NXOpen.Fields Package


ComplexScalarFieldWrapper Class This class defines a complex value that is internally backed up by a field or two expressions.
ComplexVectorFieldWrapper Class This class defines a complex value that is internally backed up by a field or six expressions.
DisplayPropertiesBuilder Class
Represents a builder class for editing display properties of a NXOpen.Fields.Field
ExportData Class
Represents data for field export
Field Class Represents an Field abstract class.
FieldCollection Class Represents a collection of Fields
FieldDomain Class Represents the Field Domains.
FieldDomainCollection Class Provides methods for manipulating the field domains
FieldDrawHelper Class
Represents Field_DrawHelper. This class is to be used only for implementing TESTING of Field Display functionality only.
FieldEvaluator Class
Represents a Field Evaluator which can be used to evaluate a NXOpen.Fields.Field.
FieldExpression Class
Represents the Field Expression class.
FieldFormula Class
Represents the Field Formula class.
FieldLink Class
Represents the Field Link class.
FieldLinksTable Class
Represents the Field LinksTable class.
FieldManager Class
Represents the manager class of the Fields
FieldReference Class
Represents an reference field
FieldTable Class
Represents the Field Table class.
FieldVariable Class
Represents the Field Variables
FieldWrapper Class This class defines a value that is internally backed up by a field.
IApplication Class Interface for all applications registered with the Field subsystem. Each application type should only be registered once with the Field subsystem. Each application class is identified by its name.
IApplicationData Class Interface for all application specific data to be registered on fields. Only one application specific data object per IApplication can be added on a field.
ImportData Class
Represents data transfer objectst for field import
NameVariable Class This class stores the common name and measure for field variables.
PathObjects Class
Contains objects that define a lattice path
PathObjectsList Class Represents a list of objects.
ScalarFieldWrapper Class This class defines a scalar value that is internally backed up by a (optionally scaled) field or an expression.
SpatialMap Class
Represents the Field Domain Map
SpatialMapBuilder Class
Represents a NXOpen.Fields.SpatialMap builder
VectorFieldWrapper Class This class defines a vector value that is internally backed up by a (optionally scaled) field or three expressions.


DisplayPropertiesBuilderBalStrainType Enumeration Balance Strain Field Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderComplexScalarType Enumeration Complex Scalar Field Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderComplexVectorType Enumeration Complex Vector Field Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderDepDispTypeEnum Enumeration Field Dep Disp Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderDepDomColorEnum Enumeration Field Dep Dom Color
DisplayPropertiesBuilderDepLabelValueEnum Enumeration Field Dep Label Value
DisplayPropertiesBuilderDispResolutionEnum Enumeration Field Disp Resolution
DisplayPropertiesBuilderFieldQuantityType Enumeration Field Quanity Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderIndepDomDispType Enumeration Field Indep Dom Disp
DisplayPropertiesBuilderLegacy3DType Enumeration Legacy_3D Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderLegendPos Enumeration legend position
DisplayPropertiesBuilderLineFontEnum Enumeration Field Line Display Fonts
DisplayPropertiesBuilderLineWidthEnum Enumeration Field Line Widths
DisplayPropertiesBuilderScalarType Enumeration Scalar Field Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderTblPointTypeEnum Enumeration Field Tbl Point Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderTensorType Enumeration Tensor Field Type
DisplayPropertiesBuilderValueRange Enumeration range for contour plots
DisplayPropertiesBuilderValuesEnum Enumeration Field Values
DisplayPropertiesBuilderVectorType Enumeration Vector Field Type
FieldEvaluatorInterpolationEnum Enumeration Interpolation type
FieldEvaluatorInverseDistanceWeightingEnum Enumeration Options for IDW (inverse weighted distance) interpolator
FieldEvaluatorLinearLogOptionEnum Enumeration Log Options for Linear interpolator
FieldEvaluatorValuesOutsideTableInterpolationEnum Enumeration Options for outside table values interpolation
FieldTableInterpolationEnum Enumeration Interpolation type This enumeration has been deprecated use NXOpen.Fields.FieldEvaluatorInterpolationEnum instead.
FieldTableLoadFileOption Enumeration Load file options
FieldVariableType Enumeration Variable Types
FieldVariableValueType Enumeration Variable value Type
SpatialMapBoundingBoxMapEnum Enumeration Bounding Box Map
SpatialMapParametricPlaneMapEnum Enumeration Parametric Plane Map
SpatialMapSubtypeEnum Enumeration Subtype of Spatial Map
SpatialMapSubtypeMappingEnum Enumeration Subtype Mapping
SpatialMapTypeEnum Enumeration Type of Spatial Map


FieldVariableBounds_Struct Struct Variable Bounds structure