NXOpen.UF.Plist.Prefs Structure

NXOpen.UF.Plist.Prefs is an alias for NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct

class NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct

Bases: object

Refer to UF_PLIST_prefs_s for documentation.


NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.SectionPrefs Preferences used for creating new sections
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.GrowDirection Does the parts list grow upward or downward?
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.LdrMethod Method used to show rows that are both locked and deleted
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.CreateNewRowsAsLocked Should newly created rows automatically be locked?
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.InitialCalloutField String used for the first callout in the parts list.
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.CalloutIncrement Value by which the callout increments
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.SymbolType Type of object used for auto creation and placement of callout symbols
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.MainSymbolText Format of the string used in the main callout symbol This string can contains automatic text control sequences as follows: $= - Auto Member - Expands to the name of the member $~C - Auto Callout - Expands to the value of the callout $~Q - Auto Quantity - Expands to the value of the first non-zero quantity field
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.RefSymbolText Format of the string used in the reference callout symbol This is in the same format as main_symbol_text
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.CharactersToSkip List of callout chars to skip
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.AutoUpdate Should the parts list automatically update when the model changes?
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.SortOnUpdate Should a sort be done during update?
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.HighlightManualText Should manual text be hilited?
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.Isprotected Should parts list be protected ?
NXOpen.UF.PlistPrefs_Struct.Allowmanualrows Are parts list allow manual row insertion?