NXOpen.Motion Package


AdamsSolverProperty Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.AdamsSolverProperty
AddSubmechanismBuilder Class Represents a builder class that performs add submechanism in current context.
AdvancedSolution Class Represents a Motion.AdvancedSolution.
AdvancedSolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.AdvancedSolution builder
AnalyticalContact Class Represents an Analytical Contact motion object.
AnalyticalContactBuilder Class Represents a Motion.AnalyticalContact builder
AnalyticalContactCollection Class Represents a collection of Analytical Contact objects
AnalyticalContactProperty Class Represents an Analytical Contact Property.
AnalyticalContactPropertyBuilder Class Represents a Motion.AnalyticalContactProperty builder
AnalyticalContactPropertyCollection Class Represents a collection of Analytical Contact Property objects
AnimationControl Class Represents the NXOpen.Motion.AnimationControl
ArticulationControl Class Represents the NXOpen.Motion.ArticulationControl
BaseSection Class Represents a base section function
BaseSectionBuilder Class Represents a Motion.BaseSectionBuilder.
BaseSectionCollection Class Represents a collection of BaseSections
BeamForce Class Represents a BeamForce
BeamForceBuilder Class Represents a Motion.BeamForceBuilder builder
BeamForceCollection Class Represents a collection of BeamForces
BodyContact Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.BodyContact
BodyContactAdams Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.BodyContactAdams
BodyContactBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.BodyContactBuilder
BodyContactCollection Class Represents a collection of 3D contact objects.
BodyContactLms Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.BodyContactLms
BodyContactRecurdyn Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.BodyContactRecurdyn
BodyContactSphereToCAD Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.BodyContactSphereToCAD
Bushing Class Represents a bushing
BushingActuatorCoefficients Class Represents a Motion BushingActuatorCoefficients
BushingBuilder Class Represents a Motion BushingBuilder
BushingCoefficients Class Represents a Motion BushingCoefficients
BushingCollection Class Represents a collection of motion joints
BushingCylindricalCoefficients Class Represents a Motion BushingCylindricalCoefficients
BushingCylindricalCoefficientsComponent Class Represents a Motion BushingCylindricalCoefficientsComponent
BushingDampingCoefficients Class Represents a Motion BushingDampingCoefficients
BushingDefine Class Represents a Motion BushingDefine
BushingGeneralCoefficients Class Represents a Motion BushingGeneralCoefficients
BushingGeneralCoefficientsComponent Class Represents a Motion BushingGeneralCoefficientsComponent
BushingSphericalCoefficients Class Represents a Motion BushingSphericalCoefficients
BushingSphericalCoefficientsComponent Class Represents a Motion BushingSphericalCoefficientsComponent
BushingStiffnessCoefficients Class Represents a Motion BushingStiffnessCoefficients
ConfigurationFloatParameter Class Represents a Motion.ConfigurationFloatParameter.
ConfigurationIntegerParameter Class Represents a Motion.ConfigurationIntegerParameter.
ConfigurationParameter Class Represents a Motion.ConfigurationParameter.
ConfigurationParameterList Class Represents a list of objects.
ConfigurationTextParameter Class Represents a Motion.ConfigurationTextParameter.
Connector Class Represents a connector
ConnectorBuilder Class Represents ConnectorBuilder
ControlInput Class Represents a Control Input motion object.
ControlInputBuilder Class Represents a Motion.ControlInput builder
ControlInputCollection Class Represents a collection of Control Input objects
ControlInputPortBuilder Class Represents a Motion.ControlPort builder specific to control input element.
ControlInputPortBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
ControlOutput Class Represents a Control Output motion object.
ControlOutputBuilder Class Represents a Motion.ControlOutput builder
ControlOutputCollection Class Represents a collection of Control Output objects
ControlPort Class Represents a motion control port object class.
ControlPortCollection Class Represents a collection of Control Port objects
Coupler Class Represents a motion coupler object
CouplerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CouplerBuilder
CouplerCable Class Represents a motion cable object
CouplerCableBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CouplerCableBuilder
CouplerCollection Class Represents a collection of motion couplers
CouplerGear Class Represents a motion gear object
CouplerGearBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CouplerGearBuilder
CouplerRckpn Class Represents a motion rack and pinion object
CouplerRckpnBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CouplerRckpnBuilder
CurveContact Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CurveContact
CurveContactAdams Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CurveContactAdams
CurveContactBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CurveContactBuilder
CurveContactCollection Class Represents a collection of 2D contact objects.
CurveContactRecurdyn Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CurveContactRecurdyn
CurveOnCurve Class Represents a curve on curve
CurveOnCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.CurveOnCurveBuilder
CurveOnCurveCollection Class Represents a collection of curve on curve objects
CustomizedMaterialBuilder Class Represents a Motion.CustomizedMaterialBuilder.
Damper Class Represents a damper
DamperBuilder Class Represents a DamperBuilder
DamperCollection Class Represents a collection of motion damper
DriverMotionsData Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.DriverMotionsData
DriverMultiOperations Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.DriverMultiOperations
DriverOperation Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.DriverOperation
ExpressionFunctionBuilder Class Represents a ExpressionFunctionBuilder builder
FlexBody Class Represents the Motion FlexBody class.
FlexBodyBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.FlexBody builder
FlexBodyCollection Class Represents a collection of flexible body objects
FlexPhysicalDampingSettings Class Represents the physical damping settings for flexible body
GeneralCoupler Class Represents motion 2-3 joint coupler
GeneralCouplerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.GeneralCouplerBuilder
GeneralCouplerCollection Class Represents a collection of 2-3 joint coupler objects
Graph Class Represents a graph, only creation is supported
GraphBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.GraphBuilder, only creation is supported
GraphLegendData Class Represents a motion graph legend data
GraphManager Class Represents a collection of Graph objects, only creation is supported
GraphObjectBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.GraphObjectBuilder, only creation is supported
IGraphSource Class Represents an interface IGraphSource
IPostControl Class Represents an interface IPostControl
InputPortAssociation Class Represents a Motion.InputPortAssociation.
InputPortAssociationList Class Represents a list of objects.
Joint Class Represents a motion joint object
JointBuilder Class This builder class is used to create or edit NXOpen.Motion.Joint objects.
JointCollection Class Represents a collection of motion joints
JointDefine Class Represents a joint define object
JointDriver Class Represents a joint driver
JointDriverBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.JointDriverBuilder
JointDriverCollection Class Represents a collection of Driver objects
JointFriction Class Represents a joint friction object
JointFrictionAdams Class Represents a adams joint friction object
JointFrictionLms Class Represents a lms joint friction object
JointFrictionRecurDyn Class Represents a recurdyn joint friction object
Link Class Represents the Motion Link class.
LinkAttachmentData Class Represents a Motion.LinkAttachmentData.
LinkBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LinkBuilder
LinkCollection Class Represents a collection of motion joints
LinkCoupler Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LinkCoupler
LinkCouplerBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LinkCouplerBuilder
LinkCouplerCollection Class Represents a collection of LinkCoupler objects
LinkCouplerCoupleBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LinkCouplerCoupleBuilder
LinkDriver Class Represents a Link Driver
LinkDriverBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LinkDriverBuilder
LinkDriverCollection Class Represents a collection of LinkDriver objects
LinkInitialVelocity Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LinkInitialVelocity
LinkMassProperty Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LinkMassProperty
LmsSolverProperty Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LmsSolverProperty
LoadTransfer Class Represents a Motion Load Transfer class
LoadTransferBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.LoadTransferBuilder
LoadTransferCollection Class Represents a collection of load transfer objects
LoadTransferControl Class Represents the NXOpen.Motion.LoadTransferControl
Marker Class Represents the Motion Marker class.
MarkerBuilder Class Represents a builder of Marker
MarkerCollection Class Represents a collection of Markers
MarkerToNodeData Class Represents the marker to node data which is a list item in NXOpen.Motion.FlexBodyBuilder
MechanismExport Class Represents a Mechanism Export object used to export one or more Motion objects to a text file.
MechanismImport Class Represents a Mechanism Import object used to import a Motion model from a text file.
Mechatronics Class Represents a Motion.Mechatronics.
MechatronicsBuilder Class Represents a Motion.Mechatronics builder
MechatronicsCollection Class Represents a collection of Mechatronics
MechatronicsPortCollection Class Represents a collection of ports used as outputs by Mechatronics
MotionBuilder Class This builder class is used to create or edit NXOpen.Motion.MotionObject
MotionEnvironment Class Represents a Motion Environment
MotionFunction Class Represents a Motion Function Object
MotionManager Class A manager to deal with all motion objects
MotionMethods Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.MotionMethods class
MotionObject Class Represents the motion base object class.
MotionSensor Class Represents a motion sensor
MotionSensorBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.MotionSensorBuilder
MotionSensorCollection Class Represents a collection of sensor objects
MotionSession Class Represents motion session
MotionSimulation Class Represents Motion.
MotionSolution Class Represents a solution
MotionSolutionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.MotionSolutionBuilder
MotionSolutionCollection Class Represents a collection of Driver objects
Motor Class Represents a motion motor base object class
MotorBuilder Class This builder class is used to create or edit NXOpen.Motion.Motor
NormalModeProperty Class Represents the properties of one normal mode
OutputPortAssociation Class Represents a Motion.OutputPortAssociation.
OutputPortAssociationList Class Represents a list of objects.
PMDCMotor Class Represents a motion pmdc motor object
PMDCMotorBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.PMDCMotorBuilder
PMDCMotorCollection Class Represents a collection of motion pmdc motor
Packaging Class This class is an abstract class and base class for NXOpen.Motion.PackagingMeasure, NXOpen.Motion.PackagingTrace and NXOpen.Motion.PackagingInterference objects.
PackagingBuilder Class This class an abstract class and base class for NXOpen.Motion.PackagingMeasureBuilder, NXOpen.Motion.PackagingTraceBuilder and NXOpen.Motion.PackagingInterferenceBuilder.
PackagingCollection Class Represents a collection of Packaging objects
PackagingInterference Class This class represents a Packaging Interference object.
PackagingInterferenceBuilder Class This the builder class to create or edit an Interference object.
PackagingMeasure Class This class represents a Packaging Measure object.
PackagingMeasureBuilder Class This is the builder class to create or edit a Measure object.
PackagingTrace Class This class represents a Packaging Trace object.
PackagingTraceBuilder Class This is the builder class to create or edit a Trace object.
PhysicsConversionBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.PhysicsConversionBuilder builder
PlantInput Class Represents a Plant Input motion object
PlantInputBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.PlantInput builder
PlantInputCollection Class Represents a collection of Plant Input objects
PlantOutput Class Represents a Plant Output motion object
PlantOutputBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.PlantOutput builder
PlantOutputCollection Class Represents a collection of Plant Output objects
PointOnCurve Class Represents a point on curve
PointOnCurveBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.PointOnCurveBuilder
PointOnCurveCollection Class Represents a collection of point on curve objects
PointOnSurface Class Represents a point on surface motion object
PointOnSurfaceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.PointOnSurfaceBuilder
PointOnSurfaceCollection Class Represents a collection of Point on Surface objects
PortAssociation Class Represents a Motion.PortAssociation.
PortVariable Class Represents a Motion.PortVariable.
PortVariableCollection Class Represents a collection of ports used to expose results on Mechatronics port variables
PortVariableList Class Represents a list of objects.
PostControl Class Represent abstract class Motion.
PostProcess Class Represents the motion post process
PostToolsControl Class Represent abstract class Motion.
RecurdynSolverProperty Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.RecurdynSolverProperty
ResultMeasure Class Represents a result measure motion object
ResultMeasureBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.ResultMeasure builder
ResultMeasureCollection Class Represents a collection of result measure objects
Road Class Represents a road
RoadBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.RoadBuilder
RoadCollection Class Represents a collection of Road objects
ScalarForce Class Represents the Motion ScalarForce class.
ScalarForceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.ScalarForceBuilder
ScalarForceCollection Class Represents a Scalar Force Collection.
ScalarTorque Class Represents the Motion ScalarTorque class.
ScalarTorqueBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.ScalarTorqueBuilder
ScalarTorqueCollection Class Represents a collection of motion scalar torque
Segment Class Represents a segment, only creation is supported
SegmentBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.SegmentBuilder, only creation is supported
SegmentBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
SegmentCollection Class Represents a collection of Segment objects, only creation is supported
SelectAnalyticalContactProperty Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectBaseSection Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectControlPort Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectFieldData Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectJoint Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectLink Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectMarker Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectRoad Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectSplineBeamProperty Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectTirePropertyBasic Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectTirePropertyCd Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectTirePropertyFt Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectTirePropertyMotorcycle Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectTirePropertyNonInertial Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectTirePropertyTno Class Represents a single object selection.
SignalChart Class Represents a motion Signal Chart object
SignalChartBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.SignalChartBuilder
SignalChartCollection Class Represents a collection of motion Signal Chart
SignalChartListItem Class Represents a SignalChartListItem, List Item inside a SignalChartBuilder
SignalChartListItemList Class Represents a list of objects.
SplineBeam Class Represents a SplineBeam
SplineBeamBuilder Class Represents a Motion.SplineBeamBuilder builder
SplineBeamCollection Class Represents a collection of SplineBeams
SplineBeamProperty Class Represents a SplineBeam Property
SplineBeamPropertyBuilder Class Represents a Motion.SplineBeamPropertyBuilder builder
SplineBeamPropertyCollection Class Represents a collection of SplineBeamProperty
SpreadsheetRunControl Class Represents the NXOpen.Motion.SpreadsheetRunControl
Spring Class Represents a spring
SpringBuilder Class Represents a SpringBuilder
SpringCollection Class Represents a collection of motion spring
StandardSection Class Represents a standard beam section
StandardSectionBuilder Class Represents a Motion.StandardSectionBuilder.
SubmechanismPositioner Class Represents a Submechanism Positioner object.
SubmechanismPositionerBuilder Class Represents a Motion.SubmechanismPositioner builder
SubmechanismPositionerCollection Class Represents a collection of Submechanmism Positioner objects
TextBasedElement Class Represents a Motion.TextBasedElement.
TextBasedElementBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.TextBasedElementBuilder builder
TextBasedElementCollection Class Represents a collection of Text Based Element objects
Tire Class <para>Tire Motion element.
TireBuilder Class Represents a Motion.Tire builder
TireCollection Class Represents a collection of motion tire elements
TireProperty Class Tire Property element.
TirePropertyAdvancedParameters Class Represents a TirePropertyAdvancedParameters builder
TirePropertyBasic Class <para>Basic Tire Property element.
TirePropertyBasicBuilder Class Represents a builder for a Motion.TirePropertyBasic
TirePropertyBasicCollection Class Represents a collection of NXOpen.Motion.TirePropertyBasic elements
TirePropertyBasicParameters Class Represents a TirePropertyBasicParameters builder
TirePropertyBuilder Class Represents a Builder base class for Tire Properties
TirePropertyCd Class CDTIRE Tire Property This is an object that contains parameters needed for the CDTIRE Tire model
TirePropertyCdBuilder Class Represents a Motion.TirePropertyCd builder
TirePropertyCdCollection Class Represents a collection of Motion CDTire Tire Property elements
TirePropertyFt Class FTire Tire Property element This is an object that contains parameters needed for the FTire Tire model
TirePropertyFtBuilder Class Represents a Builder for Motion Ftire Tire Property
TirePropertyFtCollection Class Represents a collection of Motion FTire Tire Property elements
TirePropertyHighOrderParameters Class Represents a Tire Property builder for the High Order parameters used in Motorcycle and Basic properties.
TirePropertyMotorcycle Class <para>Motorcycle Tire Property element.
TirePropertyMotorcycleBuilder Class Represents a TirePropertyMotorcycleBuilder builder
TirePropertyMotorcycleCollection Class Represents a collection of Motion Motorcycle Tire Property elements
TirePropertyNonInertial Class <para>NonInertial Tire Property element.
TirePropertyNonInertialBuilder Class Represents a builder for a Non-inertial Tire Property
TirePropertyNonInertialCollection Class Represents a collection of Motion Non-inertial Tire Property elements
TirePropertyTno Class TNO Tire Property element This is an object that contains parameters needed for the TNO Tire model
TirePropertyTnoBuilder Class Represents a Builder for Motion TNO Tire Property.
TirePropertyTnoCollection Class Represents a collection of Motion Tno Tire Property elements
UserDefinedSection Class Represents a user defined section function
UserDefinedSectionBuilder Class Represents a Motion.UserDefinedSectionBuilder.
VObject Class Represents a VObject
VectorForce Class Represents a vector force
VectorForceBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.VectorForceBuilder
VectorForceCollection Class Represents a collection of vector force objects
VectorTorque Class Represents a vector torque
VectorTorqueBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.Motion.VectorTorqueBuilder
VectorTorqueCollection Class Represents a collection of vector torque objects


ActiveView Enumeration Definitions of post articulation and spreadsheet run active view type
AddSubmechanismBuilderLayer Enumeration Represents initial location type that can be present during add component
AnalyticalContactBuilderContactTypeOption Enumeration Contact type
AnalyticalContactBuilderProfileType Enumeration Profile Type
AnalyticalContactPropertyBuilderDampingType Enumeration Damping Type
AnalyticalContactPropertyBuilderFrictionCoefficientType Enumeration Friction Coefficient Type
AnalyticalContactPropertyBuilderStiffnessType Enumeration Stiffness Type
BeamForceBuilderDampingTypes Enumeration the damping type
BeamForceBuilderVectorTypes Enumeration the vector direction of the beam force
BodyContactAdamsCoulombFriction Enumeration the enum for friction option of 3D contact
BodyContactAdamsForceModel Enumeration the enum for forec model of 3D contact
BodyContactBuilderContactTypeOption Enumeration the contact type (3D Contact or Sphere to CAD Contact)
BodyContactLmsCoulombFriction Enumeration the enum for friction option of 3D contact
BodyContactLmsForceModelType Enumeration the enum for force model of 3D contact
BodyContactRecurdynContactType Enumeration the enum for contact type option of 3D contact
BodyContactRecurdynCoulombFriction Enumeration the enum for friction option of 3D contact
BodyContactRecurdynForceModel Enumeration the enum for forec model of 3D contact
BodyContactRecurdynSurfaceType Enumeration the enum for surface type option of 3D contact
BodyContactSphereToCADCoulombFriction Enumeration the enum for friction option
BushingBuilderBushingTypes Enumeration Definitions of bushing type
BushingCylindricalCoefficientTypes Enumeration Definitions of bushing cylindrical coefficient component type
BushingDefineAngleCalculationOption Enumeration Defines the Angle Calculation option
BushingDefineForceCalculationOption Enumeration Defines the Force Calculation option
BushingDefineOrientationTypes Enumeration Defines the orientation type of bushing
BushingGeneralCoefficientMoveTypes Enumeration Definitions move type of general type bushing coefficient
BushingGeneralCoefficientTypes Enumeration Definitions of bushing general coefficient component type
BushingSphericalCoefficientTypes Enumeration Definitions of bushing spherical coefficient component type
ConnectorBuilderApplicationDirection Enumeration Definitions of application direction
ConnectorBuilderAttachmentType Enumeration Definitions of connector attachment type
ConnectorCoefficientTypes Enumeration Definitions of connector coefficient type
ControlInputBuilderInputType Enumeration Control Input type
ControlInputPortBuilderMeasuredComponent Enumeration the types of components that can be measured by the control input element for the selected variable.
ControlInputPortBuilderMeasuredVariable Enumeration the types of variables that can be measured by the control input element.
ControlOutputBuilderControlOutputType Enumeration Control Output type
ControlOutputBuilderDirectionType Enumeration Output Variable Direction
ControlOutputBuilderVariableType Enumeration Output Variable type
CurveContactBuilderGeometryMaterialSide Enumeration the enum for the materia side direction of the selected geometry
CurveParameterizedTypes Enumeration Defines curve parameterized type
DriverMotionsDataDriverDataType Enumeration Driver Data Type
DriverMotionsDataDriverRotationType Enumeration Driver Rotation type
DriverOperationIntegrationType Enumeration Integration type
DriverOperationType Enumeration Driver operation type
ExpressionFunctionBuilderType Enumeration The block type can be Expression when a constant expression is used or Function when a spline curve is used or Profile when a profile is used.
FlexBodyBuilderPositioning Enumeration Represents positioning type of flexible body
FlexBodyBuilderSourceType Enumeration Represents rfi file type of flexible body
FlexBodyBuilderUnitSystemType Enumeration Represents unit system
ForceValueTypes Enumeration Defines function value type
GcouplerMovementTypes Enumeration Defines 2-3 joint coupler joint movement type
GeneralCouplerBuilderAttachmentType Enumeration Definitions of joint coupler attachment type
GraphBuilderComponentChoices Enumeration Component attribute of the curve data.
GraphBuilderCsysChoices Enumeration Csys attribute of the curve data.
GraphBuilderPlotStyleChoices Enumeration Plot output type
GraphBuilderRequestChoices Enumeration Request attribute of the curve data.
GraphBuilderXAxisTypeChoices Enumeration X axis type choice.
JointDefineOrientationType Enumeration Defines the orientation type of joint
JointDefineScrewJointDisplCurveType Enumeration Defines the displacement curve type for screw joints
JointDefineScrewJointMethodType Enumeration Defines the method type of screw joints
JointDefineScrewJointRatioType Enumeration Defines the ratio type for screw joints
JointDefineType Enumeration Joint define type
JointDefineUniversalJointAxisType Enumeration Defines the axis type for universal joints
JointFrictionAdamsFrictionEffect Enumeration Joint friction effect
JointFrictionAdamsFrictionOverlapDelta Enumeration Joint friction overlap_delta
JointFrictionAdamsFrictionYokeType Enumeration Joint friction yoke type
JointFrictionRecurDynFrictionEffect Enumeration Joint friction effect
JointFrictionRecurDynFrictionOverlapDelta Enumeration Joint friction overlap_delta
JointFrictionRecurDynFrictionYokeType Enumeration Joint friction yoke type
LinkCouplerBuilderCurveChoices Enumeration the LinkCoupler Curve type.
LinkCouplerBuilderMethodChoices Enumeration the LinkCoupler method.
LinkCouplerBuilderTypeChoices Enumeration the LinkCoupler type.
LinkCouplerCoupleBuilderMeasurementChoices Enumeration the Measurement type.
LinkCouplerCoupleBuilderScaleChoices Enumeration the Scale type.
LinkInitialVelocityAngularVelocityType Enumeration Defines rotate type of initial velocity.
LinkMassPropertyMassPropertyType Enumeration Defines mass property type of link
LmsSolverPropertyDynamicAccelerationMethods Enumeration dynamic acceleration method
LmsSolverPropertyDynamicInitialVelocityMethods Enumeration dynamic initial velocity method
LmsSolverPropertyRoadHeightAdjustmentTypes Enumeration road height adjustment type
LmsSolverPropertyStaticJacobianTypes Enumeration static jacobian type
MarkerMarkerType Enumeration Marker subtype
MechanismExportPositionOrientationFormat Enumeration Format to export the position and orientation data.
MechanismImportNamingRule Enumeration Naming Rule type to modify imported object’s name
MechatronicsBuilderMechatronicsModelType Enumeration the mechatronics type - possible values are Matlab or Amesim
MechatronicsBuilderPurposeType Enumeration the mechatronics purpose type - possible values are Import and Export
MechatronicsBuilderSolverCommunicationIntervalType Enumeration the mechatronics communication interval type - only for Amesim! - possible values are Constant and Variable
MechatronicsBuilderSolverIntegrationType Enumeration the mechatronics integration type - possible values are ModelExchange and CoSimulation
MotionEnvironmentAdoptAssemblyJointStatus Enumeration Represents the on-off status of adopt assembly joint
MotionEnvironmentAnalysis Enumeration Represents analysis type of current mechanisms
MotionEnvironmentJointWizardStatus Enumeration Represents the on-off status of joint wizard
MotionEnvironmentSolver Enumeration Represents Motion solver of current mechanism
MotionObjectGroupType Enumeration The group type attribute is used for import subassembly functionality.
MotionSensorBuilderComponent Enumeration component enumeration type
MotionSensorBuilderReference Enumeration reference frame enumeration type
MotionSensorBuilderTypes Enumeration sensor type
MotionSolutionBuilderAnalysisTypes Enumeration Analysis type The LMS Solver does not support NXOpen.Motion.MotionSolutionBuilderAnalysisTypes.Control.
MotionSolutionBuilderSolutionTypes Enumeration Solution type
PMDCMotorBuilderType Enumeration Motor type
PackagingInterferenceBuilderAction Enumeration Interference action type
PackagingInterferenceBuilderFrame Enumeration Interference solid reference frame type.
PackagingInterferenceBuilderMode Enumeration Interference calculation mode type
PackagingMeasureBuilderMeasureCondition Enumeration Measure condition
PackagingMeasureBuilderMeasureType Enumeration Measure type
PackagingTraceBuilderFrame Enumeration Trace reference frame type
ParamRedefineState Enumeration Defines the redefine state of a property of an occurrence of an object in the assembly.
PlantOutputBuilderPoutype Enumeration the type enum
PlayMode Enumeration Definitions of post animation and spreadsheet run play mode type
PostProcessEnvelopeAccuracyModes Enumeration The modes for envelope accuracy
PostProcessEnvelopeToleranceTypes Enumeration Envelope tolerance types
RecurdynSolverPropertyStaticIntegratorTypes Enumeration Integrator type
ResultMeasureInterferenceType Enumeration Result measure interference result type
ResultMeasureResultType Enumeration Result measure result type
RoadBuilderPathDatatypeChoices Enumeration data type attribute of the path data
RoadBuilderSplineDatatypeChoices Enumeration data type attribute of the spline data
RoadBuilderSurfaceDatatypeChoices Enumeration data type attribute of the surface data
RoadBuilderTypeChoices Enumeration type attribute of the road
ScalarForceBuilderApplicationType Enumeration the application type.
ScalarForceBuilderDirectionType Enumeration the Direction type.
ScalarTorqueBuilderAppType Enumeration the application type
ScalarTorqueBuilderDirectionType Enumeration the direction
ScalarTorqueBuilderScalarTorqueType Enumeration the torque type
SegmentBuilderSplineDatatypeChoices Enumeration data type attribute of the straight data
SegmentBuilderStraightTransitionTypeChoices Enumeration data type attribute of the straight data
SegmentBuilderTypeChoices Enumeration type attribute of the segment
SignalChartBuilderType Enumeration SignalChart type
SignalChartListItemCondition Enumeration signal chart list item condition
SignalChartListItemTimer Enumeration time sensor
SplineBeamBuilderDefinitionMethodType Enumeration the definition method type
SplineBeamBuilderSectionAxisType Enumeration the definition of the section axis type
SplineBeamPropertyBuilderDampingTypes Enumeration the damping type
StandardSectionBuilderStandardSectionType Enumeration the standard section type
TextBasedElementBuilderTypeChoices Enumeration the text based element type - multiple values
TireBuilderType Enumeration the Tire type.
TirePropertyAdvancedParametersContactType Enumeration The block type can be Function when a spline curve is used or Profile when a profile is used.
TirePropertyAdvancedParametersFrictType Enumeration The block type can be Function when a spline curve is used or Profile when a profile is used.
TirePropertyAdvancedParametersRollingType Enumeration the rolling radius type.
TirePropertyAdvancedParametersSurfType Enumeration the type of surface interaction calculations used.
TirePropertyBasicParametersCorneringType Enumeration A constant will be used for the Cornering Stiffness when CorneringType is ‘Cornering’.
TirePropertyCdBuilderAmbientTempType Enumeration The Ambient Temp type.
TirePropertyCdBuilderInflationPressureType Enumeration The Inflation Pressure type.
TirePropertyCdBuilderModelType Enumeration The Model type.
TirePropertyHighOrderParametersUnloadingVertStiffType Enumeration The block type can be Function when a spline curve is used or Profile when a profile is used.
TirePropertyTnoBuilderContactMethodType Enumeration The Contact Method type.
TirePropertyTnoBuilderDynamicsType Enumeration The Dynamics type.
TirePropertyTnoBuilderIswitchDefinitionType Enumeration The Iswitch Definition type.
TirePropertyTnoBuilderSlipForcesType Enumeration The Slip Forces type.
TirePropertyTnoBuilderTireSideType Enumeration The Tire Side type.
TirePropertyTnoBuilderTrackSideType Enumeration The Track Side type.
VobjectApplicationType Enumeration the application type.
VobjectCsysType Enumeration Represents the CSYS type


GraphBuilderCurveData_Struct Struct Contains the structure of curve associated with curve data.
PackagingMeasureBuilderGeometryData_Struct Struct Represents geometry data.
PostProcessEnvelopeTolerance_Struct Struct Contains settings for envelope tolerance