BendReportManagerYbcReport_Struct Struct

NXOpen.Routing.BendReportManager.YbcReport is an alias for NXOpen.Routing.BendReportManagerYbcReport_Struct

class NXOpen.Routing.BendReportManagerYbcReport_Struct

Bases: object

Used in the YBC bend reports.

The last bend value isn’t actually a bend. The only valid value is the Y value, which is the length after the last bend. All values are relative, meaning they are calculated from the previous bend. So if bend1 has B value of 90 degrees and bend2 has a B value of 90 degrees, then the pipe has rotated 180 degrees about the Y axis. . Constructor: NXOpen.Routing.BendReportManager.YbcReport()


Field Description
NXOpen.Routing.BendReportManagerYbcReport_Struct.Y The length along the stock before the bend.
NXOpen.Routing.BendReportManagerYbcReport_Struct.B The rotation angle in degrees about the Y axis of the stock.
NXOpen.Routing.BendReportManagerYbcReport_Struct.C The rotation angle in degrees about the Z axis of the stock.
Radius Radius of the bend.



The length along the stock before the bend.


Field Value Type:float



The rotation angle in degrees about the Y axis of the stock.


Field Value Type:float



The rotation angle in degrees about the Z axis of the stock.


Field Value Type:float



Radius of the bend.


Field Value Type:float