NXOpen.AME Package


AMEBaseBuilder Class JA class for the insert Eng object dialog
AMEBaseNode Class Represents Base Node
AMEEngObject Class Represents Engineering Object
AMEEngineeringObjectLabel Class Represents Engineering Object Label Object
AMEExtendedObject Class Represents Extended Object
AMEGroup Class Group Journaling class
AMEGroupFolder Class Group Folder Journaling class
AMEManager Class Represents a manager of automation designer objects
AMENamingRule Class Represents Naming Rule Object
AMEPlcHwItem Class Represents Plc Hw Item
AMEPort Class Represents Port
AMEQuery Class The Query Object
AMEQueryGroup Class The Query Group
AMEReportRule Class Represents Report Rule Object
AccessorEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates an object based on a property value or an index
AncestorEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates an ancestor for a given aspect and a starting point
ApplicationBuilder Class Create the AD application builder see AMEApplicationBuilder
AspectDetailsBuilder Class JA Class for the Aspect Details UI Block
AspectNavigatorPreferencesBuilder Class JA class for aspect navigator builder
AspectNode Class Aspect Node Journaling class
AspectPrefixBuilder Class represents the builder class which is used to define Aspect Prefixes and Delimiter for NXOpen.AME.Project
AspectRoot Class AspectRoot Node Journaling class
AssignAspectBuilder Class Reassign a single aspect of an Engineering Object
AssignSubnetBuilder Class Reassign a single aspect of an Engineering Object
AssignTemplateToProductBuilder Class Builder class to assign a template object to NXOpen.AME.ProductDefinition
AssignTypeBuilder Class Builder for selecting an engineering object definition
AssignmentPort Class Represents AssignmentPort
AttributeHolder Class JA class for the AttributeHolder object
BaseDefinitionAttributeHolder Class BaseDefinition Atributes Holder Object
BaseEvaluatorBuilder Class Represents the builder for all the evaluators.
BasicPropertiesBuilder Class Represents a re-usable component for basic properties such as name and description
BreakTemplateBuilder Class JA class for the insert Eng object dialog
BulkConnectionBuilder Class builder for the bulk connection dialog
BulkEngineeringObjectBuilder Class BulkEngineeringObjectBuilder class will be used for bulk Engineering Object Operation.
CabinetComponentNode Class Cabinet Component Node class
CabinetDesignBuilder Class the builder for creating cabinet design
CabinetNode Class Cabinet Node class
CabinetObject Class Cabinet Object class
CabinetRoot Class Cabinet Root Node class
CallMethodRuleBuilder Class JA class for the call method rule dialog
ChildrenEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates the children objects for a given aspect and a starting point
ConditionsBuilder Class JA class for the conditions dialog
ConfigureResultTableBuilder Class Represents configure result table class builder
ConnectToLibraryItemBuilder Class JA class for the connect to library item dialog
ConnectedObjectsEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates the connected objects for the given port and a starting point
CreateDefinitionBuilder Class Create and classify definition
CreateEngObjectDefinitionBuilder Class Create and classify engineering object definition
CreatePmiNoteBuilder Class Create PMINote dialog JA class
CreateProductBuilder Class Create and classify product
CreateTemplateBuilder Class Create Template dialog JA class
CreateTemplateDefinitionBuilder Class Create and classify template definition
DefineAspectBuilder Class Define Aspects for Engineering Object Definition
DeviceFunctionDef Class Device Function Def class
DiagramManager Class Represents an object that manages sheet elements.
DocumentRoot Class Document Root Node class
DocumentStructureBuilder Class Class to define Document Structure
EClassClassNode Class EClassData Tree Node class
EClassDataRoot Class EClassData Root Node class
EClassFolderNode Class EClass Folder Node class
EClassNode Class EClassData Tree Node class
EClassObjectNode Class EClassData Tree Node class
EClassSegmentNode Class EClass Segment Node class
EClassVersionNode Class EClass Version Node class
EOAttributeHolder Class EOAttributeHolder Atributes Holder Object
EODataItemAttributeHolder Class EODef Atributes Holder Object
EODefAttributeHolder Class EODef Atributes Holder Object
EPLANPlug Class Represents EPLANPlug
EPLANProjectSettings Class Eplan project settings Node Journaling class
EPLANSocket Class Represents EPLANSocket
EditAnnotationBuilder Class the builder for creating edit annotation
EditClauseBuilder Class Naming Rule Builder
EditEngineeringObjectBuilder Class JA class for the Eng object dialog
EditOrderBuilder Class JA class for the Edit Order dialog
EditQueryBuilder Class Edit Query Builder
ElectricalAnnotationSettingsBuilder Class JA class for the Electrical Annotation Settings dialog
ElectricalConnectionSettingsBuilder Class Builder object for changing electrical connection settings on diagramming pages associated with the NXOpen.AME.Project.
EngineeringObjectAspectDetailBuilder Class JA class for the Engineering Object Aspect Detail UI block
EngineeringObjectBaseBuilder Class JA class for the insert Eng object dialog
EngineeringObjectBuilder Class JA class for the insert Eng object dialog
EngineeringObjectDefinitionLabelBuilder Class JA class for the insert Engineering object definition label dialog
EngineeringObjectNameBuilder Class JA class for the Engineering Object and Engineering Object def name and description superclass UI block
EplanImportProjectTemplateBuilder Class EplanImportProjectTemplateBuilder
EplanProjectGenerationBuilder Class the eplan project generation dialog builder
EplanProjectTemplateAndStructureBuilder Class JA class for the Eplan project template dialog
EplanSettingsBuilder Class EplanSettingsBuilder
EplanStructureIdentifierOrderBuilder Class Represents a Eplan Structure identifier order Builder
EplanStructureSettings Class Eplan structure settings Journaling class
EvaluatorCopyToBuilder Class Copies evaluator and its dependents from one engineering object to another
ExportEClassMappingBuilder Class Export eclass mapping into file
ExpressionEvaluator Class Represents an Expression Evaluator
ExtractAttribute Class Extract Attribute Journaling class
ExtractAttributeAbsoluteBuilder Class Create a extract attribute
ExtractAttributeBaseBuilder Class Create a extract attribute
ExtractAttributeBuilder Class Create a extract attribute
ExtractAttributeCurrentObjectBuilder Class Create a extract attribute
ExtractAttributePortBuilder Class Create a extract port attribute builder
ExtractAttributeRelativeBuilder Class Create a extract attribute
FormSheetBuilder Class JA class for the Form Sheet dialog
FormSheetObject Class JA class for the FormSheetObject
FormSheetSettingsBuilder Class JA class for the Form Sheet Settings dialog
FragmentAttributeHolder Class Fragment Object Atributes Holder
FragmentBuilder Class Represents a Fragment creation class Builder
FragmentObject Class Represents a Fragment Object
FunctionCallInstanceBuilder Class JA class for the reuse rule dialog
GeneralAnnotationSettingsBuilder Class builder for the general annotation settings dialog
GeneralConnectionSettingsBuilder Class Builder for the General Connection Settings dialog
GenerateReportsBuilder Class Comment
GlobalSelectionBuilder Class GlobalSelectionBuilder
GroupBuilder Class JA class for groups
GroupRoot Class Group Root Node Journaling class
IEngObject Class Represents Engineering Object
IPort Class Represents an IPort
IPortsContainer Class Represents Ports Container
ImportEClassMappingBuilder Class Import eClass mapping
ImportEClassProductBuilder Class Imports a eclass product xml file
ImportEClassSchemaBuilder Class Imports a eclass schema xml file
ImportEplanPageMacroBuilder Class ImportEplanPageMacroBuilder
ImportGlobalMappingBuilder Class Imports a global mapping xml file
ImportHWXmlBuilder Class the Import HW Xml builder
ImportNode Class Import Object Journaling class
ImportObject Class Import Object Journaling class
InsertObjectBuilder Class JA class for Insert Object dialog
InsertSettingsBuilder Class Re-usable UI for Settings properties in Insert EO and Insert Template dialog
InstanceDataBlockBuilder Class JA class for the reuse rule dialog
InstantiateBaseDefinitionReuseSelectionBuilder Class Builder for selecting base definition
InstantiateTemplateBulkBuilder Class JA class for the insert Eng object dialog
InterfaceMemberPort Class InterfaceMemberPort Journaling class
InterruptionPointBuilder Class Represents builder for AME::DB::InterruptionPoint
LDCachedAttribute Class JA class for the Line Design cache Attribute object
LayoutDefinitionBuilder Class interface for the LayoutDefinitionBuilder
LineDesignerMappingBuilder Class Line Designer mapping dialog JA interface
LinkSymbolToDeviceTypeBuilder Class JA class for LinkSymbolToDeviceTypeBuilder dialog
LoadLineDesignerBuilder Class JA class for the insert LoadLineDesigner dialog
Manage2dSymbolsBuilder Class Represents a Manage2dSymbolsBuilder class Builder
Manage3DModelsBuilder Class Represents the builder that is used to assign 3D models to a NXOpen.AME.ProductDefinition
ManageEclassMappingBuilder Class Represents a ManageEclassMappingBuilder class Builder
ManageObjectTypeBuilder Class Builder class for assigning AD type to NXOpen.Part and name to NXOpen.Assemblies.Component
MapToExistingObjectBuilder Class Line Designer map to existing (EO) dialog JA interface
MountingInterface Class Represents a Mounting Interface
MountingInterfaceBuilder Class Builder class for creating mounting interface object in NXOpen.Part
MultiValueObjectsPort Class MultiValueObjectsPort Journaling class
MultipleObjectsBuilder Class JA class for the insert Eng object dialog
NamingRuleBuilder Class Naming Rule Builder
NamingRuleBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
NamingRuleListBuilder Class Classification to Engineering Object Name Map Builder
NamingRuleSettingsBuilder Class JA class for dialog for naming rule settings
ObjectConnectionBuilder Class JA class for the reuse object connection block
ObjectConnectionDetailBuilder Class JA class for the reuse object connection detail block
ObjectEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates the object given a starting point
ObjectNameBuilder Class Object Name JA class
ObjectNameIndexBuilder Class Object Name Index JA class
OperandRuleBuilder Class JA class for the parameter rule dialog
OperatorRuleBuilder Class OperatorRule Dialog
OpticalAnnotationSettingsBuilder Class JA class for the Optical Annotation Settings dialog
OpticalConnectionSettingsBuilder Class Builder object for changing optical connection settings on diagramming pages associated with the NXOpen.AME.Project
OrderAspectsBuilder Class Represents a OrderAspectsBuilder for changing the order of Navigator
PageAttributeHolder Class Page Object Atributes Holder
PageBuilder Class Represents a Page creation class Builder
PageNamingBuilder Class Class to define Page naming schema
PageNode Class Represents a Page Node
PageObject Class Represents a Page Object
ParameterRuleBuilder Class JA class for the parameter rule dialog
ParentEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates the parent object for a given aspect and a starting point
PlaceAutomationBuilder Class Reassign a single aspect of an Engineering Object
PlcBlock Class Plc Block Node Journaling class
PlcCodePosition Class Represents Plc Code Position Object
PlcMemoryAreaBuilder Class Represents a Subnet creation class Builder
PlcMethod Class Plc Method Node Journaling class
PlcMethodBuilder Class The Journalling class for PlcMethodBuilder
PlcRule Class PlcRule Journaling class
PlcSoftwareGenPort Class PlcSoftwareGenPort Journaling class
PlcSymbolBuilder Class Class to create Functional Tags and assign them to PLC Channels
PlcSymbolsEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates the PLC tags for a given aspect and a starting point
PlcVendorSymbolBuilder Class Represents a Subnet creation class Builder
PortArtifact Class Represents a base class that provides common methods for port artifact in a NXOpen.PDM.ConditionalElementRevision.
PortAttributeHolder Class Port Object Atributes Holder
PortBuilder Class builder for the software block properties dialog
PortConnectionBuilder Class builder for the port connector dialog
PortEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates the port objects for the given port and a starting point
PortsManagerBuilder Class Provides journal methods for the ports manager dialog.
ProductComponent Class Product Component class
ProductComponentInstance Class Product Component Instance class
ProductDefAttributeHolder Class ProductDefinition Atributes Holder Object
ProductDefinition Class JA class for the Product Definition object
ProductDefinitionRoot Class Product Definition Root class
ProductMatchingRulesBuilder Class Represents Product Matching Rules class builder
ProductSelectionBuilder Class JA class for Product Selection dialog
ProductSelectionDetailsBuilder Class Represents a Product Selection Details class Builder
Project Class Project Journaling class
ProjectEngineeringObjectBuilder Class JA class for the insert Project Eng object dialog
PropertyEvaluatorBuilder Class Evaluates the property of an object given a category and property
QueryBuilder Class Represents query class builder
QueryClause Class JA class for the QueryClause object
QueryFolder Class Query Folder Journaling class
QueryNode Class The Query Node
ReferenceDesignationSetNode Class Reference Designation Set Node Journaling class
ReferenceObjectBuilder Class Re-usable UI consist of a context and source selection
ReportTemplateBuilder Class Class to create Report Template and assign the ReportQuery and Report Layout to them
ReportsSettingsBuilder Class interface for the ReportsSettingsBuilder
SWStatusItem Class Represents SW Status Item
SaveToLibraryBuilder Class Create Software Block JA class
SchematicSymbol Class Represents a Schematic Symbol object
SchematicSymbolConfigurationBuilder Class JA class for SchematicSymbolConfigurationBuilder dialog
SelectAMEBaseNode Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectAMEBaseNodeList Class Represents a list of objects on a selection list.
SelectAMEExtendedObject Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectAMEPort Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectAndHighlightBuilder Class Represents a SelectAndHighlightBuilder for select and highlight in the Navigators
SelectAspectNode Class Represents a single object selection.
SelectBaseDefinitionNodeBuilder Class Builder for selecting base definition node from navigators
SelectClassificationBuilder Class Select a part from the reuse library
SelectClassificationFromTreeBuilder Class Select Type from the Classification Library
SelectMountingInterfaceLocationBuilder Class Builder for selecting mounting interface location from graphics window
SelectProductDefinitionBuilder Class JA class for the Product Definition Selection
SelectProductOrEoDefinitionBuilder Class JA class for the Product Definition or Engineering Object Definition Selection
SelectionBaseDefinitionBuilder Class Journalling Interface class for Builder which allows selection of BaseDefinition.
SelectionEngineeringObjectDefinitionBuilder Class JA class for the Engineering Object Definition Block
ShowHideObjectsBuilder Class JA class for ShowHideObjectsBuilder
Snap3DModelsBuilder Class Represents a Snap3DModelsBuilder class Builder
SortingBlockBuilder Class Sorts the list expression output according to the property
SubnetBuilder Class Represents a Subnet creation class Builder
SymbolAnnotationBuilder Class Represents a Symbol Annotation creation class Builder
SymbolAnnotationSettingsBuilder Class JA class for the symbol settings
SymbolAuthoringBuilder Class Represents a Symbol Authoring class Builder
SymbolRoot Class Symbol Root Node class
TCSavedQueriesBuilder Class Represents a TC Saved Queries builder
TeeJunctionBuilder Class JA class for creating Tee Junction
TiaPortalProjectSettings Class Tia Portal project settings node journaling class
TiaPortalProjectSettingsBuilder Class TiaPortalProjectSettingsBuilder
TiaProjectItemBuilder Class the TIA project item builder
TransferFileDataBuilder Class Imports a new one or updates the existing configuration in AD Upstream Data Navigator from the external file.
TypeMappingBuilder Class JA class for the type mapping dialog
TypeMappingBuilderList Class Represents a list of objects.
TypeMappingListBuilder Class Type Mapping List Builder
UnloadLineDesignerBuilder Class JA class for the insert UnloadLineDesigner dialog
UpstreamDataRoot Class UpstreamData Root Node class


AMEBaseNodeNodeType Enumeration Define the node type
AMEManagerCreateStationType Enumeration Type of PLC Station
AMEManagerDeleteType Enumeration the deletion type
AMEManagerPasteStatus Enumeration the status of paste operation
AccessorEvaluatorBuilderAccessType Enumeration Choices for access type either by an index or property
AccessorEvaluatorBuilderPositionTypeValue Enumeration Choices for position to be either begin, end or defined by index
AddressObjectIotype Enumeration Definition of the Address Object I/O types See Xml node IoType
AmeElectricalConnectionPotentialType Enumeration Represents electrical connection Pontential Types
AmeJunctionRepresentationStyleType Enumeration Representation style for Tee Junction.
AmeOpticalConnectionFiberType Enumeration Represents optical connection fiber types
AmeTeeJunctionType Enumeration Represents the type of TeeJunction
AmeTeeJunctionVariant Enumeration Represents Tee Junction variant index
AncestorEvaluatorBuilderJaAspectEvaluatorBuilderNavCriteria Enumeration Choices for navigation criteria - Could be By Levels or By Property
AncestorEvaluatorBuilderJaAspectEvaluatorBuilderNavDirection Enumeration Choices for direction of navigation - Could be from starting object upwards, or from root node downwards
AspectPrefixBuilderDelimiterType Enumeration represents delimiter type
BaseEvaluatorBuilderConditionType Enumeration choices for condition type filter for navigations that return a list of filtered objects
BaseEvaluatorBuilderContextType Enumeration choices for aspect context type, can either be function, location, product, or automation
BusInterfaceType Enumeration Bus Interface type.
CabinetRootCabinetState Enumeration Represents cabinet state
CallMethodRuleBuilderCreationType Enumeration replace or insert rule Type
ChildrenEvaluatorBuilderFilterType Enumeration choices for object type filter, can either be local modules, program blocks, plc data types, or tags
ConstantType Enumeration The Plc Constant types
DocumentType Enumeration Represents the type of document
EditClauseBuilderOperator Enumeration the query operator
EditClauseBuilderQueryClauseOperatorType Enumeration the clause operator
EditClauseBuilderTypes Enumeration the type of object to be used for edit clause
EditEngineeringObjectBuilderSourceType Enumeration Assign EOs or POUs
ElectricalAnnotationSettingsBuilderAnnotationAttrType Enumeration Represents the type of annotations
EngineeringObjectAspectDetailBuilderColumns Enumeration Aspect Detail columns
EngineeringObjectAspectDetailBuilderNameSource Enumeration Aspect name from
ExtractAttributeBuilderType Enumeration extract type Type
FormSheetBuilderSizeOption Enumeration Represents form sheet size option
FormSheetBuilderStandardMetricSize Enumeration Represents standard metric sizes for form sheet
GeneralAnnotationSettingsBuilderAnnotationSeparator Enumeration the separator for annotation set
GeneralAnnotationSettingsBuilderHorizontalTextPosition Enumeration horizontal text postion type
GeneralAnnotationSettingsBuilderSourceAndTargetSeparator Enumeration the separator between Source and Target
GeneralAnnotationSettingsBuilderVerticalTextPosition Enumeration verical text postion type
ImportEclassMappingMode Enumeration enum for import eClass mapping mode.
ImportType Enumeration Definition of the EClass mapping behaviour types
InstanceDataBlockBuilderActionType Enumeration the idb scope
InstanceDataBlockBuilderCreateMode Enumeration the idb create mode
InstantiateTemplateBulkBuilderPlacementType Enumeration Choices for placement type, can be Place in Navigator or Place on Page
InterfaceAccessType Enumeration The Plc Interface Access types
InterruptionPointBuilderVariant Enumeration Represents Interruption Point Variant type
LineDesignerMappingBuilderFilterType Enumeration enum for the filter
LoadLineDesignerBuilderRevisionRuleType Enumeration enum for the revision rule
Manage2dSymbolsBuilderSymbolRepresentationTypes Enumeration Representation type of symbol
MemorySectionType Enumeration Definition of the memory section types
MountingInterfaceBuilderFixingPolicy Enumeration Represents component fixing type
MountingInterfaceBuilderInterfaceType Enumeration Represents mounting interface type
MountingInterfaceBuilderReceptaclePolicy Enumeration Represents component receptacle type
MultiValueObjectsPortJaAmeValueObjectUsageType Enumeration type which usagetype has to be used
NamingRuleSettingsBuilderSources Enumeration different types of Delimiter sources
OperandRuleBuilderCreationType Enumeration replace or insert rule Type
OperatorRuleBuilderNegationValue Enumeration Enum of negation value
OperatorRuleBuilderParameterType Enumeration Enum of parameter type
OpticalAnnotationSettingsBuilderAnnotationAttrType Enumeration Represents the type of annotations
OrderAspectsBuilderOrderType Enumeration possible choices for order of navigator objects
OrderAspectsBuilderSortType Enumeration possible choices for sorting of navigator objects in a set
PageBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the type of page
ParameterRuleBuilderConnection Enumeration connection Type
PlcDataType Enumeration Definition of the PLC data types
PlcDataTypeSource Enumeration Definition of the data type sources
PlcRuleRefObjectType Enumeration type which discribed the context object
PlcRuleReplacementType Enumeration type which defined wich object has to be replaced
PlcRuleType Enumeration replace or insert rule Type.
PlcSymbolsEvaluatorBuilderFilterType Enumeration choices for type filter, can either be tags, instance dbs, function blocks, functions, eplan macros, or all
PortBuilderConnectableAttrProxyObjectType Enumeration Represents the type of connectable attribute proxy object for typed port
PortBuilderCreationModeType Enumeration Represents the type of creation mode
PortBuilderType Enumeration the type of a port
ProductMatchingRulesBuilderCondition Enumeration Represents matching rule condition
ProductSelectionBuilderType Enumeration the product type for product selection
ProgrammingLanguage Enumeration The Plc Programming Languages
QueryBuilderTypes Enumeration the creation type of query
ReferenceObjectBuilderSourceSelectionType Enumeration possible choices for source object selection
SelectAndHighlightBuilderSelType Enumeration possible choices for selecting of navigator objects in a set
SortingBlockBuilderOrder Enumeration possible choices for order selection
SymbolAnnotationBuilderAnchor Enumeration Represents anchor of annotation
SymbolAnnotationBuilderOrientation Enumeration Represents orientation of annotation
SymbolAuthoringBuilderTypes Enumeration Represents the type of symbol
TiaPortalProjectSettingsBuilderTiaPortalVersionType Enumeration represents TIA Portal Version type