

Refer to UF_WAVE_ask_link_mirror_data for documentation.

Signature: AskLinkMirrorData(linkedFeature, allowLoad)

  • linkedFeature (Tag) – The linked mirror feature whose source geometry and xforms are wanted.
  • allowLoad (bool) – True if the source geometry’s part can be loaded, false otherwise.

A Tuple

Return type:

A tuple consisting of (sourceBody,bodyXform,datumPlane,datumXform)

sourceBody(Tag): The body which is the source geometry of the linked mirror body feature.

bodyXform(Tag): The transform which determines the position of the linked feature relative to its source body.

datumPlane(Tag): The datum plane which provides the plane of reflection of the linked mirror body feature.

datumXform(Tag): The transform which determines the position of the plane of reflection of the linked feature relative to its source datum plane.

License requirements: None