UF_MODL_add_rules_to_face_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Add the rules to an existing face container. If any rules are already in the face
container, they are ignored.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_smart_face_container ,
UF_MODL_ask_rules_to_face_container ,
Example: ufd_modl_face_containers.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_add_rules_to_face_container
int n_rules,
int * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_t * rules,
tag_t face_container_tag
intn_rulesInputThe number of face container
rules to be removed.
int *rule_typesInputThe types of face container rules to be removed.
The valid types are defined in uf_sc_types.h.
UF_SC_input_data_t *rulesInputThe face container rules to be removed.
The face container rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_tface_container_tagInputThe tag of the face container.


UF_MODL_add_rules_to_section (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Add section rules to an existing section. If any rules are already in the section,
they are ignored.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_section ,
UF_MODL_ask_section ,
UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_section ,
Example: ufd_modl_sections.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_add_rules_to_section
int n_rules,
UF_SC_section_data_t * rules,
tag_t section_tag
intn_rulesInputThe number of section builder rules.
UF_SC_section_data_t *rulesInputAn array of section builder rules.
The section builder rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_tsection_tagInputThe tag of the section builder.


UF_MODL_add_rules_to_wireframe_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Add the rules to an existing wireframe container. If any rules are already in the wireframe
container, they are ignored.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_smart_wireframe_container ,
UF_MODL_ask_rules_to_wireframe_container ,
Example: ufd_modl_wireframe_containers.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_add_rules_to_wireframe_container
int n_rules,
int * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_t * rules,
tag_t wireframe_container_tag
intn_rulesInputThe number of wireframe container
rules to be removed.
int *rule_typesInputThe types of wireframe container rules
to be removed. The valid types are defined
in uf_sc_types.h.
UF_SC_input_data_t *rulesInputThe wireframe container rules to be removed.
The wireframe container rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_twireframe_container_tagInputThe tag of the wireframe container.


UF_MODL_ask_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Returns the rule information and entities inside a container. For each rule,
this function returns the type of rule and container rule data.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_ask_smart_face_container ,

This function was originally released in NX401.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_ask_container
tag_t container_tag,
int * n_rules,
int * * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_p_t * rules,
int * n_entities,
tag_t * * entities
tag_tcontainer_tagInputThe input container
int *n_rulesOutputThe number of rules in the container
int * *rule_typesOutput to UF_*free*An integer array will be allocated. Each element in the array
is the type of rule. The valid types are defined in uf_sc_types.h. The
allocated memory needs to be freed.
UF_SC_input_data_p_t *rulesOutput to UF_*free*An array of container rules will be allocated. The container
rule data are defined in uf_sc_types.h. The allocated memory needs to be freed.
int *n_entitiesOutputThe number of resulting entities.
tag_t * *entitiesOutput to UF_*free*An array of resulting entities will allocated. The entities will
be either faces or wireframes or both. The allocated memory needs to be freed.


UF_MODL_ask_input_curves_from_section (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Returns the underlying curve and corresponding start and end connector for
each of the output curves of a section, arranged in the same way as they are
used in the loops of the section.

Internal and External

This function was originally released in NX4.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_ask_input_curves_from_section
tag_t section,
int * n_loops,
int * * n_crv_each_loops,
UF_SC_section_output_data_p_t * * input_curves
tag_tsectionInputThe input section
int *n_loopsOutputThe number of loops in the section. This argument cannot be NULL
int * *n_crv_each_loopsOutput to UF_*free*An integer array will be allocated, the size of which is the number
of loops in the section. Each element in the array
is the number of curves in each loop. This argument cannot be NULL.
The allocated memory needs to be freed.
UF_SC_section_output_data_p_t * *input_curvesOutput to UF_*free*An array of an array of UF_SC_section_output_data_t will be allocated, where the ith row
represents the ith loop, and the jth column in the ith row reprsents
the input data for the jth curve in the ith loop. This argument can be NULL.
The start and end connectors and the corresponding points in (input_curves)[i][j] will
be wrt the corresponding loop direction. The allocated memory needs to be freed.


UF_MODL_ask_output_curves_from_section (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Return the number of curves, the curves' data structures, and the
curves' positions in the input section.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_section ,
UF_MODL_ask_section ,

This function was originally released in NX3.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_ask_output_curves_from_section
tag_t section,
int * n_curves,
int * * indices,
UF_CURVE_struct_p_t * * curves
tag_tsectionInputThe input section
int *n_curvesOutputThe number of curves in the section
int * *indicesInput / Output to UF_*free*If NULL is passed in, then nothing is
returned. If a pointer is passed in,
then an array of integers will be allocated.
Each integer represents a position, starting
from 0, of the output curve in the section.
Do not change these integers. The array needed
to be free.
UF_CURVE_struct_p_t * *curvesInput / Output to UF_*free*If NULL is passed in, then nothing is
returned. If a pointer is passed in,
then an array of UF_CURVE_struct_p_t will
be allocated. Each pointer represents a
output curve in the section. Do not change
these pointers. Free the pointers using
UF_CURVE_free_curve_struct. The array
needed to be free.


UF_MODL_ask_section (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Return the section rules, the starting object, and the direction flag of a section container.

If you want to change the features that have section builders,
you should not delete the existing section builders and create
new ones. You should change the section builders using the
functions UF_MODL_add_rules_to_section and/or
UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_section and/or

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_section ,
UF_MODL_add_rules_to_section ,
UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_section ,
Example: ufd_modl_sections.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_ask_section
tag_t section_tag,
int * n_rules,
UF_SC_section_data_t * * rules,
tag_t * starting_object,
double starting_point [ 3 ] ,
double direction [ 3 ]
tag_tsection_tagInputThe tag of the section builder.
int *n_rulesOutputThe number of section builder rules.
UF_SC_section_data_t * *rulesOutputAn array of section builder rules.
The section builder rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_t *starting_objectOutputThe object, curve or edge, specifying
the starting of the section.
doublestarting_point [ 3 ] InputThe origin of the vector defined the
direction of the section. This point
has to be on the starting object.
doubledirection [ 3 ] InputThe direction of the vector defined the
direction of the section.


UF_MODL_ask_smart_container_subtype (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Returns the subtype for an object of type UF_smart_container_type.
The subtypes are defined in uf_object_types.h

Internal and External

This function was originally released in NX4.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_ask_smart_container_subtype
tag_t smart_container_tag,
int * smart_container_subtype
tag_tsmart_container_tagInputThe tag of the smart container
int *smart_container_subtypeOutputThe subtype of smart container


UF_MODL_ask_smart_face_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Return the rules and the resulting faces of a face container.

If you want to change the features that have face containers,
you should not delete the existing face containers and create
new ones. You should change the face containers using the
functions UF_MODL_add_rules_to_face_container and/or

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_smart_face_container ,
UF_MODL_add_rules_to_face_container ,
Example: ufd_modl_face_containers.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_ask_smart_face_container
tag_t face_container_tag,
int * n_rules,
int * * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_t * * rules,
int * n_face_eids,
tag_t * * face_eids
tag_tface_container_tagInputThe tag of the face container.
int *n_rulesOutputThe number of face container rules.
int * *rule_typesOutput to UF_*free*An array of the types for the face container rules.
The valid types are defined in uf_sc_types.h.
UF_SC_input_data_t * *rulesOutput to UF_*free*An array of face container rules.
The face container rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
int *n_face_eidsOutputThe number of resulting faces
tag_t * *face_eidsOutput to UF_*free*An array of resulting faces


UF_MODL_ask_smart_wireframe_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Return the rules and the resulting wireframe, curves or edges, of a wireframe container.

If you want to change the features that have wireframe containers,
you should not delete the existing wireframe containers and create
new ones. You should change the wireframe containers using the
functions UF_MODL_add_rules_to_wireframe_container and/or

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_smart_wireframe_container ,
UF_MODL_add_rules_to_wireframe_container ,
Example: ufd_modl_wireframe_containers.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_ask_smart_wireframe_container
tag_t wireframe_container_tag,
int * n_rules,
int * * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_t * * rules,
int * n_wireframe_eids,
tag_t * * wireframe_eids
tag_twireframe_container_tagInputThe tag of the wireframe container.
int *n_rulesOutputThe number of wireframe container rules.
int * *rule_typesOutput to UF_*free*An array of the types for the wireframe
container rules. The valid types are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
UF_SC_input_data_t * *rulesOutput to UF_*free*An array of wireframe container rules.
The wireframe container rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
int *n_wireframe_eidsOutputThe number of resulting wireframes
tag_t * *wireframe_eidsOutput to UF_*free*An array of resulting wireframes


UF_MODL_create_section (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Create a section builder from the input section rules. Return the error code.

If you want to change the features that have section builders,
you should not delete the existing section builders and create
new ones. You should change the section builders using the
functions UF_MODL_add_rules_to_section and/or
UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_section and/or

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_ask_section ,
UF_MODL_add_rules_to_section ,
UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_section ,
Example: ufd_modl_sections.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_create_section
tag_t object_in_part,
int n_rules,
UF_SC_section_data_t * rules,
tag_t starting_object,
double starting_point [ 3 ] ,
double direction [ 3 ] ,
logical allow_multiple_loops,
tag_t * section_tag
tag_tobject_in_partInputObject in the part in which the
section builder object is to be created.
intn_rulesInputThe number of section rules.
UF_SC_section_data_t *rulesInputAn array of section rules.
The section rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
If this option is not used, then
starting_object will be Zero. Otherwise,
the object, curve or edge, specifying
the starting of the section.
If the section is a loop, then the loop is started
by starting_object and the direction is followed the
input direction. If the section is not a loop,
then the section can be started by other object,
but the direction of the section is defined by
the starting_object and direction.
doublestarting_point [ 3 ] InputIf starting_object is used, the origin of
the vector defined the direction of the section.
This point has to be on the starting object.
doubledirection [ 3 ] InputIf starting_object is used, the direction of the
vector defined the direction of the section.
logicalallow_multiple_loopsInputIf TRUE, the section may contain multiple loops.
tag_t *section_tagOutputThe tag of the section builder


UF_MODL_create_smart_face_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Create a face container from the input rules. Return the error code.

If you want to change the features that have face containers,
you should not delete the existing face containers and create
new ones. You should change the face containers using the
functions UF_MODL_add_rules_to_face_container and/or

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_ask_smart_face_container ,
UF_MODL_add_rules_to_face_container ,
Example: ufd_modl_face_containers.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_create_smart_face_container
tag_t object_in_part,
int n_rules,
int * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_t * rules,
tag_t * face_container_tag
tag_tobject_in_partInputObject in the part in which the
face container object is to be created.
intn_rulesInputThe number of face container rules.
int *rule_typesInputAn array of the types for the face container rules.
The valid types are defined in uf_sc_types.h.
UF_SC_input_data_t *rulesInputAn array of face container rules.
The face container rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_t *face_container_tagOutputThe tag of the face container


UF_MODL_create_smart_wireframe_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Create a wireframe container from the input rules. Return the error code.

If you want to change the features that have wireframe containers,
you should not delete the existing wireframe containers and create
new ones. You should change the wireframe containers using the
functions UF_MODL_add_rules_to_wireframe_container and/or

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_ask_smart_wireframe_container ,
UF_MODL_add_rules_to_wireframe_container ,
Example: ufd_modl_wireframe_containers.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_create_smart_wireframe_container
tag_t object_in_part,
int n_rules,
int * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_t * rules,
tag_t * wireframe_container_tag
tag_tobject_in_partInputObject in the part in which the
wireframe container object is to be created.
intn_rulesInputThe number of wireframe container rules.
int *rule_typesInputAn array of the types for the wireframe
container rules. The valid types are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
UF_SC_input_data_t *rulesInputAn array of wireframe container rules.
The wireframe container rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_t *wireframe_container_tagOutputThe tag of the wireframe container


UF_MODL_free_sc_input_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Free the UF_MODL_free_sc_input_data.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_smart_face_container ,
UF_MODL_ask_smart_face_container ,
UF_MODL_create_smart_wireframe_container ,
UF_MODL_ask_smart_wireframe_container ,
UF_MODL_create_section ,
Example: ufd_modl_sections.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_free_sc_input_data
int sc_rule_type,
UF_SC_input_data_p_t sc_rule


UF_MODL_free_section_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Free the UF_SC_section_data.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_section ,
Example: ufd_modl_sections.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_free_section_data
UF_SC_section_data_p_t section


UF_MODL_init_sc_input_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Initiate UF_SC_input_data_t

You need to call this function if you define this data to ensure that your UF
code will never have compile problems in future versions when we could add new
parameters to the data structure to enhance the functionality.

We will set all the parameters to be zero, false, or NULL except tolerances which
will use the modeling tolerances.

Internal and External

See Also

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

void UF_MODL_init_sc_input_data
int rule_type,
UF_SC_input_data_p_t rule
intrule_typeInputThe input data type
UF_SC_input_data_p_truleInput / Outputpointer to UF_SC_input_data_t structure


UF_MODL_initialize_section_data (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Initialize the UF_SC_section_data.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_section ,
UF_MODL_ask_section ,
Example: ufd_modl_sections.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

void UF_MODL_initialize_section_data
UF_SC_section_data_p_t section


UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_face_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Remove existing rules from a face container. If one of the input rules is
not in the container, an error will be returned.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_smart_face_container ,
UF_MODL_ask_rules_to_face_container ,
Example: ufd_modl_face_containers.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_face_container
int n_rules,
int * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_t * rules,
tag_t face_container_tag
intn_rulesInputThe number of face container rules to be added.
int *rule_typesInputThe types of face container rules to be added.
The valid types are defined in uf_sc_types.h.
UF_SC_input_data_t *rulesInputThe face container rules to be added.
The face container rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_tface_container_tagInputThe tag of the face container.


UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_section (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Remove section rules from an existing section. If one of the input rules is
not in the section, an error will be returned. The removed rules should be
obtained from UF_MODL_ask_section.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_section ,
UF_MODL_ask_section ,
UF_MODL_add_rules_to_section ,
Example: ufd_modl_sections.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_section
int n_rules,
UF_SC_section_data_t * rules,
tag_t section_tag
intn_rulesInputThe number of section builder rules.
UF_SC_section_data_t *rulesInputAn array of section builder rules.
The section builder rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_tsection_tagInputThe tag of the section builder.


UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_wireframe_container (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Remove existing rules from a wireframe container. If one of the input rules is
not in the container, an error will be returned.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_smart_wireframe_container ,
UF_MODL_ask_rules_to_wireframe_container ,
Example: ufd_modl_wireframe_containers.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_remove_rules_from_wireframe_container
int n_rules,
int * rule_types,
UF_SC_input_data_t * rules,
tag_t wireframe_container_tag
intn_rulesInputThe number of wireframe container
rules to be added.
int *rule_typesInputThe types of wireframe container rules
to be added. The valid types are defined
in uf_sc_types.h.
UF_SC_input_data_t *rulesInputThe wireframe container rules to be added.
The wireframe container rule data are
defined in uf_sc_types.h.
tag_twireframe_container_tagInputThe tag of the wireframe container.


UF_MODL_set_start_and_direction_to_section (view source)
Defined in: uf_sc.h
Set the starting object and the direction of a section.

Internal and External

See Also
UF_MODL_create_section ,
UF_MODL_ask_section ,
UF_MODL_add_rules_to_section ,
Example: ufd_modl_sections.c

This function was originally released in NX2.
Required License(s)

int UF_MODL_set_start_and_direction_to_section
tag_t starting_object,
double starting_point [ 3 ] ,
double direction [ 3 ] ,
tag_t section_tag
tag_tstarting_objectInputThe object, curve or edge, specifying
the starting of the section.
If the section is a loop, then the loop is started
by starting_object and the direction is followed the
input direction. If the section is not a loop,
then the section can be started by other object,
but the direction of the section is defined by
the starting_object and direction.
doublestarting_point [ 3 ] InputThe origin of the vector defined the direction of
the section. This point has to be on the starting object.
doubledirection [ 3 ] InputThe direction of the vector defined the direction of
the section.
tag_tsection_tagInputThe tag of the section builder.