NXOpen.UF.Motion.SolverParameters Structure

NXOpen.UF.Motion.SolverParameters is an alias for NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct

class NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct

Bases: object

Refer to UF_MOTION_solver_parameters_s for documentation.


NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct.Solver The solver to be used.
NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct.MaxStepSize The maximum allowed step size of the solver.
NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct.MaxSolverError The maximum integration error allowed by the solver.
NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct.MaxIntegratorIterations The maximum number of iterations allowed for the solver’s integrator to converge to the solution in a dynamic analysis.If the solver integrator has problems in converging during a dynamic analysis then increase this number
NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct.MaxKinematicsIterations The maximum number of iterations allowed for the solver to converge to the solution in a kinematic analysis.If the motion model has problems in converging during a kinematic analysis then increase this number
NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct.MaxStaticsIterations The maximum number of iterations allowed for the solver to converge to the solution in a static analysis.
NXOpen.UF.MotionSolverParameters_Struct.UseMassProperties A flag to determine whether or not to use mass properties in the analysis.