NXOpen.UF.Disp.SrfanlData Structure

NXOpen.UF.Disp.SrfanlData is an alias for NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct

class NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct

Bases: object

Refer to UF_DISP_srfanl_data_s for documentation.


NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SpikeLength spike length for a hedgehog display
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.RefPlane reference plane, point on a plane & normal. Used for ‘sectional radius’ and ‘distance’ display.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.RefVector reference vector, used for ‘normal radius’ and ‘slope’ display
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValue mid value of the scalar function data range for GAUSSIAN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactor scale factor applied to the data range The range of the scalar function in all ‘face analysis’ faces in the NX part is called the ‘data-range’. Some portion of this range is mapped to displayed colors (from red through green to blue). This mapped range is centered at ‘mid_value’ and has size equal to the size of the data_range times the ‘scale_factor’. The ‘mid_value’ and ‘scale_factor’ are directly controllable by the NX user, using sliders on the ‘face analysis’ dialog. This is only for GAUSSIAN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.AnalFacetEdgeTol This is the facet edge tolerance for shaded display.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.AnalFacetChordTol This is the facet chord distance for shaded display.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.AnalFacetAngleTol This is the facet angle tolerance for shaded display.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.AnalFacetWidthTol Facet width tolerance for analysis display.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalFineness one of the 6 values of ‘fineness’ UF_DISP_SHADED_COARSE UF_DISP_SHADED_STANDARD UF_DISP_SHADED_FINE UF_DISP_SHADED_EXTRA_FINE UF_DISP_SHADED_ULTRA_FINE UF_DISP_SHADED_CUSTOMIZE_TOL @@ Refer to SAMPLE=uf_disp_tab2.html fineness/shaded tolerance mapping table ENDSAMPLE @@
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.NumReflLines The number of reflection lines.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ReflHorizVert Determines whether to display horizontal, vertical, or all reflection lines values are: UF_DISP_REFL_HORIZ UF_DISP_REFL_VERT UF_DISP_REFL_HORIZ_AND_VERT
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ThickReflLines One of 3 thicknesses of reflection lines UF_DISP_REFL_THIN UF_DISP_REFL_MEDIUM UF_DISP_REFL_THICK
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.Reflectivity surface reflectivity (blending) factor. Must be a value between UF_DISP_REFL_REFLECTIVITY_MIN which results in no reflection and UF_DISP_REFL_REFLECTIVITY_MAX, which is the default, where the surface is absolutely reflective.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ReflMoveType reflection movement type. To use, set it to one of the following types: UF_DISP_REFL_TRANSLATE_HORIZ UF_DISP_REFL_TRANSLATE_VERT UF_DISP_REFL_ROTATE
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ReflMovePosition reflection translation or rotation factor. This is used when the reflection movement type has been set. Must be a value between UF_DISP_REFL_TRANSLATE_MIN and UF_DISP_REFL_TRANSLATE_MAX when refl_move_type is set to translate or between UF_DISP_REFL_ROTATE_ANGLE_MIN and UF_DISP_REFL_ROTATE_ANGLE_MAX when refl_move_type is set to rotate.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ReflSmoothLines Determines whether reflection lines should be anti-aliased.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ReflUserImageFilename Stores user specified reflection image file name.
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.NumContours Determines the number of displayed contour lines, bet ween 2 and UF_DISP_MAX_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplay The type of face analysis display for GAUSSIAN: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeGaussian This is blend/sharp type for GAUSSIAN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumGaussian This is number of color option for GAUSSIAN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplayMean The type of face analysis display for MEAN: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueMean mid value of the scalar function data range for MEAN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorMean scale factor applied to the data range for MEAN
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeMean This is blend/sharp type for MEAN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumMean This is number of color option for MEAN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplayMax The type of face analysis display for MAX: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueMax mid value of the scalar function data range for MAX type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorMax scale factor applied to the data range for MAX type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeMax This is blend/sharp type for MAX type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumMax This is number of color option for MAX type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplayMin The type of face analysis display for MIN: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueMin mid value of the scalar function data range for MIN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorMin scale factor applied to the data range for MIN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeMin This is blend/sharp type for MIN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumMin This is number of color option for MIN type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplayNormal The type of face analysis display for NORMAL: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueNormal mid value of the scalar function data range for NORMAL type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorNormal scale factor applied to the data range for NORMAL type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeNormal This is blend/sharp type for NORMAL type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumNormal This is number of color option for NORMAL type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplaySec The type of face analysis display for SECTIONAL: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueSec mid value of the scalar function data range for SECTIONAL type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorSec scale factor applied to the data range for SECTIONAL type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeSec This is blend/sharp type for SECTIONAL type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumSec This is number of color option for SECTIONAL type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplayU The type of face analysis display for U: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueU mid value of the scalar function data range for U type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorU scale factor applied to the data range for U
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeU This is blend/sharp type for U type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumU This is number of color option for U type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplayV The type of face analysis display for V: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueV mid value of the scalar function data range for V type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorV scale factor applied to the data range for V type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeV This is blend/sharp type for V type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumV This is number of color option for V type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplaySlope The type of face analysis display for SLOPE: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueSlope mid value of the scalar function data range for SLOPE type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorSlope scale factor applied to the data range for SLOPE
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeSlope This is blend/sharp type for SLOPE type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumSlope This is number of color option for SLOPE type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplayDistance The type of face analysis display for DISTANCE: UF_DISP_FRINGE UF_DISP_HEDGEHOG UF_DISP_CONTOUR_LINES
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.MidValueDistance mid value of the scalar function data range for DISTANCE type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.ScaleFactorDistance scale factor applied to the data range for DISTANCE
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorTypeDistance This is blend/sharp type for DISTANCE type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.LegendColorNumDistance This is number of color option for DISTANCE type
NXOpen.UF.DispSrfanlData_Struct.SurfAnalDisplayRefl This is the reflection display UF_DISP_REFL_LINES