Menu Routine

The following C routines (uc1600 - uc1613) display menus and wait for a user response.
The menu title is displayed on the cue line. 80 characters are allowed, but the number displayed on the cue line depends on the character font used.
NOTE: With the exception of uc1600, the asterisk (*) is a delimiter and causes default parameters to truncate. For example, in routine uc1613, if you set the default parameter to "p0 = p1 * p2" only "p0 = p1" appears. Therefore, we recommend that you use the following: "p0 = p1 x p2". If you include an asterisk in a menu list string it will split the option into two options. Therefore we do not recommend using the asterisk in menu option lists.
The title is followed by a numbered list of menu items. The numbers are in columns 1 and 2, followed by a period in column 3 and a blank in column 4. The menu items begin in column 5. For the menu routines without parameters (uc1603 - uc1605), the menu items are 37 characters long (note that the array dimension is 38 to allow for a null terminated string). For the menu routines with parameters (uc1607 - uc1609), the menu items are 15 (array dimension is 16 to allow for a null terminated string) characters long followed by an equal sign and the parameters. Integer parameters are displayed with 8 digits, and real parameters are displayed as 12 digits. The decimal places for real parameters is determined by the current setting in NX.