

Refer to UF_WELD_ask_spot_face_data for documentation.

Signature: AskSpotFaceData(spotFeatureSet)

Parameters:spotFeatureSet (Tag) – tag of the spot feature set
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (numSets,spotCount,spotInfo)

numSets(int): number of sets of faces in the spot weld

spotCount(int): number of spots in the feature set

spotInfo(list of ``NXOpen.UF.Weld.SpotInfo` Refer to UF_WELD_spot_info_s for documentation.`): pointer to the data structure which contains the spot weld information ( see uf_weld_types.h ) for the given feature set tag. Use UF_WELD_free_spot_data to free this pointer.

License requirements: None