

Refer to UF_SMD_ask_bend_line_data for documentation.

Signature: AskBendLineData(bendLine)

Parameters:bendLine (Tag) – Object ID of a bend line (curve).
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (bendFormula,angle,insideRadius,thickness,bendAllowance,materialSide)

bendFormula(str): Pointer to a character string defining the Bend Allowance Formula. This must be freed by calling UF_free.

angle(float): Bend angle (in Radians).

insideRadius(float): Radius of the bend area.

thickness(float): Thickness of the material

bendAllowance(float): The dimensional amount added to the part through elongation during the bending process derived from the bend allowance formula.

materialSide(int): Indicator of the material side for the bend line. 0 = Inside 1 = Outside

License requirements: None