UF_SETUP_ask_geom_null (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
Each UF_SETUP has four views: Program, Geometry, Machine Tool and Machining
Method. Each of these views has a special Group known as the NULL Group. In
the Geometry view the NULL Group contains those operations for which no
geometry is currently assigned. This function returns the NULL Group of the
Geomtry view.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_geom_null
tag_t setup_tag,
tag_t * geom_null
tag_tsetup_tagInput- the setup object to query
tag_t *geom_nullOutput- the NULL Group of the geometry view


UF_SETUP_ask_geom_root (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
Each UF_SETUP has four views: Program, Geometry, Machine Tool and Machining
Method. This function returns the root of the Geometry view.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_geom_root
tag_t setup_tag,
tag_t * geom_group
tag_tsetup_tagInput- the setup object to query
tag_t *geom_groupOutput- the root of the geometry view of the specified
setup object


UF_SETUP_ask_mct_null (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
Each UF_SETUP has four views: Program, Geometry, Machine Tool and Machining
Method. Each of these views has a special Group known as the NULL Group. In
the Machine Tool view the NULL Group contains those operations for which no
cutter is currently assigned. However, the operations in this Group are
assigned to the Machine Tool represented by the root of this view. This
function returns the NULL Group of the Machine Tool view.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_mct_null
tag_t setup_tag,
tag_t * mct_null
tag_tsetup_tagInput- the setup object to query
tag_t *mct_nullOutput- the NULL Group of the machine tool view


UF_SETUP_ask_mct_root (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
Each UF_SETUP has four views: Program, Geometry, Machine Tool and Machining
Method. This function returns the root of the Machine Tool view.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_mct_root
tag_t setup_tag,
tag_t * mct_group
tag_tsetup_tagInput- the setup object to query
tag_t *mct_groupOutput- the root of the machine tool view of the
specified setup object


UF_SETUP_ask_mthd_null (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
Each UF_SETUP has four views: Program, Geometry, Machine Tool and Machining
Method. Each of these views has a special Group known as the NULL Group.
The NULL Group of the Machining Method has no specific use; it may be
used anyway the user wishes. This function returns the NULL Group of the
Machining Method view.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_mthd_null
tag_t setup_tag,
tag_t * mthd_null
tag_tsetup_tagInput- the setup object to query
tag_t *mthd_nullOutput- the NULL Group of the machining method view


UF_SETUP_ask_mthd_root (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
Each UF_SETUP has four views: Program, Geometry, Machine Tool and Machining
Method. This function returns the root of the Machining Method view.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_mthd_root
tag_t setup_tag,
tag_t * mthd_group
tag_tsetup_tagInput- the setup object to query
tag_t *mthd_groupOutput- the root of the machining method view of the
specified setup object


UF_SETUP_ask_program_null (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
Each UF_SETUP has four views: Program, Geometry, Machine Tool and Machining
Method. Each of these views has a special Group known as the NULL Group. In
the Program view the NULL Group contains those operations for which no program
should currently be generated. If one asks to generate all programs for the
Program root, operations in the NULL Group will be ignored. This function
returns the NULL Group of the Program view.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_program_null
tag_t setup_tag,
tag_t * program_null
tag_tsetup_tagInput- the setup object to query
tag_t *program_nullOutput- the NULL Group of the program view


UF_SETUP_ask_program_root (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
Each UF_SETUP has four views: Program, Geometry, Machine Tool and Machining
Method. This function returns the root of the Program view.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_program_root
tag_t setup_tag,
tag_t * program_group
tag_tsetup_tagInput- the setup object to query
tag_t *program_groupOutput- the root of the program view of the
specified setup object


UF_SETUP_ask_setup (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
This function returns the current UF_SETUP object. This object is the setup
in the current part.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_ask_setup
tag_t * setup_tag
tag_t *setup_tagOutput- the current setup object


UF_SETUP_create (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
This function creates a UF_SETUP object in the part specified by 'part_tag'.
It uses the part 'template_name' as its template. The setup, views, groups and
operations of 'template_name' become the setup of 'part_tag'. No geometry
is loaded and no attempt is made to map the geometry in 'template_name' to
the geometry in 'part_tag'.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_create
tag_t part_tag,
const char * template_name
tag_tpart_tagInput- see above
const char *template_nameInput- see above


UF_SETUP_delete_setup (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
This function deletes the current UF_SETUP object. This object is the setup
in the current part.

Internal and External

Originally released in V18.0

int UF_SETUP_delete_setup


UF_SETUP_generate_clsf (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
This function generates the CLSF for all the operations contained in
the specified group of the specified setup. It will use the instructions
(i.e., the Definition File and Event Handler) specified by 'clsf_name'. It
will write the generated CLSF to a file with name 'output_filename'. If
'output_filename' exists it will be erased before writing new data to it.

See the Note in the File Description regarding the relationship between the
'clsf_name' and the CAM resource files.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_generate_clsf
tag_t setup,
tag_t group,
const char * clsf_name,
const char * output_filename,
UF_SETUP_output_units_t output_units
tag_tsetupInput- the setup object to process
tag_tgroupInput- the program group to process
const char *clsf_nameInput- the name (as found in a resource file) of
the CLSF instructions to use. This name
specifies the Definition File and Event
Handler file to use
const char *output_filenameInput- the name of the file to write the
output to
UF_SETUP_output_units_toutput_unitsInput- the output units for the Clsf
processor to use


UF_SETUP_generate_program (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
This function generates the NC program for all the operations contained in
the specified group of the specified setup. It will use the Post (i.e., the
Definition File and Event Handler) specified by 'post_name'. It will write
the generated NC Program to a file with name 'output_filename'. If
'output_filename' exists the output will be appended to the existing file.
If the behavior wanted is to overwrite the exsiting file, then the user
has to delete the file before calling this function.

See the Note in the File Description regarding the relationship between the
'post_name' and the CAM resource files.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SETUP_generate_program
tag_t setup,
tag_t group,
const char * post_name,
const char * output_filename,
UF_SETUP_output_units_t output_units
tag_tsetupInput- the setup object to process
tag_tgroupInput- the program group to process
const char *post_nameInput- the name (as found in a resource file) of
the post instructions to use. This name
specifies the Definition File and Event
Handler file to use
const char *output_filenameInput- the name of the file to write the
output to
UF_SETUP_output_units_toutput_unitsInput- the output units for the
Post to use


UF_SHOPDOC_generate_doc (view source)
Defined in: uf_setup.h
This function generates Shop Floor Documentation based upon the Template file
and Event Handler file specified by 'doc_name'. It will write the data
generated by the Template file and Event Handler file to a file with name
'output_filename'. If 'output_filename' exists it will be erased before
writing new data to it.

See the Note in the File Description regarding the relationship between the
'doc_name' and the CAM resource files.

Internal and External

Originally released in V16.0

int UF_SHOPDOC_generate_doc
const char * doc_name,
const char * output_filename,
UF_SETUP_output_units_t output_units
const char *doc_nameInput- the name (as found in a resource file) of
the documentation instructions to use. This
name specifies the name of the Template
file and Event Handler file to use.
const char *output_filenameInput- the name of the file to write the
output to
UF_SETUP_output_units_toutput_unitsInput- the output units for the Shop
documentation to use