NXOpen.UF.Facet.Parameters Structure

NXOpen.UF.Facet.Parameters is an alias for NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct

class NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct

Bases: object

Refer to UF_FACET_parameters_s for documentation.


NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.Version The version of this structure.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.MaxFacetEdges The maximum number of edges allowed in the facets that are to be generated.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SpecifySurfaceTolerance If this value is true, then values must be specified for surface_dist_tolerance and surface_angular_tolerance.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SurfaceDistTolerance This is the maximum distance from the surface to the facet.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SurfaceAngularTolerance This is the maximum angular variation in radians of the surface normal over the facet.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SpecifyCurveTolerance This indicates that values are to be specified for curve_dist_tolerance and curve_angular_tolerance and curve_max_length.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.CurveDistTolerance This is the maximum distance between the facet edge and the curve segment represented by the facet edge.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.CurveAngularTolerance This is the maximum angular variation in radians of the curve tangent along the curve segment represented by the facet edge.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SpecifyConvexFacets This indicates that the facets generated by the faceter should all be convex
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SpecifyMaxFacetSize This indicates that a maximum width of facet is to be specified using max_facet_size.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.MaxFacetSize This is the maximum width of a facet.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.NumberStorageType This indicates whether the real numbers for facet vertices and facet normals should be stored as floats (UF_FACET_TYPE_FLOAT) or as doubles (UF_FACET_TYPE_DOUBLE).
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SpecifyParameters This indicates that the model will be created with the parametric information for each vertex.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SpecifyViewDirection Should we use a viewing direction for denser faceting around silhouettes.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SilhViewDirection If use_view_direction is specified, then this is the view direction to use.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.SilhChordTolerance If use_view_direction is specified then this is the tolerance which will be used as a tighter surface tolerance in the silhouette area specified by the view direction.
NXOpen.UF.FacetParameters_Struct.StoreFaceTags Should this FACET body record face tags or not.