BaseDisplayStyleSetting Class

class NXOpen.CAE.Xyplot.BaseDisplayStyleSetting

Bases: NXOpen.TaggedObject, NXOpen.CAE.Xyplot.IDisplayStyle

Represent an abstract object on display style.

not support KF.

New in version NX12.0.0.


Property Description
JournalIdentifier Returns the identifier that would be recorded in a journal for this object.
Owner Returns the owner style
Tag Returns the Tag for this object.


Method Description
CommitChange Commits any edits that have been applied to the display style.
Find Finds the NXOpen.TaggedObject with the given identifier as recorded in a journal.

Property Detail



Returns the identifier that would be recorded in a journal for this object.

This may not be the same across different releases of the software.


Getter Method

Signature JournalIdentifier

Return type:str

New in version NX12.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Returns the owner style


Getter Method

Signature Owner

Return type:NXOpen.CAE.Xyplot.IDisplayStyle

New in version NX10.0.0.

License requirements: None.

Method Detail



Commits any edits that have been applied to the display style.

Triggers the corresponding plot to update graph.

Signature CommitChange()

New in version NX9.0.0.

License requirements: None.



Finds the NXOpen.TaggedObject with the given identifier as recorded in a journal.

An object may not return the same value as its JournalIdentifier in different versions of the software. However newer versions of the software should find the same object when FindObject is passed older versions of its journal identifier. In general, this method should not be used in handwritten code and exists to support record and playback of journals.

An exception will be thrown if no object can be found with the given journal identifier.

Signature Find(journalIdentifier)

Parameters:journalIdentifier (str) – Journal identifier of the object
Return type:NXOpen.TaggedObject

New in version NX12.0.0.

License requirements: None.