

Refer to UF_SKET_ask_preferences for documentation.

Signature: AskPreferences(sketchTag)

Parameters:sketchTag (Tag) – Tag of input sketch; May be set toNULL_TAG if there is not a particular sketch which the user wants to query.
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (snapAngle,namePrefix,vertexPrefix,linePrefix,arcPrefix,conicPrefix,splinePrefix,charSize,decPlaces,dimLabel)

snapAngle(float): Snap angle preference

namePrefix(list of str): Prefix for new sketch names

vertexPrefix(list of str): Prefix for vertex names

linePrefix(list of str): Prefix for line names

arcPrefix(list of str): Prefix for arc names

conicPrefix(list of str): Prefix for conic names

splinePrefix(list of str): Prefix for spline names

charSize(float): Character size is no longer a sketch preference. This parameter will always return the global annotation preferences- dimension character size

decPlaces(int): Decimal places are no longer a sketch preference. This parameter will always return the global annotation preferences- dimension decimal places

dimLabel(int): Dimension Label:1 = value 2 = expression 3 = name

License requirements: None