UF_PLIST_add_object (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Add an object to a parts list. The following describes the behaviors for
each type of object added:

Component Add the component as a parts list member. If
add_components_as_subassemblies is TRUE, then
the components will be added as subassemblies
to the parts list. This will cause all of the
components that are descendents of the added
component to be added to the parts list.
Solid body Add the solid body as a parts list member.
Curve (line, circle or spline) Add the curve as a parts list member.
Member view Associate the parts list with the given member
view. This will cause the view to be automatically
populated with callout symbols if the related
parts list preferences are set.
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_add_object
tag_t parts_list,
logical add_components_as_subassemblies,
tag_t object
tag_tparts_listInputParts list
logicaladd_components_as_subassembliesInputIf TRUE, components are added as
tag_tobjectInputObject to add


UF_PLIST_ask_attached_rows (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Get the attached parts list rows that are children of the specified
parts list or row
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_attached_rows
tag_t parent,
int * nm_rows,
tag_t * * children_rows
tag_tparentInputParts list or parts list row
int *nm_rowsOutputNumber of children_rows
tag_t * *children_rowsOutput to UF_*free*Children rows


UF_PLIST_ask_col_prefs (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Ask the preferences for a column
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_col_prefs
tag_t col,
UF_PLIST_col_prefs_p_t col_prefs
tag_tcolInputThe column we want the preferences for
UF_PLIST_col_prefs_p_tcol_prefsOutputThe preferences for the column


UF_PLIST_ask_default_col_prefs (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Retrieves the default column preferences
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_default_col_prefs
UF_PLIST_col_prefs_p_t col_prefs
UF_PLIST_col_prefs_p_tcol_prefsOutputThe default column preferences


UF_PLIST_ask_default_prefs (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Retrieves the default parts list preferences
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_default_prefs
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_t plist_prefs
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_tplist_prefsOutputThe default parts list preferences


UF_PLIST_ask_ldr_method (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Get the method for displaying the locked deleted row of the parts list

Parameters :
tag_t row <I> The object identifier for the row
int ldr_method <O> The display method used for locked deleted row
= 1 -> Strike thru
= 2 -> Blanked
= 3 -> Hidden
= 4 -> Ordinary
= -1 -> The row is not locked and deleted

Return code :
= 0 : successful
> 0 : failing error number
< 0 : failing error number

Added in NX602

int UF_PLIST_ask_ldr_method
tag_t row,
int * ldr_method
tag_trowInputParts list row
int *ldr_methodOutputDisplay method


UF_PLIST_ask_nested_assy_parent_comp (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Get the nested assemblies parent component
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_nested_assy_parent_comp
tag_t column,
tag_t * component
tag_tcolumnInputPart List column to for nested assy.
This must be a quantity column.
tag_t *componentOutputParent component


UF_PLIST_ask_objects (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
List objects associated to a parts list. This includes all members and member views.

Initially released in NX2.0.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_objects
tag_t parts_list,
int * nm_objects,
tag_t * * objects
tag_tparts_listInputParts list
int *nm_objectsOutputNumber of objects
tag_t * *objectsOutput to UF_*free*


UF_PLIST_ask_prefs (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Get the parts list preferences of a parts list
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_prefs
tag_t parts_list,
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_t prefs
tag_tparts_listInputParts list
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_tprefsOutputParts list preferences


UF_PLIST_ask_row_lock (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Get the lock state of a parts list row
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_row_lock
tag_t row,
logical * lock_state
tag_trowInputParts list row
logical *lock_stateOutputLock state


UF_PLIST_ask_tags (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Get the object identifiers of the parts lists. This causes the parts
list object to be created if necessary.

Added in NX602
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_tags
tag_p_t * parts_list,
int * num
tag_p_t *parts_listOutput to UF_*free*Tags of Parts Lists. This array
must be freed by calling UF_free
int *numOutputNumber of Parts Lists


UF_PLIST_ask_traversal_settings (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Get the traversal settings of a parts list
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_ask_traversal_settings
tag_t parts_list,
UF_PLIST_traversal_settings_p_t traversal_settings
tag_tparts_listInputParts list
UF_PLIST_traversal_settings_p_ttraversal_settingsOutputTraversal settings


UF_PLIST_attach_rows (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Attach or detach parts list rows
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_attach_rows
tag_t parent_row,
int nm_rows,
tag_t * children_rows
tag_tparent_rowInputParts list row that will become the parent.
If equal to NULL_TAG, attach to the bottom
of the parts list.
intnm_rowsInputNumber of children_rows. If set to zero,
any rows previously attached will become
tag_t *children_rowsInputRows that will become the children rows


UF_PLIST_create (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Create a generic parts list (one with three columns: a callout column,
a general column with a $PART_NAME attribute
and a quantity column)
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_create
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_t prefs,
double origin [ 3 ] ,
tag_t * parts_list
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_tprefsInputParts list preferences
doubleorigin [ 3 ] InputOrigin
tag_t *parts_listOutputNew parts list


UF_PLIST_create_column (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Create a parts list column. The column can later be added to a parts list
using UF_TABNOT_add_column.
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_create_column
double width,
UF_PLIST_col_prefs_p_t col_prefs,
UF_PLIST_column_type_t column_type,
tag_t * column
doublewidthInputColumn width
UF_PLIST_col_prefs_p_tcol_prefsInputColumn preferences
UF_PLIST_column_type_tcolumn_typeInputColumn type
tag_t *columnOutputNew column


UF_PLIST_create_from_template (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Create a parts list from a template

Note: When running with Teamcenter, the template part file name needs to be in internal format.
Function UF_UGMGR_convert_name_from_cli converts a part file name from the command line input format to the
internal form.
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_create_from_template
const char * template_name,
double origin [ 3 ] ,
tag_t * parts_list
const char *template_nameInputName of template part
doubleorigin [ 3 ] InputOrigin
tag_t *parts_listOutputNew parts list


UF_PLIST_create_manual_row (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Create a manual parts list row. The row can later be added to a parts list
using UF_TABNOT_add_row.
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_create_manual_row
double height,
tag_t * row
doubleheightInputRow height
tag_t *rowOutputNew row


UF_PLIST_list (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Lists the parts list to the current listing device. This takes into
consideration any additions or removals from the parts list, any
changes to: the member attributes, the parts list format, or the output
modes like sorting and callouts.

Error code:
0 = Success
1 = No parts list members
2 = No key or quantity field defined
> 2 = Some other output error

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_list
tag_t obj_id
tag_tobj_idInputThe object identifier of the parts list.


UF_PLIST_list_to_file (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Lists the parts list to the specified output file. This takes into
consideration any additions or removals from the parts list, any
changes to: the member attributes, the parts list format, or the output
modes like sorting and callouts.

tag_t obj_id <I> The object identifier of the parts list.
char out_filename <I> Filename of output file.
int new_file <I> Boolean where
0 -> append to existing out_filename
1 -> write to new out_filename
char plist_level <I> Parts list level string

Error code:
0 = Success
1 = No parts list members
2 = No key or quantity field defined
> 2 = Some other output error

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_list_to_file
tag_t obj_id,
const char * out_filename,
int new_file,
const char * plist_level
tag_tobj_idInputThe object identifier of the parts list
const char *out_filenameInputFilename of output file
intnew_fileInputBoolean for output
const char *plist_levelInputParts list level string


UF_PLIST_remove_object (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Remove an object to a parts list. See the documentation for UF_PLIST_add_object for
information on the types of objects that can be added or removed.
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_remove_object
tag_t parts_list,
logical remove_components_as_subassemblies,
tag_t object
tag_tparts_listInputParts list
logicalremove_components_as_subassembliesInputIf TRUE, components are removed as
tag_tobjectInputObject to remove


UF_PLIST_set_col_prefs (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Set the preferences for a column
Note: The preferences are only applied to new cells that get added to the column.
Function UF_TABNOT_set_cell_prefs can be used to modify the preferences of
existing cells of a column.
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_set_col_prefs
tag_t col,
UF_PLIST_col_prefs_p_t col_prefs
tag_tcolInputThe column which preferences are to be set
UF_PLIST_col_prefs_p_tcol_prefsInputThe preferences for the column


UF_PLIST_set_default_prefs (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Sets the default parts list preferences
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_set_default_prefs
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_t plist_prefs
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_tplist_prefsInputThe parts list preferences to set


UF_PLIST_set_nested_assy_parent_comp (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Set the nested assemblies parent component

Added in NX4
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_set_nested_assy_parent_comp
tag_t column,
tag_t component
tag_tcolumnInputPart List column to for nested assy.
This must be a quantity column.
tag_tcomponentInputParent component - the component
for which quantities will be counted
in the specified column. For the row
that represents this component, an X
will display. Set this to NULL_TAG
to disable nested assemblies for this


UF_PLIST_set_prefs (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Set the parts list preferences of a parts list
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_set_prefs
tag_t parts_list,
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_t prefs
tag_tparts_listInputParts list
UF_PLIST_prefs_p_tprefsInputParts list preferences


UF_PLIST_set_row_lock (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Set the lock state of a parts list row
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_set_row_lock
tag_t row,
logical lock_state
tag_trowInputParts list row
logicallock_stateInputLock state


UF_PLIST_set_traversal_settings (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Set the traversal settings of a parts list
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_set_traversal_settings
tag_t parts_list,
UF_PLIST_traversal_settings_p_t traversal_settings
tag_tparts_listInputParts list
UF_PLIST_traversal_settings_p_ttraversal_settingsInputTraversal settings


UF_PLIST_update (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Update a parts list

Added in NX4
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_update
tag_t parts_list
tag_tparts_listInputParts list


UF_PLIST_update_all_plists (view source)
Defined in: uf_plist.h
Update all parts list in the work part

Added in NX6
Required License(s)

int UF_PLIST_update_all_plists
