

Refer to UF_WAVE_create_linked_route_segment for documentation.

Signature: CreateLinkedRouteSegment(segment, xform, objectInPart)

  • segment (Tag) – The segment which is the source geometry of the new linked segment.
  • xform (Tag) – The transform which determines the position of the linked object relative to its source geometry. Must be NULL_TAG (apply no transformation) or an assy_ctxt_xform in the same part as object_in_part whose to_part_occ contains curve.
  • objectInPart (Tag) – Determines the part within which the new linked segment copy is made.

A Tuple

Return type:

A tuple consisting of (linkedCurveFeature,linkedSegment)

linkedCurveFeature(Tag): The tag of the LINKED_CURVE feature which the linked segment follows.

linkedSegment(Tag): The tag of the segment that follows the LINKED_CURVE

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