NXOpen.UF.Modl.EdgeBlendStopshortData Structure

NXOpen.UF.Modl.EdgeBlendStopshortData is an alias for NXOpen.UF.ModlEdgeBlendStopshortData_Struct

class NXOpen.UF.ModlEdgeBlendStopshortData_Struct

Bases: object

Refer to UF_MODL_edge_blend_stopshort_data_s for documentation.


NXOpen.UF.ModlEdgeBlendStopshortData_Struct.Edge The edge where the stopshort is defined
NXOpen.UF.ModlEdgeBlendStopshortData_Struct.FromStart if true, then the stopshort is defined from the start of edge. Otherwise, it is defined from the end of edge.
NXOpen.UF.ModlEdgeBlendStopshortData_Struct.Distance %Stopshort distance [0 - 100]
NXOpen.UF.ModlEdgeBlendStopshortData_Struct.DistanceExp Expression TAG will only be set during Edit, User can edit the distance string to edit the new value
NXOpen.UF.ModlEdgeBlendStopshortData_Struct.Status When adding Status = 1 and To remove Status = 0