FacetingParameters Struct

class NXOpen.Facet.FacetingParameters

Bases: object

The structure of JA faceting parameters .

Constructor: NXOpen.Facet.FacetingParameters()


Field Description
MaximumFacetEdges The maximum number of edges allowed in the facets that are to be generated (this does not apply to JT).
SpecifySurfaceTolerance If this value is true, then values must be specified for surfaceDistanceTolerance and surfaceAngularTolerance.
SurfaceDistanceTolerance This is the maximum distance from the surface to the facet.
SurfaceAngularTolerance This is the maximum angular variation in radians of the surface normal over the facet.
SpecifyCurveTolerance This indicates that values are to be specified for curveDistanceTolerance and curveAngularTolerance and curve_max_length.
CurveDistanceTolerance This is the maximum distance between the facet edge and the curve segment represented by the facet edge.
CurveAngularTolerance This is the maximum angular variation in radians of the curve tangent along the curve segment represented by the facet edge.
CurveMaximumLength The maximum length of a curve, default is 1000.
SpecifyConvexFacets This indicates that the facets generated by the faceter should all be convex (this does not apply to JT).
SpecifyMaximumFacetSize This indicates that a maximum width of facet is to be specified using maximumFacetSize.
MaximumFacetSize This is the maximum width of a facet.
SpecifyParameters This indicates that the model will be created with the parametric information for each vertex.
NumberStorageType This indicates whether the real numbers for facet vertices and facet normals should be stored as floats (UF_FACET_TYPE_FLOAT) or as doubles (UF_FACET_TYPE_DOUBLE).
SpecifyViewDirection Should we use a viewing direction for denser faceting around silhouettes.
SilhouetteViewDirection If specifyViewDirection is specified, then this is the view direction to use (this does not apply to JT).
SilhouetteChordTolerance If specifyViewDirection is specified then this is the tolerance which will be used as a tighter surface tolerance in the silhouette area specified by the view direction (this does not apply to JT).
StoreFaceTag Should this FACET body record face tags or not (this does not apply to JT).
WithLODS When creating a JT facet body whether to create LODs or not (this does not apply to NX).



The maximum number of edges allowed in the facets that are to be generated (this does not apply to JT).


Field Value Type:int



If this value is true, then values must be specified for surfaceDistanceTolerance and surfaceAngularTolerance.

If this value is false then values for surfaceDistanceTolerance and surfaceAngularTolerance will be determined by the system based on the body box or face box of the solid entity being faceted.


Field Value Type:bool



This is the maximum distance from the surface to the facet.


Field Value Type:float



This is the maximum angular variation in radians of the surface normal over the facet.

A value of zero indicates no constraint.


Field Value Type:float



This indicates that values are to be specified for curveDistanceTolerance and curveAngularTolerance and curve_max_length.

If this value is false then values for curveDistanceTolerance and curveAngularTolerance will be determined by the system based on the body box or face box of the solid entity being faceted, and no restriction will be placed on the maximum length of curve that can be represented by a single facet edge.


Field Value Type:bool



This is the maximum distance between the facet edge and the curve segment represented by the facet edge.

This applies only to those facet edges lying along solid edges.


Field Value Type:float



This is the maximum angular variation in radians of the curve tangent along the curve segment represented by the facet edge.

This applies only to those facet edges lying along solid edges. A value of zero indicates no constraint.


Field Value Type:float



The maximum length of a curve, default is 1000.

0 -------------------------------------

Field Value Type:float



This indicates that the facets generated by the faceter should all be convex (this does not apply to JT).


Field Value Type:bool



This indicates that a maximum width of facet is to be specified using maximumFacetSize.

If this field is false then no maximum facet size is imposed.


Field Value Type:bool



This is the maximum width of a facet.

This is only used if specifyMaximumFacetSize is true.


Field Value Type:float



This indicates that the model will be created with the parametric information for each vertex.

Should parameters at the vertices be obtained for the facets of the model (this does not apply to JT).


Field Value Type:bool



This indicates whether the real numbers for facet vertices and facet normals should be stored as floats (UF_FACET_TYPE_FLOAT) or as doubles (UF_FACET_TYPE_DOUBLE).

Note that this option applies only when a faceted model is being created, and is ignored when the model is updated. This option is not applicable to JT creation or update.


Field Value Type:int



Should we use a viewing direction for denser faceting around silhouettes.

The denser faceting will honor the tolerance specified by silhouetteChordTolerance in the silhouette with respect to the view direction specified by silhouetteViewDirection vector. If this is false, there is no special consideration for any silhouette area (this does not apply to JT).


Field Value Type:bool



If specifyViewDirection is specified, then this is the view direction to use (this does not apply to JT).


Field Value Type:NXOpen.Vector3d



If specifyViewDirection is specified then this is the tolerance which will be used as a tighter surface tolerance in the silhouette area specified by the view direction (this does not apply to JT).


Field Value Type:float



Should this FACET body record face tags or not (this does not apply to JT).


Field Value Type:bool



When creating a JT facet body whether to create LODs or not (this does not apply to NX).


Field Value Type:bool