StudioImageCaptureBuilderAASamplesEnumType Enumeration

NXOpen.Display.StudioImageCaptureBuilder.AASamplesEnumType is an alias for NXOpen.Display.StudioImageCaptureBuilderAASamplesEnumType

class NXOpen.Display.StudioImageCaptureBuilderAASamplesEnumType

Bases: object

Provide the following anti-aliasing sample size for off screen image capture

Enum Members

Enum Member Enum Member Description
Sam0X Do not set sampling option
Sam2X Set sampling at 2 times
Sam4X Set sampling at 4 times
Sam8X Set sampling at 8 times
Sam16X Set sampling at 16 times

Returns enum member equivalent to the value passed. Useful for bit operations of enum members.

Signature ValueOf(value)

Parameters:value – Any integer value or bit operation result of enum members:type value: int:returns: Enum member equivalent to the value passed.
Return type:Enum Member type.

New in version NX9.0.1.

License requirements: None.