SectionViewStyle Class

class NXOpen.Drawings.SectionViewStyle

Bases: object

Represents set of Section View Style Preferences applicable to drafting views.

To obtain an instance of this class use Drawings.ViewStyle.Section()

New in version NX5.0.0.


Property Description
AssemblyCrossHatching Returns or sets the status of assembly cross hatching.
Background Returns or sets the status of background.
Bendlines Returns or sets the status of bendlines
CrossHatch Returns or sets the status of cross hatch.
CrosshatchAdjacencyTolarance Returns or sets the value of crosshatch adjacency tolarance.
DisplaySectionLine Returns or sets the status of display section line.
Foreground Returns or sets the status of foreground
HiddenLineHatching Returns or sets the status of hidden line hatching.
RestrictCrosshatchAngle Returns or sets
SectionSheetBodies Returns or sets the status of section sheet bodies.


Property Detail



Returns or sets the status of assembly cross hatching.

Controls the crosshatching angle of adjacent solids in an assembly section view. Works when Drawings.SectionViewStyle.CrossHatch`() is True.


Getter Method

Signature AssemblyCrossHatching

Return type:bool

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature AssemblyCrossHatching

Parameters:assemblyCrossHatching (bool) –

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets the status of background.

Suppress or display the background curves for a section view. If True, not only the curves and crosshatching generated by cutting the solid are displayed, but the curves behind the cutting plane are displayed as well. If False, only the curves and crosshatching generated by cutting the solid are displayed in the view.


Getter Method

Signature Background

Return type:bool

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature Background

Parameters:background (bool) –

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets the status of bendlines


Getter Method

Signature Bendlines

Return type:bool

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature Bendlines

Parameters:bendlines (bool) –

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets the status of cross hatch.

Allows to control whether or not crosshatching is generated in a given section view. If True, crosshatching is displayed for a section view on the drawing, else crosshatching is not generated for a section view on the drawing, and a performance increase is gained.


Getter Method

Signature CrossHatch

Return type:bool

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature CrossHatch

Parameters:crossHatch (bool) –

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets the value of crosshatch adjacency tolarance.

Controls the crosshatching angle of adjacent solids in an assembly section view. Works when Drawings.SectionViewStyle.AssemblyCrossHatching`() is True.


Getter Method

Signature CrosshatchAdjacencyTolarance

Return type:float

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature CrosshatchAdjacencyTolarance

Parameters:crosshatchAdjacencyTolarance (float) –

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets the status of display section line.

Suppress or display the sectio line in a section view.


Getter Method

Signature DisplaySectionLine

Return type:bool

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature DisplaySectionLine

Parameters:displaySectionLine (bool) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets the status of foreground


Getter Method

Signature Foreground

Return type:bool

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature Foreground

Parameters:foreground (bool) –

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets the status of hidden line hatching.

Controls whether hatching for a Break-Out or Pictorial Section view participates in hidden line processing. When it is True for a break-out section view, the only hatch style available is iron (equally spaced solid lines). Works when Drawings.SectionViewStyle.CrossHatch`() is True.


Getter Method

Signature HiddenLineHatching

Return type:bool

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature HiddenLineHatching

Parameters:hiddenLineHatching (bool) –

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets


Getter Method

Signature RestrictCrosshatchAngle

Return type:bool

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature RestrictCrosshatchAngle

Parameters:restrictCrosshatchAngle (bool) –

New in version NX6.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)



Returns or sets the status of section sheet bodies.

Allows sectioning of sheet bodies in a Section view.


Getter Method

Signature SectionSheetBodies

Return type:bool

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: None.


Setter Method

Signature SectionSheetBodies

Parameters:sectionSheetBodies (bool) –

New in version NX5.0.0.

License requirements: drafting (“DRAFTING”)