NXOpen.UF.Clone.ValidationOpts Structure

NXOpen.UF.Clone.ValidationOpts is an alias for NXOpen.UF.CloneValidationOpts_Struct

class NXOpen.UF.CloneValidationOpts_Struct

Bases: object

Refer to UF_CLONE_validation_opts_s for documentation.


NXOpen.UF.CloneValidationOpts_Struct.Mode Default validation mode to be applied to components
NXOpen.UF.CloneValidationOpts_Struct.ValidationRule The validation rule file name to be used to compare with valdation results.
NXOpen.UF.CloneValidationOpts_Struct.TreatWarningAsPass A flag indicating whether to treat a validation result with the status “Pass but with warning” as PASS or not while comparing this validation result with validation rule
NXOpen.UF.CloneValidationOpts_Struct.TreatOutdatedAsPass A flag indicating whether to treat a validation result with the status “Pass but outdated” as PASS or not while comparing this validation result with validation rule