

Refer to UF_SF_ask_language for documentation.

Signature: AskLanguage(languageTag)

Parameters:languageTag (Tag) – Tag of the desired language or NULL_TAG. When NULL_TAG, finds the properties of current language. If there is no current language, returns “” as language name.
Returns:A Tuple
Return type:A tuple consisting of (languageName,version,analysisType,problemAbstraction,linearity,timeDependency,solverName)

languageName(list of str): pointer to string which will contain the found name or “”. pe that this is not dynamic space. A string at least UF_SF_LANG_MAX_NAME_BUFSIZE long is to be passed in.

version(int): The version of the language. If input == NULL, then no output is desired or returned.

analysisType(`NXOpen.UF.Sf.LangAnalysisType Refer to UF_SF_LANG_analysis_type_e for documentation.`): The type of analysis this language represents. If input == NULL, then no output is desired or returned.

problemAbstraction(`NXOpen.UF.Sf.LangProblemAbstract Refer to UF_SF_LANG_problem_abstract_e for documentation.`): The problem abstraction this language represents. If input == NULL, then no output is desired or returned.

linearity(`NXOpen.UF.Sf.LangLinearity Refer to UF_SF_LANG_linearity_e for documentation.`): Linear or non-linear. If input == NULL, then no output is desired or returned.

timeDependency(`NXOpen.UF.Sf.LangTimeDepend Refer to UF_SF_LANG_time_depend_e for documentation.`): Steady-state or transient. If input == NULL, then no output is desired or returned.

solverName(str): The name of the solver to use. If input == NULL, then no output is desired or returned. If a NULL is not passed in for the solver_name, then the returned value must be freed by calling UF_free.

License requirements: None