PlaneTypesAlternateType Enumeration

NXOpen.PlaneTypes.AlternateType is an alias for NXOpen.PlaneTypesAlternateType

class NXOpen.PlaneTypesAlternateType

Bases: object

Represents the alternate solutions. The system can have up to 4 alternate solutions depending upon the method. For example, if the user picks a point the system creates a plane through the point parallel to the XY plane. However, there are 2 additional solutions. The first is a plane through the point and the YZ plane. And the second is a plane through the point and XZ plane.

Enum Members

Enum Member Enum Member Description
One First alternate solution
Two Second alternate solution
Three Third alternate solution
Four Fourth alternate solution
Five Fifth alternate solution
Six Sixth alternate solution

Returns enum member equivalent to the value passed. Useful for bit operations of enum members.

Signature ValueOf(value)

Parameters:value – Any integer value or bit operation result of enum members:type value: int:returns: Enum member equivalent to the value passed.
Return type:Enum Member type.

New in version NX9.0.1.

License requirements: None.