UF_UGMGR_part_file_info_s (view source)
Defined in: uf_ugmgr_types.h
Also known as:
This structure is used to represent an NX PartFile for the purpose of resolving
a part file name and used as input to the service UF_UGMGR_resolve_part_file_infos.

Note: -If fileName is specified then partId, revisionID, modelType, datasetName are ignored.
-If fileName is not provided then partID has to be provided for the input to be valid.
-If partID is provided then modelType, datasetName can be provided along with partID and revisionID.
-For unconfigured input( i.e., revision information not available) and revisionOption is UF_UGMGR_configure_none
the current revision Rule in effect will be used to resolve the NX PartFile.

Data Members

const char *
%UGMGR filename(This is what is returned from methods such as UF_UGMGR_encode_part_filename),
or @DB- Command line Input name (This is what is returned from methods such as
UF_UGMGR_convert_file_name_to_cli) of the NX PartFile. If this is not specified/used,
it has to be initialized to NULL

const char *
PartID of the NX PartFile to be resolved. If this is not specified/used, it has to be
initialized to NULL.

const char *
RevisionID of the part to be resolved. If the revisionOption is set to UF_UGMGR_configure_by_rev_rule,
this will be ignored. If this is not specified/used, it has to be initialized to NULL.

const char *
PDI Model Type, valid values are "master","specification", "manifestation", "altrep",
"scenario", "simulation", "cae_motion", "cae_solution", "cae_mesh" and "cae_geometry".
If this is not specified/used, it has to be initialized to NULL.

const char *
Dataset name of the NX PartFile to be resolved.
If this is not specified/used, it has to be initialized to NULL.

const char *
Teamcenter Revision Rule to use for configuration, This will be used only if revisionOption is
set to UF_UGMGR_configure_by_rev_rule. If this is not specified/used, it has to be initialized to NULL.

Revision configuration option.