The following example program uses the quilt surface Open C API routines. The intention of this program is to give you and idea of how to set up the inputs and use the outputs from these routines. Thus, the data used in this example is very simple and is not representative of the capabilities of this function.
The flow of the code is as follows. First it creates the geometry needed as input. It creates two arcs and then a ruled surface from the arcs. Strings are set up for the primary and cross curves from the arcs and two of the edges of the ruled surface. It then creates a b-surface from the ruled surface since only b-surface types are allowed for the driver surface of a quilt. Next, a block is created so that one of the faces can be used as the target face.
Structures are set up to create a UF_MODL_CURVE_MESH_ALONG_DRIVER_NORMALS type quilt. UF_MODL_create_quilt is called to create the surface. Next structures are set up to define a UF_MODL_B_SURFACE_ALONG_FIXED_VECTOR type quilt. UF_MODL_edit_quilt is called to update the quilt to the new type. After this UF_MODL_ask_quilt_type is called to find out the type of quilt surface we have (just to demonstrate the call). Then UF_MODL_ask_quilt is called to retrieve the defining information of the quilt. This information is modified slightly and UF_MODL_edit_quilt is called again to update the quilt. Finally, UF_MODL_free_quilt is called to free the memory allocated by UF_MODL_ask_quilt.
The following is the output that is generated by the example program.

Figure Quilt Surface
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_modl.h>
#include <uf_part.h>
#include <uf_curve.h>

#define UF_CALL(X) (report( __FILE__, __LINE__, #X, (X)))

static int report( char *file, int line, char *call, int irc)
  if (irc)
     char    messg[133];
     printf("%s, line %d:  %s\n", file, line, call);
     (UF_get_fail_message(irc, messg)) ?
       printf("    returned a %d\n", irc) :
       printf("    returned error %d:  %s\n", irc, messg);

static void do_ugopen_api(void)

    double block_origin[3]={0,1,0};
    double tol[3]={0.1,0.1,0.1};
    double distance_tol=0.01;
    double angle_tol=0.5;
    double pt1[3],pt2[3],pt3[3],value[6];

    char   *part_name="quilt";
    char   *block_length[3] = {"2","2","2"};
    char   project_limit[] = {"0.5"};
    char   inside_angle[] = {"90.0"};
    char   edge_angle[] = {"90.0"};
    char   inside_dist[] = {"0.01"};
    char   edge_dist[] = {"0.01"};

    int    units=2,err,tolerance_achieved;
    int    arc_mode=1;
    int    align=1,end_point=0,body_type=0;

    tag_t  part_tag,arc1_tag,arc2_tag,sheet_tag,face_tag,block_tag;
    tag_t target_faces[1],quilt_tag,bsurface_tag;

    UF_MODL_quilt_type_t quilt_type;

    UF_STRING_t   guide,spine,cross;

    uf_list_p_t edge_list,face_list;


    UF_MODL_curve_mesh_along_driver_normals_data_t quilt_data2;

    /* Open a new part */
    UF_PART_new(part_name, units, &part_tag);

    /* Create 2 arcs for guide strings for ruled surface */
    pt1[0] =   0.0; pt1[1] =  0.0; pt1[2] =   0.0;
    pt2[0] =   0.5; pt2[1] = 0.05; pt2[2] =   0.0;
    pt3[0] =   1.0; pt3[1] =  0.0; pt3[2] =   0.0;
    FTN(uf5063) (&arc_mode,pt1,pt2,pt3,&arc1_tag);

    pt1[0] =   0.0; pt1[1] =  0.0; pt1[2] =   1.0;
    pt2[0] =   0.5; pt2[1] = 0.05; pt2[2] =   1.0;
    pt3[0] =   1.0; pt3[1] =  0.0; pt3[2] =   1.0;
    FTN(uf5063) (&arc_mode,pt1,pt2,pt3,&arc2_tag);


    guide.num = 2;
    guide.string[0] = 1;
    guide.dir[0] = 1;
    guide.id[0] = arc1_tag;
    guide.string[1] = 1;
    guide.dir[1] = 1;
    guide.id[1] = arc2_tag;
    spine.num = 0;

    /* Create ruled surface */

    /* Get the tag to the face */
    UF_MODL_ask_body_faces(sheet_tag, &face_list);

    UF_MODL_ask_list_item(face_list, 0, &face_tag);


    /* Get the edges of the face */
    UF_MODL_ask_face_edges(face_tag, &edge_list);

    /* Set up a string for the cross curves. Find the two edges
       the guide strings of the ruled surface to use as the cross

    cross.num = 2;
    cross.string[0] = 1;
    cross.dir[0] = 1;
    UF_MODL_ask_list_item(edge_list, 1, &cross.id[0]);
    cross.string[1] = 1;
    cross.dir[1] = 1;
    UF_MODL_ask_list_item(edge_list, 3, &cross.id[1]);


    /* Convert the ruled surface to a B-surface to be used as the
       driver surface.
    FTN(uf5444)(&face_tag, &distance_tol, &angle_tol,
                        &bsurface_tag, &err);

    /* Create a block */
    UF_MODL_create_block1(UF_NULLSIGN, block_origin, block_length,

    /* Find the faces of the block. */
    UF_MODL_ask_feat_faces(block_tag, &face_list);

    /* Grab one of the faces to be used as the target face. */
    UF_MODL_ask_list_item(face_list, 3, &target_faces[0]);


    /* Set up the structures to define a quilt surface with a
       driver type of Mesh of Curves. The projection type is
       Along Driver Normals. Use the two guide curves as the
       primary curves and two edge curves of the ruled surface as
       the cross curves.
    quilt_data2.quilt_data.check_overlap =
    quilt_data2.quilt_data.num_target_faces = 1;
    quilt_data2.quilt_data.target_faces = target_faces;
    quilt_data2.quilt_data.inside_distance = inside_dist;
    quilt_data2.quilt_data.inside_angle = inside_angle;
    quilt_data2.quilt_data.edge_distance = edge_dist;
    quilt_data2.quilt_data.edge_angle = edge_angle;
    quilt_data2.primary_curves = &guide;
    quilt_data2.cross_curves = &cross;
    quilt_data2.projection_limit = project_limit;
    quilt_structure.quilt_type2 = &quilt_data2;

    /* Create the quilt surface */


    /* Set up the structures to define a quilt surface with a
       driver type of B Surface. The projection type is Along
       Fixed Vector (+Y). Use the b-surface created from the ruled
       surface as the driver surface.
    quilt_data3.quilt_data.check_overlap =
    quilt_data3.quilt_data.num_target_faces = 1;
    quilt_data3.quilt_data.target_faces = target_faces;
    quilt_data3.quilt_data.inside_distance = inside_dist;
    quilt_data3.quilt_data.inside_angle = inside_angle;
    quilt_data3.quilt_data.edge_distance = edge_dist;
    quilt_data3.quilt_data.edge_angle = edge_angle;
    quilt_data3.driver_surface = bsurface_tag;
    quilt_data3.projection_vector[0] = 0;
    quilt_data3.projection_vector[1] = 1;
    quilt_data3.projection_vector[2] = 0;
    quilt_structure.quilt_type3 = &quilt_data3;

    /* Edit the previously created quilt surface to have the new
    UF_CALL(UF_MODL_edit_quilt(quilt_type, &quilt_structure,

    /* Find the type of quilt surface. */
    UF_CALL(UF_MODL_ask_quilt_type(quilt_tag, &quilt_type));

    /* Retrieve the quilt defining data. */
    UF_CALL(UF_MODL_ask_quilt(quilt_tag, &quilt_type,

    /* Modify the defining data slightly - increase the inside
         distance tolerance from .01 to .05 and change the Y vector
         component from 1 to .9. */

    ask_ptr = ask_quilt_structure.quilt_type3;
    ask_ptr->projection_vector[1] = 0.9;

    /* Edit the quilt surface to have the new definition. */
    UF_CALL(UF_MODL_edit_quilt(quilt_type, &ask_quilt_structure,

    /* Free the memory allocated by UF_MODL_ask_quilt. */
    UF_CALL(UF_MODL_free_quilt(quilt_type, &ask_quilt_structure));

void ufusr(char *param, int *retcode, int param_len)
  if (!UF_CALL(UF_initialize()))

int ufusr_ask_unload(void)