NXOpen.UF.Modl.LinkedExt Structure

NXOpen.UF.Modl.LinkedExt is an alias for NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct

class NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct

Bases: object

Refer to UF_MODL_linked_ext_s for documentation.


NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.NumBodies Number of candidate bodies.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.Bodies Candidate bodies.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.Xforms Array of xforms.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.NumFaces Number of tags in the faces array.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.Faces Array of face tags.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.XformIndex Array of indices into xforms array, one index for each face.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.GroupResults Method used to group resulting sheet bodies.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.MassProps If true, calculate mass properties of all candidate solid bodies.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.DeleteOpenings If true, any holes in the resulting sheet are closed up; if false they are left.
NXOpen.UF.ModlLinkedExt_Struct.AtTimestamp If true, each linked region updates at a time determined by its creation timestamp.