UF_CLONE_convert_callback_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_clone.h
<APB> 11-Jan-1999
a convert callback, receives the callback being executed and the name
of the input part, should return the answer as UF_allocate_memory
allocated space which NX is at liberty to free, if
UF_CLONE_use_supplied is returned.

UF_CLONE_convert_response_t UF_CLONE_convert_callback_t
UF_CLONE_convert_cb_t cb,
const char * input_part_specifier,
char * * answer
UF_CLONE_convert_cb_tcbInputthe callback reason indicating the answer
const char *input_part_specifierInputThe name of a part in the current
clone operation for which
the specified answer is required;
for import, an O/S filename;
for export, a CLI name
char * *answerOutputspace should be allocated with UF_allocate_memory,
user must free


UF_CLONE_notify_callback_t (view source)
Defined in: uf_clone.h

UF_CLONE_notify_response_t UF_CLONE_notify_callback_t
UF_CLONE_notify_cb_t cb,
const char * input_part_specifier,
const void* data
UF_CLONE_notify_cb_tcbInputcallback reason
const char *input_part_specifierInputThe name of a part in the current
clone operation; for import,
an O/S filename; for export, a CLI
name may be null if the cb applies to
a whole clone operation
const void*dataInputdata, e.g. the name of the name about
to be applied, or a pointer to an
action type or a naming type, or a
checkout action/cb pair