uc4400 (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Select the listing device. The listing device can be set to a file,
the listing window, or both file and listing window. The listing
device can also be set to no output.

0 = Success
2 = Listing device is unavailable
otherwise an error code

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int uc4400
int listing_device,
char * file_spec,
int ip3
intlisting_deviceInputThe listing device to use:
= 0 standard listing window
= 4 output to a file
= 8 output to both file and listing window
= 9 No output is written
char *file_specInputThis is only used for output to a file. This is
the file specification for the output file, and
must be less than MAX_FSPEC_NCHARS characters.
intip3InputThis is no longer used.


uc4403 (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
uc4403 write character string to listing device set by call to uc4400
if you only need to write to the listing window
(as opposed to a listing device set by uc4400)
this function may be replaced with UF_UI_write_listing_window
Required License(s)

int uc4403
const char * cp1
const char *cp1Input


uc4404 (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
uc4404 write character string and integer to listing device set by uc4400
if you only need to write the data to the listing window
(and not a particular device set by uc4400)
this function may be replaced by UF_UI_write_listing_window
Required License(s)

int uc4404
const char * cp1,
int ip2
const char *cp1Input


uc4406 (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
uc4406 write character string and real to listing device set by uc4400
if you only need to write the data to the listing window
(and not a particular listing device set by uc4400)
this function may be replaced by UF_UI_write_listing_window
Required License(s)

int uc4406
const char * cp1,
double rp2
const char *cp1Input


uc4409 (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Query the current disposition of the listing device.

Internal and External

0 = Listing device is set to the listing window
4 = Listing device is set to a file
8 = Listing device is set to both file and the listing window
9 = Listing device is set to NULL
otherwise the return is an error code.

See Also
Required License(s)

int uc4409
char file_name [ MAX_FSPEC_BUFSIZE ] ,
int * ir3
charfile_name [ MAX_FSPEC_BUFSIZE ] OutputFor return code 4 or 8, this is the file specification
of the listing device file.
int *ir3OutputUnused.


uf3192 (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Query the current NX Open program environment for the current image.

Note: This value is updated during initialization so it is set for
each image and won't remember the information from previous images.

Internal and External

Required License(s)

void uf3192
int * ir1
int *ir1OutputThe environment that the NX Open program is running in.
0 is External Open, 1 is Internal Open.


uf4401 (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
uf4401 opens the listing device set by uc4400 for output
if you only need to open the listing window for output
(and not a particular listing device set by uc4400)
this function may be replaced with UF_UI_open_listing_window
Required License(s)

void uf4401
int * ir1
int *ir1


uf4402 (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
uf4402 closes listing device set by uc4400
if you only need to close the listing window
(and not a particular device set by uc4400)
this function may be replaced by UF_UI_close_listing_window
Required License(s)

void uf4402


UF_add_callback_function (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Registers the callback to be called whenever the reason specified
occurs within NX.

Please note the following:

Once a routine is registered as a callback, the shared library it
resides in should not be unloaded until it is deregistered.

The callback function must call UF_initialize and UF_terminate, if
it makes any Open C function calls

The callback function receives three arguments:
argument 1 - The reason the callback has been called
argument 2 - A pointer to the part tag that caused the callback.
argument 3 - A user supplied pointer. Typically this will be a
structure pointer of data that the callback function
will need.

The callback will be called towards the end of the processing for that
particular reason. For example, the callback registered against
UF_create_part_reason will be called when a new part is created, after
almost all the process of creating this new part is completed.

The only exception to the above is UF_close_part_reason, for which
the callback will be called at the beginning of closing the part.

NOTE: For the new and open part reasons the callback is run at a time
when the newly created or opened part has not been set as the work part.
Also operations such as create part, open part, save part or change display part
should not be called from callbacks fired by any of these same operations.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the example of setting up a callback.

V16 was changed to require the callback to call UF_initialize
Required License(s)

int UF_add_callback_function
UF_callback_reason_e_t reason,
UF_callback_fn_t fn,
void * user_data,
UF_registered_fn_p_t * function_id
UF_callback_reason_e_treasonInputReason to call callback
UF_callback_fn_tfnInputFunction to call. Note this function
must call UF_initialize if it
makes any Open C function calls. It
should also call UF_terminate.
void *user_dataInputUser data. This pointer will be passed
to your callback function as the third
argument. It will typically be a
structure pointer with information that
your callback function will require.
UF_registered_fn_p_t *function_idOutputIdentifier to use to remove callback


UF_allocate_memory (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Allocates a block of storage and returns a pointer to it. Use UF_free
to free the allocated memory when no longer required.

void - a pointer to the block of storage, aligned so
that any data type can be stored in it.
when error occur or nbytes = 0, a NULL pointer
is returned

Internal and External

This function was originally released in V15.0
Required License(s)

void * UF_allocate_memory
unsigned int nbytes,
int * error_code
unsigned intnbytesInputThe number of bytes to be allocated.
If 0, NULL is returned
int *error_codeOutputNX standard error code
0 success
!=0 failure


UF_ask_application_module (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Returns the current application module. The value that is returned
maps to a string defined constant. You can find the string in the
header file uf.h. The strings are of the form UF_APP_<module>.
For example, UF_APP_DRAFTING represents the drafting module.

Note - if this function is called from an external program it will
always return a FALSE and an app id of APP_NONE.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_ask_application_module
int * module_id
int *module_idOutputThe module identification value of the
current application.


UF_ask_codeset (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Returns the code set identifier supported by a machine. The code set
identifier can be any one of the enumerated constants in UF_codeset_e.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_ask_codeset
UF_codeset_t * codeset
UF_codeset_t *codesetOutputPointer to the codeset identifier.


UF_ask_grip_args (view source)
Defined in: uf_ugopenint.h
This routine is used to receive arguments from a grip program. The
grip program sets up these arguments with the GRIP command, GRARGS.
The GRIP program then invokes execution of the internal Open API program
with the GRIP XSPAWN command. The Open API program, during execution,
maintains complete control of the system including any interactive
statements or error messages.

To receive the arguments from GRIP, define the structure, UF_args_s, that
describes the arguments to share with the GRIP program. This definition
must match the definition supplied to the GRIP GRARGS command so that the
contents of the GRIP variables can be copied to the contents of the Open
API variables.

Please note the following limitations:
. The GRARGS command is limited to 103 arguments.
. The size of character strings input to UF_ask_grip_args should be
declared to the largest GRIP string (132 characters) plus a null
character or 133 characters.
. Calls cannot be nested. For example, a sequence where GRIP XPAWNs an
internal Open API program which uses UF_call_grip to execute GRIP,
and anything similar, is not allowed.


See Also
See the example
which is called by this grip program.
Required License(s)

int UF_ask_grip_args
int argument_count,
UF_args_p_t gruf_arg_list
intargument_countInputCount of arguments from GRIP executable
UF_args_p_tgruf_arg_listInput / OutputThe data arguments from GRIP. An array of
structures where each element in the array is
a structure that contains an arguments type,
size, and address. The actual values will
be modified by this call.


UF_ask_syslog_filename (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Get name of the current syslog

Internal and External

Released in NX2.0.5
Required License(s)

int UF_ask_syslog_filename
char * * filename
char * *filenameOutput to UF_*free*pointer to dynamically allocated path
filename must be freed with UF_free()


UF_ask_system_info (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Get the information about an Open C Program

This routine can be used to gather the system information of an Open C
program, like the machine name, Operating System information etc., and is
useful in benchmarking, where you want to record the information about
the machine the benchmark was run on.

This routine outputs the data through the structure UF_system_info_t.

Once the data is no longer needed, the memory allocated to the fields
of this structure should be freed by a corresponding call to the routine

Internal and External

See Also

Released in V18.0, modified in NX 6.0 to return used bundles
Required License(s)

int UF_ask_system_info
UF_system_info_p_t info
UF_system_info_p_tinfoOutput to UF_*free*structure to hold the process information.
The allocated fields should be freed by
calling UF_free_system_info


UF_begin_timer (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Start a timer.

This routine can be used to gather timing information about an Open C
program, and is useful in benchmarking. This routine will start a timer.
The timer will be stopped with a corresponding call to UF_end_timer.

More than one timer can be active at any time, this is useful when you
have one overall timer, and then several sub-timers timing individual

Internal and External

See Also

Released in V18.0
Required License(s)

int UF_begin_timer
UF_timer_p_t timer
UF_timer_p_ttimerOutputTimer id that is created


UF_call_grip (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Calls and executes a GRIP program. Your GRIP program must be written,
compiled, linked, and ready to run.

While a GRIP program executes, it can have access to an Open C API function
arguments and their contents. Argument passing to the GRIP program occurs
through UFARGS. After GRIP program termination, the Open C API program has
access to any assignments made by the GRIP program. The GRIP program
completes its execution and then UF_call_grip outputs a return value.

Note: If the path is omitted in the grip_executable string passed to
UF_call_grip, NX will look in the current directory for the grip program.
It will not look in the directory of the ufunc program or use any
environment variables, including UGII_INITIAL_GRIP_DIR, to search for the
GRIP program.

UF_translate_variable can be used to extract an environment variable and
concatenate it with the program name.

The following GRIP commands are not
supported in External mode when calling GRIP:
If any of these commands are encountered, an error is written to the
batch log file.

Internal and External

See Also
See the example
which calls the grip program.
Required License(s)

int UF_call_grip
char * grip_executable,
int count,
UF_args_p_t UFARGS
char *grip_executableInputName of GRIP program to execute (file name
or full path name).
intcountInputCount of arguments to pass to GRIP executable
UF_args_p_tUFARGSInputAn array of structures where each element in
the array is a structure that contains an
arguments type, size, and address. Note that
if an argument is type UF_TYPE_CHAR, the array
must be initialized prior to the UF_call_grip


UF_decode_auth_file (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Decodes an input authorization file using an integer key value that
matches the original key for perturbation.

NOTE: See %UGII_BASE_DIR%\UGALLIANCE\alliance_readme.txt for more information

Required License(s)

int UF_decode_auth_file
int key,
char * input_file,
void * * out_mem
intkeyInputInteger valued key for decoding the input file
char *input_fileInputInput authorization file to decode
Use the leaf name of a file located under the folder %UGALLIANCE%\auth_files.
Entering the full path will return an error of -5 "Invalid file name".
void * *out_memOutput to UF_*free*Pointer to decoded contents of the authorization
file. Use UF_free to deallocate the memory.


UF_encode_auth_file (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Encodes an input authorization file using an integer value for

Required License(s)

int UF_encode_auth_file
int key,
char * input_file,
char * output_file
intkeyInputValue used to perturb the input file
char *input_fileInputInput authorization file name
char *output_fileInputOutput encoded authorization file name


UF_end_timer (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Stop the timer and get the timer values

This routine is used to gather timing information about an Open C program,
and is useful in benchmarking. This routine will stop the timer created by
a corresponding UF_begin_timer call, and output the timing information in
the structure UF_timer_values_t.

Internal and External

See Also

Released in V18.0
Required License(s)

int UF_end_timer
UF_timer_t timer,
UF_timer_values_p_t values
UF_timer_ttimerInputTimer to be stopped
UF_timer_values_p_tvaluesOutputTimer values when it is


UF_find_all_subdirectories (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Find all subdirectories of a given name in the directories specified in
the file custom_dirs.dat and ug_custom_dirs.dat. Since the same
subdirectory may be in multiple directories, an array of path names
will be returned. As an example searching for the subdirectory "startup"
will return almost all of the directories, since this is a standard

Internal and External

See Also

Released in NX 1.0
Required License(s)

int UF_find_all_subdirectories
const char * subdirectory,
int * num_found,
char * * * path
const char *subdirectoryInputThe subdirectory to look for.
int *num_foundOutputThe number of subdirectories found.
char * * *pathOutput to UF_*free*The list of subdirectories found. This must be
freed by calling UF_free_string_array.


UF_find_file (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Find a given subdirectory and file. This routine will traverse all the
directories specified in the file custom_dirs.dat and ug_custom_dirs.dat
looking for the file specified by the given subdirectory and filename.
This routine will return the first file found.

Internal and External

See Also

Released in NX 1.0
Required License(s)

int UF_find_file
const char * subdirectory,
const char * filename,
char * * path
const char *subdirectoryInputThe subdirectory in which to look for the
given file.
const char *filenameInputThe filename to look for, including any extension.
char * *pathOutput to UF_*free*The filename found. If no file is found, path will
be NULL. The path must be freed by calling UF_free.


UF_free (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Frees the memory allocated and returned by an Open C API routine.


Internal and External
Required License(s)

void UF_free
void * data
void *dataInputPointer to data item to free


UF_free_string_array (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Frees the memory allocated for an array of pointers and frees the
strings within the array. You must pass in the number of pointer in
the array. Various Open C API routines malloc space for an array
of pointers, and then allocate space for each of the pointers.


Internal and External
Required License(s)

void UF_free_string_array
int n_strings,
char * * string_array
intn_stringsInputnumber of pointers
char * *string_arrayInputn_strings
pointer to the array of pointers to free


UF_free_system_info (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Free the fields of the structure UF_system_info_t, containing the process

This structure is filled earlier by a call to the routine UF_ask_system_info

Internal and External

See Also

Released in V18.0
Required License(s)

int UF_free_system_info
UF_system_info_p_t info
UF_system_info_p_tinfoInputstructure whose fields are to be freed


UF_get_customer_default (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
This routine retrieves a customer default value from the database.
There are several different conditions that can arise from querying
the database:
1) The record was found and its units match. The function
returns SUCCESS(0)
2) The record was not found. If units given was ENGLISH or METRIC
nothing is returned and the function returns a FAILED(1). If
the units given was NONE a second and/or third attempt is made
with units ENGLISH THEN METRIC used instead. The results of
these attempts can be any of the conditions outlined above.

If you specify either METRIC or ENGLISH for units, this function
automatically appends _MU or _EU to the input name. For example, if you
specify METRIC and input the name "UG_gridSpacingY", the function searches
for "UG_gridSpacingY_MU".

If you specify NONE for units, the function searches for the name
as specified. If the name is not found it searches again with _EU
appended to the name. If the name is still not found, then it
appends _MU to the name for its final search.

return code:
0 = Success
1 = Record not found
<0 or >1 = Use UF_get_fail_message to get error.

Internal and External

See Also
See the example
Required License(s)

int UF_get_customer_default
char * name,
int units,
char * * default_value
char *nameInputName of Module ID and default
intunitsInputUnits are enumerated as follows:
0 = NONE
char * *default_valueOutput to UF_*free*String containing default value. If
default_value is NULL then the value was
not found or an error occurred. Use UF_free
to deallocate memory when no longer required.


UF_get_fail_message (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Returns the message string associated with an error code.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_get_fail_message
int fail_code,
char message [ 133 ]
intfail_codeInputthe failure code to translate
charmessage [ 133 ] Outputthe message corresponding to the fail code


UF_get_release (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Returns the current major release version number. For example, if
you call this function from V10.4.1, it returns V10.4. You must use
UF_free to deallocate space used by release.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_get_release
char * * release
char * *releaseOutput to UF_*free*Major release version number


UF_get_reserved_licenses (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Returns the licenses that are currently reserved against a context.
This method will also output the licenses reserved against the default context in the syslog.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_get_reserved_licenses
const char* context_name,
int * n_licenses,
char* * * licenses
const char*context_nameInputName of context to release against. Will use the default context if NULL is specified.
int *n_licensesOutputThe number of licenses.
char* * *licensesOutput to UF_*free*The list of license reserved against the specified context. This must be
freed by calling UF_free_string_array.


UF_get_translated_fail_message (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Returns the message string associated with an error code in current user interface language.

Internal and External

Originally released in NX 10.0
Required License(s)

int UF_get_translated_fail_message
int fail_code,
char * * message
intfail_codeInputthe failure code to translate
char * *messageOutputthe message corresponding to the fail code


UF_initialize (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Initializes the Open C API environment and allocates an Open C
API execute license. If you do not call UF_initialize, then subsequent
calls to Open C API fail with an error code of
UF_err_program_not_initialized. This function must be the first
function you call after you have declared your variables.

In external mode, you may only call UF_initialize once. Once
UF_terminate is called, there is no way to reconnect to the Open C environment.

Programs need to call UF_terminate before exiting to ensure licenses are
released and avoid errors in downstream NXOpen programs.

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the UGII_UGOPEN_SESSION variable
Required License(s)

int UF_initialize


UF_initialize_dm (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Same as UF_initialize with the addition that Direct Model is also initialized.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_initialize_dm


UF_is_initialized (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Checks if the Open C API environment has been successfully

return code:
0 = Open C API is not initialized.
1 = Open C API has been properly

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_is_initialized


UF_is_ugmanager_active (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Checks to see if an NX Manager process is
active. It returns true if NX Manager is active.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_is_ugmanager_active
logical * is_active
logical *is_activeOutputReturns true if NX Manager is active


UF_load_library (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Loads the shared library specified by library_name and finds the entry
point specified by symbol_name in that library. The reference to the
specified entry point is output as a function pointer declared to accept
and return void (i.e. type UF_load_f_p_t).

For the entry point to be found on Windows NT, you must declare it with
the DllExport macro, e.g.

extern DllExport int my_function(...

without the DllExport, the name will not be exported. Since the DllExport
also works on Unix systems, the best practice is just to always use the
DllExport macro for routines you want exported.

If library_name is found but symbol_name is not, an appropriate error
code returns, but the loaded library may not be unloaded. The user
should call UF_unload_library to explicitly unload library_name on
failure, if appropriate.

To load a shared library into an external application - the library must
not be linked against any interactive libraries. This can be accomplished
by using the "-noui" option on Unix.

NOTE: UF_load_library is intended for function (i.e. "text" entry
point) lookup only. It should NOT be used for data symbol lookup.

Internal and External

See Also
The UF_load_library example is split into an, internal program
which is loaded by the external program.
Required License(s)

int UF_load_library
const char * library_name,
const char * symbol_name,
UF_load_f_p_t * function_ptr
const char *library_nameInputName of shared library to load.
const char *symbol_nameInputName of symbol (function) to find.
UF_load_f_p_t *function_ptrOutputPointer to symbol (function) in library.


UF_MISC_set_program_name (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Each part file has an internal history storage area where the program
name can be stored when the system saves the part file. This function
enables you to specify either the entire program name (External
mode) or append a name to the program name (Internal mode). You
should call this routine before you call UF_PART_open since it does
not set the program name on parts that are already opened. A utility
called ug_inspect enables you to read the program name stored in the
history area.

Interactively (Internal mode), when you are in NX, the program
name will take the version of NX currently being run (e.g. NX9.0.0.19)
and append the string being passed into UF_MISC_set_program_name. For
example, if you specify "XYZ version 9.0" as the name string to this
routine, then the program name in the history would look like:
NX version 9.0
To separate the version and string, put a leading space in the name being
passed into this routine. " XYZ version 9.0" passed in will create:
NX XYZ version 9.0

Once UF_terminate is called, the appended string is removed and it will
default back to the NX version number the next time the part is saved.

In External mode, the program name is what you specify in the name
string. From our previous example this would be XYZ version 9.0.
The limitation for the length of the name string depends on which
mode you are in, Internal or External. The maximum length of the
entire program name is 128 characters. In Internal mode, because the
name string is concatenated to the program name you are limited to
64 characters. In External mode, since the name string you specify
becomes the program name you are limited to 128 characters. In
either mode, if you specify a name that is to long, the name is
truncated to either 64 or 128 characters (Internal and External mode

The internal history area is like a log file. If you resave the part file
with a different program a new history entry is added to the part file.
That is, the history grows larger. Thus you are likely to see two lines of
history if you have saved the part file twice and specified a name with
each save.


Internal and External
Required License(s)

void UF_MISC_set_program_name
const char * name
const char *nameInputName of program to store in the internal history


UF_print_syslog (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Output a message to the syslog.

This message can be used to print run time information about the NX Open
program to the syslog and is useful for state checking, validation and

Printing the trace is especially useful while debugging and reporting a

Internal and External

Released in V18.0
Required License(s)

int UF_print_syslog
char * message,
logical trace
char *messageInputMessage to be output to the syslog
logicaltraceInputTRUE = Print the stack trace along with the message
FALSE = Print only the message


UF_reallocate_memory (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Reallocates a block of storage and returns a pointer to it. Use UF_free
to free the allocated memory when no longer required.

void - a pointer to the block of storage, aligned so
that any data type can be stored in it.
when error occur or nbytes = 0, a NULL pointer
is returned

Internal and External

This function was originally released in V16.0
Required License(s)

void * UF_reallocate_memory
void * data,
unsigned int nbytes,
int * error_code
void *dataInputPointer to previously allocated memory
unsigned intnbytesInputThe number of bytes to be allocated.
If 0, NULL is returned
int *error_codeOutputNX standard error code


UF_release (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Release a license against the specified license context.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_release
const char* license,
const char* context_name
const char*licenseInputLicense feature name to be released
const char*context_nameInputName of context to release license against. Will use the default context if NULL is specified.


UF_release_all (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Release all licenses against the specified license context. If
the context specified is a user-defined context it will be deleted.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_release_all
const char* context_name
const char*context_nameInputName of context release to release. Will use the default context if NULL is specified.


UF_remove_callback_function (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Deregisters the callback specified by the identifier.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_remove_callback_function
UF_registered_fn_p_t function_id
UF_registered_fn_p_tfunction_idInputIdentifier from UF_add_callback_function


UF_reserve (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Reserve a license against the specified license context.
If the specified user-defined context does not already exist it will be created.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_reserve
const char* license,
const char* context_name
const char*licenseInputLicense feature name to be reserved
const char*context_nameInputName of context to reserve license against. Will use the default context if NULL is specified.


UF_set_grip_args (view source)
Defined in: uf_ugopenint.h
Updates the contents of the matching GRIP argument list with the
contents of the Open API addresses. This is used to return data
to the GRIP program.

Required License(s)

int UF_set_grip_args
int argument_count,
UF_args_p_t gruf_arg_list
intargument_countInputCount of arguments to set in GRIP.
UF_args_p_tgruf_arg_listInputThe arguments to set in GRIP. An array of
structures where each element in the array is
a structure that contains an arguments type,
size, and address.


UF_set_retiring_flag (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Set a flag that determines if an Open C executable will issue
warnings when a function that is scheduled to be retired is called.
This can be used to alert the NX Open programmer that modification to
their program is required.

When routines are planned to be removed from the NX Open interface, the
prototype will be moved to uf_retiring.h, along with a description of
what the NX Open programmer should do. A warning can be issued when
any of these routines are called by an NX Open application. This routine
allows the NX Open programmer to set the value of this flag.

This routine overrides the environment variable
UGII_USING_RETIRING_FUNCTIONS which can be set by the user to get
the same warnings. This routine is meant to be used when the programmer
wants to force a particular value for a program.

Internal and External

Released in V16.0
Required License(s)

int UF_set_retiring_flag
int value
intvalueInput0 = Don't warn user at all, this is the default
1 = Output a single message if any function is called
that is planned to be obsoleted
2 = Output a message for each function called that
is planned to be obsoleted. The message will include
the routine name, and the number of times called.


UF_set_variable (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Sets an environment variable to the string specified in value. You must
supply the complete name of variable.

Internal and External

See Also
See the example
Required License(s)

int UF_set_variable
const char * variable,
const char * value
const char *variableInputEnvironment Variable to set in Operating System
const char *valueInputValue or equivalence string for the variable.


UF_sys_exit (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Force NX to shut down immediately. This is a substitute for the standard
c function: exit(0)

Warning: depending on the current state of NX, forcing a shutdown
may produce warnings/errors as NX attempts to close itself.

Internal and External

NX 6.0.1
Required License(s)

void UF_sys_exit


UF_TAG_ask_handle_from_tag (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
This function replaces UF_TAG_ask_handle_of_tag.

Return the persistent HANDLE for an object tag.

Multiple parts can be loaded into NX during a single session, and
the Tag (i.e. Object Identifier) cannot be guaranteed between sessions.
Consequently, "handles" were created to identify objects between sessions.
This handle is persistent between sessions once the object is saved to a part file.
A handle of a new object in this session which is never saved is not guaranteed
to stay the same until the object is saved. Recreating the same object in a new
session may not be the same even if seemingly identical steps were taken to create
the object. This is particularly true across versions of software.

Handles should not be compared directly for checking identity as they contain
version information. Handles should be broken apart using UF_TAG_decompose_handle
and the file_data strings compared and the sub_file_id integers compared but the
version should be ignored.

Operations which change the name of the part will change the handle as well - so
"Save As" will cause handles to change.

This function will return an error when the part data of the handle
contains a character that cannot be represented. For this reason
it is suggested that UF_TEXT_set_text_mode(UF_TEXT_ALL_UTF8) be
set when you are working with handles that may come from parts that have
characters that are outside of your locale (e.g. parts with Japanese
characters on an english system).

The name of handle for object tag. This string must be freed by calling UF_free.

Internal and External

See Also

Originally released in NX 10.0
Required License(s)

int UF_TAG_ask_handle_from_tag
tag_t object_tag,
char * * handle
tag_tobject_tagInputtag of object to query for persistent handle
char * *handleOutput to UF_*free*Output handle for the tag.


UF_TAG_ask_new_tag_of_entity (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Returns the new tag of the object corresponding to the known object
ID in the V9 part. This only works for the Object IDs of the last V9
part loaded into this session.
NOTE: This was renamed from UF_ask_new_tag_of_entity()

New tag

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

tag_t UF_TAG_ask_new_tag_of_entity
tag_t v9_eid
tag_tv9_eidInputKnown Object ID (EID) of V9 part


UF_TAG_ask_tag_of_handle (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Return the object tag of a persistent HANDLE.

Returns object tag of object handle

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

tag_t UF_TAG_ask_tag_of_handle
char * object_handle
char *object_handleInputName of persistent handle


UF_TAG_compose_handle (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Given the constituent parts of data manager, filename, subfile id and
version, this function returns the resulting handle.

Internal and External
Required License(s)

int UF_TAG_compose_handle
const char * file_data,
unsigned int sub_file_id,
unsigned int version,
char * * handle
const char *file_dataInputData about the file. This string would come
from a call to UF_TAG_decompose_handle.
unsigned intsub_file_idInputsub_file identifier. The sub_file is
an internal file in the part file database.
unsigned intversionInputVersion of part
char * *handleOutput to UF_*free*String containing the composed handle


UF_TAG_decompose_handle (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Given the handle, the constituent parts of data manager, filename, subfile
id and version are returned.

Note this function will return an error if you have UF_TEXT_set_text_mode()
set to locale and the file that the data is coming from has characters
outside of your locale. It is suggested that you set your text mode to
UF_TEXT_ALL_UTF8 when you are working with handles.

Internal and External

See Also
Required License(s)

int UF_TAG_decompose_handle
char * handle,
char * * file_data,
unsigned int * sub_file_id,
unsigned int * version
char *handleInputHandle to decompose
char * *file_dataOutput to UF_*free*Data about the file. This can be used by
UF_TAG_compose_handle. This argument
must be freed by calling UF_free.
unsigned int *sub_file_idOutputSub-file identifier for handle. The
sub_file is an internal file in the part
file database.
unsigned int *versionOutputVersion of part in which handle is located.


UF_TAG_register_event_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Register a new tag event callback. All callbacks are called on all tags
for all events. This returns an identifier for the callback which is
used to allow it removal.

Please note the following items:
. The routines registered can not call any other Open C routines
In particular, the tag cannot be queried or edited in any way.
. The implementation of any routine so registered must be very
efficient as it is called many times.
. Recall that tags get reused. This means that the order of events is
important so the event is interpreted with respect to the right
"incarnation" of the tag.

Internal and External

See Also

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_TAG_register_event_cb
UF_TAG_event_fn_t callback,
void * closure,
int * callback_id
UF_TAG_event_fn_tcallbackInputCallback function
void *closureInputPointer passed to callback on
each call
int *callback_idOutputIdentifier for callback


UF_TAG_unregister_event_cb (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Unregister a previously registered callback.

Internal and External

See Also

This function was originally released in V15.0.
Required License(s)

int UF_TAG_unregister_event_cb
int callback_id
intcallback_idInput- identifier of callback


UF_terminate (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Terminates the Open C API environment and deallocates a
Open C API execute license. If UF_terminate is not called, the
Open C API execute license may not be freed. Once UF_terminate
is called in an external Open C API program, the program will
exit. You will not be able to call UF_initialize again and continue

Calling this method will release all licenses in the default context.

Once UF_terminate has completed in an external program, you can no
longer write to the console window. It must be reinitialized with system

Internal and External

See Also
Refer to the UGII_UGOPEN_SESSION variable
Required License(s)

int UF_terminate


UF_translate_variable (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Translates environment variables to their equivalence strings. You
must supply the complete name of the variable argument. The pointer passed
back points to an operating system string. This string must not be changed.

Internal and External

See Also
See the example
Required License(s)

int UF_translate_variable
const char * variable,
char * * translation
const char *variableInputEnvironment Variable to Translate
char * *translationOutputTranslated variable name or NULL if nonexistent.


UF_unload_library (view source)
Defined in: uf.h
Unloads the shared library specified by library_name. UF_unload_library
unloads the library unconditionally, effectively invalidating all function
pointers previously set by calls to UF_load_library for the specified

Internal and External

See Also
The two UF_load_library example one and
example two use UF_unload_library.
Required License(s)

int UF_unload_library
char * library_name
char *library_nameInputName of shared library to unload.


ufusr (view source)
Defined in: uf_ugopenint.h
Internal Open API Entry Point.

You use ufusr as a main function entry point for all Internal Open API
programs. The ufusr function may also be used for user exits.

For internal programs written in C, a third argument needs to be
passed into the "ufusr" function. This third variable is the length of the
character array param.



See Also
See the discussion on user exits in uf_exit.h
Refer to the example of an internal program.

void ufusr
char * param,
int * retcod,
int param_len
char *paramInputIf this function is called from menuscript,
this argument will contain the name of the menu
button selected. Otherwise this argument is unused.
int *retcodOutputReturn Code. Not used by Internal
Open API.
intparam_lenInputLength of 'param' Argument.
NX handles this input for you.


ufusr_ask_unload (view source)
Defined in: uf_ugopenint.h
User supplied routine to specify how an Internal Open API shared image
is handled upon exit. This function gives you the capability to unload an
internal Open API or user exit from NX. You can
specify any one of the three constants as a return value to
determine the type of unload to perform: immediately after Open
API execution, via an unload selection dialog, or when NX

If you choose UF_UNLOAD_SEL_DIALOG, then you have the option to unload
your image by selecting File--Utilities--Unload Shared Image.

Please note the following restrictions:
A program which uses UF_UI_append_menubar_menu should not
use the option to unload an Open API image. Additionally, if
your code which defines UF_UI_append_menubar_menu itself
loads a shared library, this code should not attempt to unload the
library. NX always makes a strong attempt to prevent
unloading a library which was coded by using UF_UI_append_menubar_menu.

A shared library that contains registered functions, such as any of
the User Defined Object registration methods, should not be
unloaded. NX must keep the library loaded to access the
address of the registered function.

Unload immediately and Unload via dialog should not be used if the
program has registered any sort of callbacks.

Additionally, you have the option of coding the cleanup routine
ufusr_cleanup to perform any house keeping chores that may need
to be performed. If you code the cleanup routine it is automatically
called by NX.

UF_UNLOAD_IMMEDIATELY - unload immediately after Open API executes
UF_UNLOAD_SEL_DIALOG - via an unload selection dialog
UF_UNLOAD_UG_TERMINATE - when NX terminates


See Also
See the example

int ufusr_ask_unload


ufusr_cleanup (view source)
Defined in: uf_ugopenint.h
User supplied routine to clean up before the user function program is

NX calls this entry point if it is defined in your source code.
The entry point is called immediately before a shared library is
unloaded and allows you to perform any cleanup tasks that must be
performed within NX. For example, if your internal program
opened up a database program you could use the call to
ufusr_cleanup as an opportunity to close any open database files
before the image is unloaded.

NOTE: You use ufusr_cleanup in conjunction with ufusr_ask_unload.
If you code ufusr_cleanup without defining ufusr_ask_unload, then
the ufusr_cleanup entry point is ignored.



See Also
See the example

void ufusr_cleanup