NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation Package


BaseBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class for all objects defined in response analysis meta solution
CSDExcitation Class Represents an CSD excitation.
CSDExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.CSDExcitation.
CombinationEvaluationOptions Class Represents the setting for combination evaluation.
CsdEvaluationSetting Class Represents the class of evaluation setting for CSD
CsdEvaluationSettingBuilder Class Represents the CSD build
DDAMComponentData Class Represents an excitation on one specified direction.
DDAMExcitation Class Represents an DDAM excitation.
DDAMExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.DDAMExcitation.
DataLocation Class Represents the data location to perform evaluation
DistributedLoadExcitation Class Represents an excitation of distributed-load type
DistributedLoadExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.DistributedLoadExcitation.
DynamicEvaluationOutputSettings Class Represents the output setting for dynamic response evaluation
DynamicResultEvaluationSetting Class Represents the abstract class of evaluation setting for all dynamic results evaluations.
DynamicResultEvaluationSettingBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class of evaluation setting for all dynamic results evaluations.
ElementalFunctionEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting for elemental function evaluation.
ElementalFunctionEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.ElementalFunctionEvaluationSetting class.
EvaluationParameters Class Represents the evaluation parameters for a response simulation meta solution
EvaluationSetting Class Represents the abstract class of all evaluation setting classes.
EvaluationSettingBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class of all evaluation setting classes.
EvaluationSettingManager Class Represents the manager of all evaluation setting objects.
Excitation Class Represents the abstract class of dynamic excitations
ExcitationBuilder Class Represents the abstract excitation builder class.
ExcitationCollection Class Represents a collection of excitation objects
ExcitationLocationDefinition Class Represents the manager to CAE.ResponseSimulation.DistributedLoadExcitation.
FrequencyDefinition Class Represents the frequency setting to perform FRF evaluation
FrfEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting for FRF results evaluation
FrfEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.FrfEvaluationSetting class.
FunctionComponentData Class Represents a function component setting of NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.NodalFunctionExcitation on one direction
FunctionEvaluationOutputSettings Class Represents the output setting for function response evaluation
FunctionEvaluationSetting Class Represents the abstract class of evaluation setting for function response evaluation
FunctionEvaluationSettingBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class of evaluation setting for function response evaluation
InitialConditions Class Represents the initial condition setting of transient event
LcrResultsEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting of LCR results evaluation.
LcrResultsEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.LcrResultsEvaluationSetting class.
Manager Class Represents the Response Dynamics manager to contain all Response Dynamics objects
ModalProperties Class Represents the modal presentation of a response analysis meta solution
ModalResultsEvaluationSetting Class Represents the abstract class of evaluation setting for FRF and transmissibility
ModalResultsEvaluationSettingBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class of evaluation setting for FRF and transmissibility
ModeInitialData Class Represents the initial setting for a normal mode
NodalFunctionEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting of nodal function response evaluation.
NodalFunctionEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.NodalFunctionEvaluationSetting class.
NodalFunctionExcitation Class Represents the abstract class of nodal function excitation
NodalFunctionExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.NodalFunctionExcitation.
NormalMode Class Represents the properties of one normal mode
ObjectLabel Class Represents the setting to label an object.
PeakValueEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting of peak value evaluation.
PeakValueEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.PeakValueEvaluationSetting class.
PhysicalDampingSettings Class Represents the physical damping settings for a response simulation meta solution
PrlResultsEvaluationSetting Class Represents the abstract class of evaluation setting for peak value, RMS results and LCR results.
PrlResultsEvaluationSettingBuilder Class Represents the abstract builder class of evaluation setting for peak value, RMS results and LCR results.
RSDisplayObject Class
Represents a BC display attributes
RSEvent Class Represents a response analysis event
RSEventAttributes Class Represents all possible attributes setting for response analysis event
RSEventBuilder Class Represents the manager of CAE.
RSEventCollection Class Represents a collection of response analysis event
RSEventOutputSetting Class Reprensents the output setting for an event
RSEventSolverParameters Class Represents a response analysis event
ResponseResultsEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting for response results evaluation.
ResponseResultsEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.ResponseResultsEvaluationSetting class.
RmsResultsEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting for RMS results evaluation in response analysis.
RmsResultsEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.RmsResultsEvaluationSetting class.
RotationalDDAMExcitation Class Represents an DDAM excitation.
RotationalDDAMExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to CAE.ResponseSimulation.DDAMExcitation.
RotationalNodalFunctionExcitation Class Represents a rotational nodal function excitation
RotationalNodalFunctionExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.RotationalNodalFunctionExcitation.
Sensor Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.Sensor
SensorBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.SensorBuilder
SensorCollection Class Represents a collection of response analysis sensor
SensorEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting for sensor evaluation.
SensorEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.SensorEvaluationSetting class.
Solution Class Represents a meta solution providing response analysis functionalities in the .
SolutionAttributes Class Represents attributes setting of response analysis meta solution
SolutionBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.Solution class.
SolutionCollection Class Represents a collection of response analysis meta solution
StaticLoadExcitation Class Represents an excitation of static load type
StaticLoadExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.StaticLoadExcitation.
StrainGage Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.StrainGage
StrainGageBuilder Class Represents a StrainGageBuilder
StrainGageCollection Class Represents a collection of response analysis strain gage
StrainGageEvaluationSetting Class Represents the parameters setting for strain gage evaluation.
StrainGageEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.StrainGageEvaluationSetting class.
StrengthResultsEvaluationSetting Class Represents parameters setting for strength results evaluation.
StrengthResultsEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.StrengthResultsEvaluationSetting class.
TranslationalDDAMExcitation Class Represents an DDAM excitation.
TranslationalDDAMExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to CAE.ResponseSimulation.DDAMExcitation.
TranslationalNodalFunctionExcitation Class Represents a translational nodal function excitation
TranslationalNodalFunctionExcitationBuilder Class Represents the manager to NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.TranslationalNodalFunctionExcitation.
TransmissibilityEvaluationSetting Class Represents parameters setting for transmissibility evaluation
TransmissibilityEvaluationSettingBuilder Class This is a manager to the NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.TransmissibilityEvaluationSetting class.
VelocityImpactDirection Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.VelocityImpactDirection
VelocityImpactExcitation Class Represents a velocity impact excitation
VelocityImpactExcitationBuilder Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.VelocityImpactExcitationBuilder
VelocityImpactParameters Class Represents a NXOpen.CAE.ResponseSimulation.VelocityImpactParameters


CSDExcitationCorrelationType Enumeration Represents the correlation type.
CombinationEvaluationOptionsEvaluationMethod Enumeration Specifies the calculation method of combination evaluation
CombinationEvaluationOptionsMultipleExcitationCombinationMethod Enumeration Specifies combination method for multiple excitation combination
CoordinateSystem Enumeration Specifies the coordinate system
DDAMComponentDataLoadingType Enumeration Specifies the loading type
DDAMComponentDataResponseType Enumeration Specifies the response type
DDAMExcitationCoefficientDefinitionType Enumeration the choices of define DDAM coefficients.
DDAMExcitationLoadingType Enumeration Specifies the loading type
DDAMExcitationMountingType Enumeration Specifies the mounting type
DDAMExcitationResponseType Enumeration Specifies the response type
DDAMExcitationShipType Enumeration Specifies the ship type
DataLocationBeam Enumeration Specifies the location for beam
DataLocationElement Enumeration Specifies the element location for element
DataLocationShell Enumeration Specifies the location for shell
DirectionDataComponent Enumeration Specifies the direction data components
ElementLocation Enumeration Specifies element locations
ElementalFunctionEvalBeamLocation Enumeration Specifies beam element evaluation locations
EvaluationParametersAnalysisIntegrationMethod Enumeration the integration method used for transient analysis
EvaluationResultType Enumeration Specifies the evaluation result type
ExcitationComponent Enumeration Represents the component type.
ExcitationBuilderExcitationLocationType Enumeration the type of excitation location
FrequencyDefinitionDefinition Enumeration Specifies the method to define frequency
FrequencyDefinitionInterpolationMethod Enumeration Specifies the method for interpolation
InitialConditionsEntryMethod Enumeration Specifies how to define initial condition for the user customization
InitialConditionsType Enumeration Specifies the method to define initial condition
InterpolationMethod Enumeration This enum defines interpolation method
NodalAveragingOption Enumeration Specifies nodal averaging options
NodalFunctionEvalBeamLocation Enumeration Specifies beam element evaluation locations for nodal function evaluation
NodalFunctionEvalRequest Enumeration Specifies response request for nodal function evaluation
NodalFunctionEvalShellLocation Enumeration Specifies shell element evaluation locations for nodal function evaluation
NodalFunctionExcitationType Enumeration the subtype of nodal function excitation
RSEventAnalysisType Enumeration the analysis type of response analysis event.
RSEventDdamFormulationType Enumeration Represents the fromulation type.
RSEventDurationOption Enumeration the duration option
RSEventResultFileType Enumeration the result file type of event.
RSEventSpacingType Enumeration the spacing type.
RSEventType Enumeration the type of reponse analysis event
RSEventSolverParametersDdamCoefficientType Enumeration Represents DDAM coefficient type
ResponseDomainDefinitionMethod Enumeration Specifies response result evaluation options
RmsLcrEvaluationMethod Enumeration Specifies the evaluation method for RMS or LCR calculation
SensorCoordinateType Enumeration Specifies the coordinate type of Sensor
SensorResultType Enumeration Specifies the result type of Sensor
SensorType Enumeration Specifies the type of Sensor
ShellElementEvaluationLocation Enumeration Specifies shell element evaluation locations
StrainGageOrientationPlane Enumeration Specifies the orientation plane type of Strain Gage
StrainGagePlacementType Enumeration Specifies the placement type of Strain Gage
StrainGageResult Enumeration Specifies the result type of Strain Gage
StrainGageShellElementFaceType Enumeration Specifies the shell element location type of Strain Gage
StrainGageType Enumeration Specifies the type of Strain Gage
StrengthStressCriteria Enumeration Specifies strength stress criteria
StrengthStressMaterialDefinitionMethod Enumeration Specifies the definition method for material
StrengthStressOption Enumeration The options of stress
TranslationalNodalFunctionExcitationBuilderRotationAxisType Enumeration Represents the rotation axis type.
TransmissibilityEvaluationSettingBuilderMotionType Enumeration This enum defines input motion type
VelocityImpactDirectionDirectionType Enumeration the direction options for impact
VelocityImpactDirectionNodalComponentType Enumeration the types of nodal component
VelocityImpactExcitationBuilderImpactMethodType Enumeration the impact definiton methods
VelocityImpactParametersStartPositionType Enumeration the calculation start position for impact