UF_UDOBJ_attn_pt_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h
Function Pointer 'typedef's

void UF_UDOBJ_attn_pt_f_t
tag_t udo_tag,
void * display_context
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
whose attention point
is being defined
void *display_contextInput-- a pointer to a private
structure used in
display calls


UF_UDOBJ_delete_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_delete_f_t
tag_t udo_tag,
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_t deleted_obj
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
who has an associated
object being deleted
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_tdeleted_objInput-- the link for the item
that is deleted


UF_UDOBJ_display_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_display_f_t
tag_t udo_tag,
void * display_context
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
being displayed
void *display_contextInput-- a pointer to a private
structure used in
display calls


UF_UDOBJ_edit_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_edit_f_t
tag_t udo_tag
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
which is being edited in the callback


UF_UDOBJ_fit_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_fit_f_t
tag_t udo_tag,
void * display_context
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
being fit to the view
void *display_contextInput-- a pointer to a private
structure used in
fit calls


UF_UDOBJ_info_obj_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_info_obj_f_t
tag_t udo_tag
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
for which information
is being requested


UF_UDOBJ_is_occurrenceable_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_is_occurrenceable_f_t
tag_t udo_tag,
logical * is_occurrenceable
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
being fit to the view
logical *is_occurrenceableOutput-- TRUE if object can
be occurrenced otherwise


UF_UDOBJ_screen_size_fit_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_screen_size_fit_f_t
tag_t udo_tag,
void * display_context
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO whose screen-size
objects need to be fit to the view
void *display_contextInput-- a pointer to a private
structure used in
screen-size-fit calls


UF_UDOBJ_select_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_select_f_t
tag_t udo_tag,
void * display_context
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
being selected
void *display_contextInput-- a pointer to a private
structure used in
selection calls


UF_UDOBJ_suppress_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_suppress_f_t
tag_t udo_feat_tag
tag_tudo_feat_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO feature
which is being suppressed in the callback


UF_UDOBJ_update_f_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_udobj.h

void UF_UDOBJ_update_f_t
tag_t udo_tag,
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_t update_cause
tag_tudo_tagInput-- the tag for the UDO
being updated
UF_UDOBJ_link_p_tupdate_causeInput-- the link for the item
that caused the UDO to be