Sheet Body Overview | Statement List

Create Free Form Body

SSURF creates a free form body by specifying a series of curves. The body's underlying surface type is a B-surface. The body is calculated based on the geometric shape of the specified curves.

There are two methods of creating this type of free form body, using either a Swept Surface Feature or Curve Mesh Feature method.

The swept body is created by "sweeping" (extruding) a curve along another curve. This is similar to creating a tabulated cylinder, except that the projection curve does not have to be a straight line.

A curve mesh is created by specifying a grid of primary and cross curves which the body passes through.

Both methods utilize a mesh of curves, however in the Swept method, the mesh is automatically created from the two previously defined (generator and trajectory curves) as the sweeping action is calculated. Using the Curve Mesh method, all of the curves must already exist.