NXOpen.CAE.Connections Package


Adhesive Class Adhesive connection.
Bolt Class Bolt connection.
Bushing Class Bushing connection.
ComponentData Class Composer connection.
Composer Class Composer.
ComposerData Class Composer connection.
ConnectionDBData Class Connection DB data.
ConnectionDBItemData Class Connection DB item data.
ConnectionData Class Composer connection.
CoordinatesLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
CoordinatesSeriesLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
CurveLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
Damper Class Damper connection.
Element Class
This is the class to access a connection element
ElementCollection Class
Element collection provides methods to manage CAE.Connections.Element objects
FeEdgesLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
Folder Class
The Folder class offers a way to create a hierarchy of connections and sub-folders
IConnection Class
This class represents an interface to a connection object.
ICsys Class
This class represents an Interface to the Connection Csys.
IDiameter Class
This class represents an Interface to the Diameter parameters.
IDof Class
This class represents an interface to the connection’s degrees of freedom.
IDofCombination Class
This class represents an interface to the connection’s degrees of freedom combination.
IFlangesContainer Class
This interface offers access to the flanges of a connection (SpotWeld for example). The flanges are used for specifying the connecting surfaces of the connection. Each flange can have one or more entities like meshes, elements etc.
IHeight Class
This class represents an Interface to the Height parameters.
ILineDiscretization Class
This class represents an Interface to the Diameter parameters.
ILineOffset Class
This class represents an Interface to the Diameter parameters.
ILocationsContainer Class
This class represents an Interface to the Locations parameters.
ILocationsMultiPointContainer Class
This class represents an Interface to the Multi Point Locations container.
ILocationsSinglePointContainer Class
This class represents an Interface to the Locations parameters.
ILocationsWithDirContainer Class
This class represents an Interface to the Locations parameters.
ILocationsWithDiscretizationContainer Class
This class represents an Interface to the Locations With Discretization container.
IMaterial Class
This class represents an Interface to the Material entity.
INodalTargetCenter Class
This class represents an Interface to the Connection Target.
INodalTargetLegs Class
This class represents an Interface to the Connection Target.
INodalTargetsContainer Class
This class represents an Interface to the Connection Target Container.
INodalTargetsPairing Class
This class represents an Interface to the nodal connections pairing algorithm parameters.
IStiffness Class
This class represents an Interface to the Stiffness constants.
IStiffnessDynamic Class
This class represents an Interface to the Stiffness dynamic.
IStructuralDamping Class
This class represents an Interface to the StructuralDamping constants.
IStructuralDampingDynamic Class
This class represents an Interface to the StructuralDamping dynamic.
ITolerance Class
This class represents an Interface to the Tolerance parameters.
IViscousDamping Class
This class represents an Interface to the ViscousDamping constants.
IViscousDampingDynamic Class
This class represents an Interface to the ViscousDamping dynamic.
IWidth Class
This class represents an Interface to the Width parameters.
Kinematic Class Kinematic connection.
Location Class
Location base class. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
LocationWithDir Class
Location With Direction interface. This defines connection locations with direction.
NodalTarget Class
This class represents an Interface to the Connection Target.
NodalTargetSetOfPoints Class
Set of Points Target. Use this interface to set/get parameters of the Set of Points Target type.
NodalTargetSinglePoint Class
Group of Points Target. Use this interface to set/get parameters of the Group of Points Target type.
NodalTargetSpider Class
Group of Points Target. Use this interface to set/get parameters of the Group of Points Target type.
NodeLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
NodeSeriesLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
PointLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
PointSeriesLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
Rigid Class Rigid connection.
Sealing Class Sealing connection.
SeamWeld Class Seam Weld connection.
SelectionRecipeLocation Class
Location interface. This defines connection locations with common properties like coordinates.
SpotWeld Class Spot Weld connection.
Spring Class Spring connection.
Utils Class Contains universal connections utility methods


ComposerConnectionType Enumeration composer Connection type
ConnectionDBItemStiffnessType Enumeration connection DB item stiffness type
ConnectionType Enumeration Connection type
CsysType Enumeration Csys types
DiameterType Enumeration Diameter definition types
Dof Enumeration Degrees of freedom definition
DofCombination Enumeration Degrees Of Freedom Combination types
DofType Enumeration Degrees Of Freedom types
ElementStatusType Enumeration Element status
ElementType Enumeration Element type
HeadDiameterType Enumeration Head diameter definition types
HeightType Enumeration Types of height definitions
LocationDirectionType Enumeration Location and Direction type
LocationType Enumeration Location type
MaterialType Enumeration Material definition types
ModelizationPPTRefTargetType Enumeration Modelization PPTRefTargetType
ModelizationResultType Enumeration Modelization result type
NodalPairingMethod Enumeration Nodal pairing method
NodalTargetType Enumeration Nodal Target types
SeamWeldMaterialType Enumeration Seam Weld Material type
SeamWeldType Enumeration Seam Weld Type
TargetDependencyType Enumeration Nodal target dependency type