BlockDialogDialogMode Enumeration

NXOpen.BlockStyler.BlockDialog.DialogMode is an alias for NXOpen.BlockStyler.BlockDialogDialogMode

class NXOpen.BlockStyler.BlockDialogDialogMode

Bases: object

Datatype containing options for showing the dialog

Enum Members

Enum Member Enum Member Description
Create When the user presses Ok or Apply on the dialog, the user’s inputs are saved in dialog memory and the next time that the dialog is shown in Create mode, the dialog is initialized using the user’s previous inputs.
Edit The Apply button is not shown. The user’s inputs are not saved in dialog memory and the dialog is not initialized with the user’s previous inputs.

Returns enum member equivalent to the value passed. Useful for bit operations of enum members.

Signature ValueOf(value)

Parameters:value – Any integer value or bit operation result of enum members:type value: int:returns: Enum member equivalent to the value passed.
Return type:Enum Member type.

New in version NX9.0.1.

License requirements: None.