInputThe location within the UDO length area to
start deleting from. Valid values are 1 through
the number of lengths in the UDO.
unsigned intnum_to_deleteInputThe numbers of lengths to delete.


UF_UDOBJ_delete_link (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Deletes a UDO's link.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_delete_link
tag_t udo_tag,
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_t link_to_delete
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose link is to be
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_tlink_to_deleteInputThe link to delete from the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_delete_owning_link (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Deletes the owning link between a UDO and its associated NX

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_delete_owning_link
tag_t udo_tag,
tag_t ug_tag
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag UDO whose owning link is to be
tag_tug_tagInputThe tag of the NX object whose UDO owning
link is to be deleted.


UF_UDOBJ_delete_strings (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Deletes the free form strings area of a UDO starting at the designated
location and concluding with the specified numbers of strings to

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_delete_strings
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int start_loc,
unsigned int num_to_delete
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose strings are to be
unsigned intstart_locInputThe location within the UDO string area to
start deleting from. Valid values are 1 through
the number of strings in the UDO.
unsigned intnum_to_deleteInputThe numbers of strings to delete.


UF_UDOBJ_delete_volumes (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Deletes the convertible volumes area of a UDO starting at the
designated location and concluding with the specified numbers of
volumes to delete.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_delete_volumes
tag_t udo_tag,
unsigned int start_loc,
unsigned int num_to_delete
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose volumes are to be
unsigned intstart_locInputThe location within the UDO volume area to
start deleting from. Valid values are 1 through
the number of volumes in the UDO.
unsigned intnum_to_deleteInputThe numbers of volumes to delete.


UF_UDOBJ_edit_areas (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edits the areas convertible data area of a UDO. The input array must have
elements for all of the areas currently on the UDO. You should know the data
model for your UDO, but if you are unsure of the number of areas on a UDO,
UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data will return this information.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_areas
tag_t udo_tag,
double areas [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose areas are to be edited.
doubleareas [ ] InputThe new areas for the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_edit_doubles (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edits the free form double area of a UDO. The input array must have elements
for all of the doubles currently on the UDO. You should know the data model
for your UDO, but if you are unsure of the number of doubles on a UDO,
UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data will return this information.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_doubles
tag_t udo_tag,
double doubles [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose doubles are to be edited.
doubledoubles [ ] InputThe new doubles for the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_edit_integers (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edits the free form integer area of a UDO. The input array must have elements
for all of the integers currently on the UDO. You should know the data model
for your UDO, but if you are unsure of the number of integers on a UDO,
UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data will return this information.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_integers
tag_t udo_tag,
int integers [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose integers are to be edited.
intintegers [ ] InputThe new integers for the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_edit_lengths (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edits the lengths convertible data area of a UDO. The input array must have
elements for all of the lengths currently on the UDO. You should know the data
model for your UDO, but if you are unsure of the number of lengths on a UDO,
UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data will return this information.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_lengths
tag_t udo_tag,
double lengths [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose lengths are to be edited.
doublelengths [ ] InputThe new lengths for the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_edit_link (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edits a UDO's link with the following edit features:
Replaces all the links for a specific link type within a UDO for a
particular NX object with another NX object.
Only affects a single link type at a time. Therefore, if there are
multiple links within a UDO to the same object, each with separate
link types, this function must be used once for each link type.
If there are multiple links to the same NX object with the same
link type, all the links are affected.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_link
tag_t udo_tag,
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_t link_to_edit,
tag_t new_assoc_ug_tag
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose link is to be edited.
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_tlink_to_editInputThe link within the UDO whose reference is to
be changed.
tag_tnew_assoc_ug_tagInputThe tag to insert into the link in place of the tag
currently in use.


UF_UDOBJ_edit_links (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edit the link records of a UDO. The input array should contain all of
the link records of the UDO. The edit will start at location
link_defs[start_location] and continue for count elements of the array.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_links
tag_t udo_tag,
const UF_UDOBJ_link_t * link_def,
unsigned int start_location,
unsigned int count
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose links
are to be edited
const UF_UDOBJ_link_t *link_defInputThe new links for the UDO
unsigned intstart_locationInputThe location in the link_defs
array where editing is to begin
(This should be a "C" based array
unsigned intcountInputThe count of links to be edited
from start_location


UF_UDOBJ_edit_strings (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edits the free form string area of a UDO. The input array must have elements
for all of the strings currently on the UDO. You should know the data model
for your UDO, but if you are unsure of the number of strings on a UDO,
UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data will return this information.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_strings
tag_t udo_tag,
char * strings [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose strings are to be edited.
char *strings [ ] InputThe new strings for the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_edit_udo_of_udo_feature (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edits a UDO feature by replacing the existing tag of the UDO object
with the input tag of the UDO object. The old UDO object is no
longer associated to a UDO feature and may be associated to
another UDO feature. If the input UDO object is associated to
another UDO feature, the editing is not done and this routine
returns an error.

Internal & External

This function was originally released in V15.0
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_udo_of_udo_feature
tag_t udo_feature_tag,
tag_t udo_tag
tag_tudo_feature_tagInputThe UDO feature to edit.
tag_tudo_tagInputThe UDO to edit the UDO
feature with


UF_UDOBJ_edit_volumes (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Edits the volumes convertible data area of a UDO. The input array must have
elements for all of the volumes currently on the UDO. You should know the data
model for your UDO, but if you are unsure of the number of volumes on a UDO,
UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data will return this information.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_edit_volumes
tag_t udo_tag,
double volumes [ ]
tag_tudo_tagInputThe tag of the UDO whose volumes are to be edited.
doublevolumes [ ] InputThe new volumes for the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_free_udo_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Frees all of the data that was dynamically allocated to the address of
the UF_UDOBJ_all_data_s structure. This structure is populated with
data after a call by UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data .

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_free_udo_data
UF_UDOBJ_all_data_p_t all_data
UF_UDOBJ_all_data_p_tall_dataInputA structure previously populated by
UF_UDOBJ_ask_udo_data. This function frees
all the data dynamically allocated by that


UF_UDOBJ_is_obj_linked_to_udo (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Queries whether UDOs reference the specified NX object.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_is_obj_linked_to_udo
tag_t ug_tag,
logical * linked
tag_tug_tagInputThe tag of the NX object to query as to
whether UDOs reference it or not.
logical *linkedOutputTRUE = UDOs reference NX object
FALSE = UDOs do not reference NX object.


UF_UDOBJ_is_owned (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Queries if an NX object has an owning link by a UDO.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_is_owned
tag_t obj_tag,
logical * owned
tag_tobj_tagInputThe tag of the NX object to query
logical *ownedOutputTRUE = NX Object has an owning link to a UDO.
FALSE = No owning link


UF_UDOBJ_is_udo_feature (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Inquires whether a feature is a UDO feature.

Internal & External

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_is_udo_feature
tag_t feature_tag,
logical * is_udo_feature
tag_tfeature_tagInputthe feature to check
logical *is_udo_featureOutputTRUE if a UDO feature else FALSE


UF_UDOBJ_log_udo_feature_for_update (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Explicitly log the UDO feature for update. This may be called for edits that
do not implicitly log the UDO feature. UF_UDOBJ_edit_integers(), for example,
does not cause the UDO feature to be logged for update. If you consider the
UDO to be out of date, call this routine and then call UF_MODL_update().

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_log_udo_feature_for_update
tag_t udo_feature_tag
tag_tudo_feature_tagInputThe UDO feature to log for update


UF_UDOBJ_register_attn_pt_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the attention point function (method) to call when the
UDOs with the input class identifier pass through the attention point
computation event. The attention point is a temporary display point
near an object that is used during particular NX events. For
example, during Info-->Object a temporary number is placed near the
object. NX calculates the location for the attention point
based on the primitives used in constructing the UDO.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_attn_pt_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_attn_pt_f_t attn_pt_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_attn_pt_f_tattn_pt_funcInputThe function to invoke when UDOs for this
class pass through attention point


UF_UDOBJ_register_delete_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Register's the delete function (method) to call when a UDO with a
type 2 or 3 linked object associated to the UDO passes through
delete. Objects associated to the UDO with a type 1 link do not
invoke the method because the UDO is deleted when its associated
object is deleted. Objects associated to a UDO with a UDO owning
link do not cause the method to be invoked because the associated
object can not be deleted directly.

The following restrictions apply:

. The callback routine must not call UF_MODL_update.
. No Features may be deleted from this callback.
. The work part must not be changed.

This callback should not call any functions that change the work or displayed
part. This includes functions that change the work part as part of their
operation, such as UF_PART_import.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_delete_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_delete_f_t delete_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_delete_f_tdelete_funcInputThe function to invoke when objects associated
to UDOs in this class pass through delete.


UF_UDOBJ_register_display_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the display function (method) to call when the UDOs with
the input class identifier pass through the display event.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_display_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_display_f_t display_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_display_f_tdisplay_funcInputThe function to invoke when UDOs for this
class pass through the display.


UF_UDOBJ_register_edit_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the function (method) which is invoked when editing this UDO.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_edit_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_edit_f_t edit_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_edit_f_tedit_funcInputThe function to invoke when editing the UDO.


UF_UDOBJ_register_fit_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the fit function (method) to call when the UDOs with the
input class identifier pass through the fit into view event. NX
calculates the extents of clipping required based on the primitives
used in the UDO's construction.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_fit_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_fit_f_t fit_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_fit_f_tfit_funcInputThe function to invoke when UDOs for this
class pass through fit to the view display code.


UF_UDOBJ_register_info_obj_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the Info-->Object method to call when the UDOs with the
input class identifier are queried interactively in NX with the
Info-->Object menu option. It is safe to register a method in external
mode, but Info-->Object functionality is only available in internal

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_info_obj_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_info_obj_f_t info_object_method
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier for which to register the
Info-->Object method.
UF_UDOBJ_info_obj_f_tinfo_object_methodInputThe method to use in interactive NX
when you invoke Info-->Object on a
UDO of this class.


UF_UDOBJ_register_is_occurrenceable_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the function (method) which determines if this UDO is occurrenceable.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_is_occurrenceable_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_is_occurrenceable_f_t is_occurrenceable_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_is_occurrenceable_f_tis_occurrenceable_funcInputThe function to invoke to determine if this UDO
should be occurrenceable.


UF_UDOBJ_register_screen_size_fit_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the screen size fit function (method) to call when the UDOs with the
input class identifier pass through the add screen size objects to fit into view event.
"Screen Size Fit" applies to primitives whose size remains the same on the screen
regardless of the scale of the view. The size of other primitives on the screen
changes as the view scale changes. NX calculates the extents of clipping required
based on the screen size primitives used in the UDO's construction.

You should only call this function if your UDO contains geometry which can
participate in "Screen Size Fit." As of NX 8.0, this is only ScreenStandardText
and AbsoluteRotationScreenSizeText, which are available in class NX/Open class

Internal and External

NX 8.0
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_screen_size_fit_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_screen_size_fit_f_t screen_size_fit_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_screen_size_fit_f_tscreen_size_fit_funcInputThe function to invoke when UDOs for this class pass
through add screen size objects to fit to the view display code.


UF_UDOBJ_register_select_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the select function (method) to call when the UDOs with
the input class identifier pass through the selection event. This UDO
callback informs NX of the extents of the UDO via the
display primitives, then NX's internal algorithms decide to
select the UDO or not. UF_UI_add_to_class_sel can be used to enable
the friendly name on the class selection dialog.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_select_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_select_f_t select_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_select_f_tselect_funcInputThe function to invoke when UDOs for this
class pass through selection.


UF_UDOBJ_register_suppress_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the function (method) which is invoked when suppressing this UDO feature.

Note this method is not called unless you have a UDO FEATURE. Also it may not
get called when the system automatically suppresses the feature during update.

Also note the user should call UF_MODL_ask_suppress_feature() in their callback to
see if the input udo feature is currently getting suppressed or unsuppressed.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_suppress_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_suppress_f_t suppress_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_suppress_f_tsuppress_funcInputThe function to invoke when suppressing or unsuppressing the UDO feature.


UF_UDOBJ_register_update_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Registers the update function (method) to call when the UDOs with
the input class identifier pass through the update event. The method is
called when a UDO with either a link type 1 or a link type 3
association to it passes through update. Link type 2 and the UDO
owning link do not invoke the method because objects associated to
UDOs with link type 2 and UDO owning links do not add the UDOs
to the update list, by definition.

While within the update callback, you may freely query the data
model. You may also edit the free form data areas in the UDO.
Additionally, you may display a dialog (in internal Open API) to
inform the NX user of the affect the edit may have on the

This callback should not call any functions that change the work or displayed
part. This includes functions that change the work part as part of their
operation, such as UF_PART_import.

Note that if an object you are linked to (with a type 1 or a type 3 link) is
deleted, the UDO update method will be called. If your update method does
nothing, you will remain linked to a condemned object, and you must take that
into account when you try to use the linked object. If you want, your update
method can loop over all linked objects, calling UF_OBJ_ask_status, if you
are linked to an object that has a status of UF_OBJ_CONDEMNED, then the update
method can decide what is the appropriate action to take.

The following restrictions apply:

. The update process must not be explicitly invoked again with UF_MODL_update.
. The work part must not be changed.
. No Features may be deleted from this callback.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_register_update_cb
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_update_f_t update_func
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class identifier from a previously created
UF_UDOBJ_update_f_tupdate_funcInputThe function to invoke when UDOs for this
class pass through update.


UF_UDOBJ_set_owned_object_selection (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Set the behavior of selection of owned objects for the UDO class. The
default selection mode is UF_UDOBJ_DONT_ALLOW_SELECTION. This means that an
owned object can not be selected independently.

Setting the selection of owned objects to UF_UDOBJ_ALLOW_SELECTION means that
if an owned object and the UDO are both selectable, selecting the owned object
will result in the owned NX Object being selected and Up One Level button
activated, in interactive selection. If the UDO is not selectable selection of
the owned object would still be possible.

You may want to set UF_UDOBJ_ALLOW_SELECTION when your UDO contains only one
owned object, and you want to inherit the characteristics of that object. For
instance if your owned object is a spline, which your UDO computes the knot
points for, you may want the spline to be selectable by modeling operations,
such as extrude. In this case you would set your UDO class to allow selection
of the owned object.

Even if UF_UDOBJ_ALLOW_SELECTION is set, the owned object is not eligible
to be selected interactively for deletion.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0.2
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_set_owned_object_selection
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_owned_object_selection_t value
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class of the UDO which is being set.
UF_UDOBJ_owned_object_selection_tvalueInputThe selection type that is to be
set for this UDO class.


UF_UDOBJ_set_query_class_id (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Set the behavior of querying the class id given the class name. The default
mode is UF_UDOBJ_DONT_ALLOW_QUERY_CLASS_ID. This means that if you call
UF_UDOBJ_ask_class_id_of_name with the UDO's class name, an error code will be
returned, and the class id returned will be 0. This mechanism is used to
help protect the integrity of a proprietary UDO.

Setting the query to UF_UDOBJ_ALLOW_QUERY_CLASS_ID means that given a class name,
you can find the class id. This mechanism is used to pass the class id
across multiple shared libraries.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0.2
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_set_query_class_id
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
UF_UDOBJ_query_class_id_t value
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class of the UDO which is being set.
UF_UDOBJ_query_class_id_tvalueInputThe query type that is to be
set for this UDO class.


UF_UDOBJ_set_user_warn_flag (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Set the behavior of warning the user if a UDO of the given class is found
in a part, but the code implementing the methods for the UDO is not loaded.
The default action is to not warn the user. If the UDO author sets this flag
to TRUE, all UDO's of this class that are created will be marked so that the
user will be warned if the UDO methods have not been loaded, but a UDO of the
class is in the part. This warning will be issued to the listing window,
when the first object of the given class is retrieved. This warning will
only be given once per session.

This flag is set on every UDO object. Therefore for any part,
there may be a mixture UDO objects of a given class, some having this flag
set to TRUE and some objects having the flag set to FALSE. This is
particularly true since all UDO objects created before NX 3.0 will have this
flag set to FALSE. If the UDO methods for a class are not loaded, any one
UDO with this flag set to TRUE in a part is enough for the warning to be
issued to the listing window.

Note that the warning is only issued for UDO's in a part if the part is
fully loaded.

Internal and External

Originally released in NX 3.0
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_set_user_warn_flag
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id,
logical value
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe class of the UDO which is being set.
logicalvalueInputShould the user be warned if the UDO
methods are not loaded?
TRUE - the user will be warned
FALSE - the user will not be warned.
Note that the default if this routine is not
called is FALSE.


UF_UDOBJ_version_udo (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Assigns an existing UDO to a new class id so that it can adopt the
callback/behaviors of the new class.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_UDOBJ_version_udo
tag_t udo_tag,
UF_UDOBJ_class_t class_id
tag_tudo_tagInputTag of the UDO whose class you wish to
UF_UDOBJ_class_tclass_idInputThe udo will now belong in this class.