NXOpen.UF.Smd.FpPrefs Structure

NXOpen.UF.Smd.FpPrefs is an alias for NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct

class NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct

Bases: object

Refer to UF_SMD_fp_prefs_s for documentation.


NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.AngleTol The angle tolerance to use in laying out the surfaces
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.ChordTol The chordal tolerance to use in mapping curves to the flat pattern
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.GridSize Grid size
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.Layer Layer to place flat pattern on
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.DistortionConstraint Controls distortion face mapping (Longest edge / Shortest edge)
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.FpOrientation Enumerated type defining where to create the flat pattern
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.CurveSet Enumerated type defining which curves are used to generate a Flat Pattern.
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.TangentLines Bend Tangent lines created on theFlat Pattern (TRUE/FALSE).
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.CenterLines Bend Center lines created on the Flat Pattern (TRUE/FALSE).
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.FormBlockCurves Form Block curves created on the Flat Pattern (TRUE/FALSE).
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.ContourCurves Contour curves created on the Flat Pattern (TRUE/FALSE).
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.MultipleFp Allow multiple flat patterns (TRUE/FALSE).
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.AutoUpdate Enable auto flat pattern update
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.UseBaf Use BAF when creating flat pattern
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.Name Default flat pattern name
NXOpen.UF.SmdFpPrefs_Struct.FpAlgorithm Flat Pattern Creation algorithm